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Defenders of the People A queen, prince, her champion, and the champion’s daughter flee from a killing mob of outraged citizens intent on overthrowing an evil king and all associated with him. They flee into the night to hide from the council who succeeds the king. Years pass as they live in fear and running from the council. The queen sacrifices herself to protect the land by using the last of her magic to stop deadly plagues. The queen’s champion raises her daughter and the prince, protecting them. Exhausted and broken, they fall into the arms of Bear, a smithy in the far north. They discover love and safety among the people of the north. Universal link for all stores
Defenders of the Land The Defenders grows into a group of young adults who protect against any and all evil, including the agents of the council. The council’s magic seekers bring perverted magic to capture and return victims – mostly children and pretty women – to the Chancellor Ravick. Tof with his lieutenants, Bri and Alex, work with the villagers in their province to protect against these agents. They learn as they go. Mistakes are made, lives lost as the group becomes a cohesive unit. Universal link for all stores
Defenders of Magic Tof, Bri and the rest of the Defenders established peace in their province. They’ve taught the people how to stand up for themselves. But the sovereigns sense turmoil in the rest of the land. A large group of riders breaches the safety of Bear’s compound. Steps forward into new provinces brings politics, diplomacy, and new ways of battling the Troopers, Magic Seekers, and Council. Universal link for all stores