A. M. Gilliam

A.M. Gilliam and I got in touch through a mutual acquaintance. She writes steamy romances.

Author Bio

A.M. Gilliam is an American Romance Author. She’s best known for her debut novel “Sweet Serenity” Published by Next-Century Publishing in 2017.

As of, 2020 she will be self-publishing.  Her love for reading romance novels, sparked an interest in writing them. Since the age of 12, she has always loved telling stories and writing them.

She currently resides in Richmond, Virginia with her family. When she’s not writing steamy romance novels, she’s spending time with her daughter, and working at her Event Planning business in her local area.

Tell us about yourself.

Well, my name’s A. M. Gilliam and I am a romance author! I write contemporary romance novels and are currently venturing out to paranormal romance in what I’m working on now. I’m a mother, a writer, an entrepreneur and a full time medical accountant.

When did you know you wanted to be an author?

I knew I wanted to be an author when I was about 12 years old. I loved writing short stories and I adored the feeling of creating something and see it on paper.

What genres do you like to read?  Are these the same genres you write in?

I read romance in any and everyday. Paranormal, erotica, contemporary, Christian etc. When it comes to love I don’t discriminate. And yes that is the genre I currently write.

Is your book for adults, young adults or children?

It’s definitely for adults. Some of my novels are boarder line erotica. LOL.

What is your current release or project?

I just released a novel called “Redemption” and it was released March 16th. Right now I’m currently working on a paranormal series. The first volume is set to be released in August 2020. Volume I will have the first 2 books in it.  The cover reveal is set for May 2020.

Tell us about the key characters

My new release “Redemption” is about second chances and loving someone through mental illness. Crystal is a mother, and a career woman who suffers from a mental illnesses. She reconnects with Zane who she dumped, after a long time, and her past catches up to her and she either has to learn from the past or repeat its history.

What is your blurb or synopsis of the book?

When Crystal met Zane five years ago, sparks flew instantly. She knew he was the one for her. Zane was everything she wanted in a man, and in a father for her daughter. But internal turmoil caused Crystal to pack up everything, including her daughter, and leave Zane and Virginia behind.

Five years later, a chance encounter causing old wound to re-open and past hurt to resurface between both. Zane’s livid and demanding answers. But will answers just be enough? When lies, obstacles and a little family drama turns their journey into a trying one, can their love smooth things over? Can Crystal learn to let go of the past, and find her Redemption? Can Zane love Crystal through her pain?

Share an excerpt

It’s him! Zane McGowan. Sitting in the front fucking row of my very important conference. My body goes rigid and my heart slams into the pit of my stomach. If I wasn’t standing in front of two hundred people right now, I would swear that this was a dream. His tall, muscular frame would be hard to miss. I stare at him completely ignoring the fact that everyone’s eyes are on me.

My God! He’s still gorgeous. Even after five years. His milky chocolate skin is as smooth and flawless as I remember. His tailored grey suit makes him look even more appealing. Big brown eyes stare back at me. But I can’t notice any shock as I gaze into them. As if he knew I’d be here. My heartbeat picks up its pace and my palms begin to sweat. I can’t believe he still makes me feel so alive.

Looking at him is like looking at everything that I’ve ever screwed up in human form. Immediately, the last eight years of my life replay in my head like flashes of light.

Regret… That’s all I feel as I stare at him. He was the love of my life. Honestly, he still is. But there can never be anything between us again. I ruined him once, I won’t do it again.

 “Ms. Hunt?” The mc calls. I force my eyes to break free from him, then I look over at the mc. He glances towards the audience suggestively while gesturing for me to move closer to the podium. Hoping that I can still salvage this conference, I cleared my throat. Thank you all for coming today. I’m so grateful to be here. We are here to discuss a great environmental breakthrough. We believe that by the end of this conference, you all will have the necessary tools to help us change the environment for the better.

No matter where you live or what your financial circumstances are, you can help save this planet. YOU can be the change.

Do you have a favorite scene?

Yes,  my favorite scene is the hot and spicy one

What advice would you give a beginner?

Don’t give up! Keep pushing! The reward Is greater than the fight

Social Media Links:

Facebook: @officiala.m.gilliam

Twitter: @authoramgilliam


Amazon: www.amazon.com/author/a.m.gilliam

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