Unexpected Blessings

Normally I am really focused on writing, crocheting, and my day job.  I’ve not been soliciting for editing or freelance work.  This summer I’ve been working really hard to get my books noticed more and to draw in more readers. 

While the insanity of creating a new cover, updating my website, working on my blurbs and so on… new opportunities presented themselves.  I thought about turning down an editing job but bills… they exist and I’m not independently wealthy.  After the editing job, some freelance work came up. 

Digging in, juggling lots of different projects, I signed up for the freelance work too.  This means the last week or so has been stupidly busy and will probably be for the next week (roughly). 

The nice thing – the money and the work.  I love the editing I’m doing.  It reminds me of how important it is and keeps me on my toes for my own writing.  The freelance stuff I’m doing is complex and exhausting but at the same time I like the demand and the stretch it makes me do. 

Long story short, I’m hoping by the time I’m done with both, I’ll be able to pay for the new pantry we are having built and pay off a couple medical bills. 

The new pantry is a necessity for my sanity.  Our kitchen is small but my people like kitchen stuff.  My daughter loves to bake and cook.  Currently we have little storage which means our counters and table are constantly cluttered.  But with the bigger pantry (going from 6″ to 20″ shelves) we will have room for the gadgets to get off the counter and still be accessible without being shoved in the hall closet, living room cabinet, or basement. 

This last week I’ve felt stressed and overwhelmed but at the same time I’m working towards a goal.  The freelance is limited in time and will go so that will ease my work load.  Over the weekend I worked on freelance stuff, editing, and created two patterns which I submitted to the magazine for publication.  (Fingers crossed)

Part of the issue, I want to update covers, blurbs, and do another edit on some of my novels.  In reality it will probably be all of them but it will have to be over time as money is an issue.  I’m butting up against – I want to write and crochet but at the same time I want to take the time to improve the products I have out there.  It’s a lot of work.  It’s a lot of energy.  Of course I want it all done NOW so I need to remind myself it can’t all happen at once.  Prioritize and work on it bit by bit – right?  Yes but in my head my inner voice is saying – get it done NOW!  Apparently I have high expectations of myself. 

I’m grateful for the outside work.  It has come at the right time and in the right way.  I’m appreciative of the added funds so I can get bills paid and things better in my house. 

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