
General’s Daughter #6
by Breanna Hayse
Genre: Contemporary Romance
If you’re an AQUAMAN and Neil Gaiman fan, you WILL fall in love with THE GENERALS’ DAUGHTER
Marine Biologist, and USMC special ops officer, Samantha Quimby, is back with brand new adventures, and (as always) a whole lot of trouble! From a family camping trip in the Sierra Nevadas, to investigating a mysterious phenomena in the black depths of the La Jolla trench, the young woman attracts danger like a bee to honey. As if that’s not enough, Sam’s also introduced to the intimacy of both Richard’s love-making and the severity of his discipline. However, neither expect that her instinctive ability to converge with the local cetaceans have an added benefit that can make even the most unpleasant event one Sam longs to repeat as the term,Afterglow,takes on a whole new meaning!
Sam’s not the only one receiving a stern wake-up call from the special man in her life. Teagan, her brother’s girlfriend, is coming face-to-face with the reality that Michael isn’t going to turn a blind eye to her mischief anymore than he does with his sister. Sam’s influence is rubbing off on the quiet girl, and soon Teagan finds herself in more hot water than ever before.
Will Sam ever learn to behave? This question is the ongoing theme with her family and now, her boyfriend, Lt. Richard Lewis is just as involved. The answer-
Probably not.
Finally- in the process of planning a family vacation to Florida, some old, familiar names are brought up on the ‘to visit’ list, including ‘Big Bill’ Johnson (The Game Plan), Dr. Dan Paige and Dorian Graye (The Whip Master, Billion Dollar Daddies and Northern Lights: Lena). Does this mean that the Generals might consider giving in to temptation and have an adventure of their own?
You better believe it!
The Siren
General’s Daughter Book 1
**Only .99 cents or FREE in KU!**
Up a Notch
General’s Daughter Book 2
Caught in a Net
General’s Daughter Book 3
General’s Daughter Book 4
Under Cover
General’s Daughter Book 5
BDSM/AP lifestyler Breanna Hayse strives to give her readers truth and reality of the BDSM/Age-Play/Total Power and Erotic Exchange lifestyle.
Who am I?
I’m a native Californian gone ‘wild’, and had the opportunity to travel the globe and discover the world through the eyes of both a Marine Intelligence specialist and a BDSM lifestyler. I left the service to go into hospice nursing and grief counseling, eventually working as a marriage and family therapist for those involved in alternative lifestyle development. This experience has allowed me to gain unique inspiration for my books and offer realistic plots and relatable characters.
In 2004, my husband, John, and I joined forces to work with both submissives and dominants- teaching, training, listening and loving. Our goal was to take the mystery and fear out of the lifestyle and mentor people in safe, consensual and healthy relationships.
My first book, The Game Plan, was published in 2012 and opened the door to the now-booming world of Age-Play literature. Since that time, I’ve devoted my ‘spare’ time to writing, researching, community involvement, and private and group pro bono counseling in deviant behavior, alternative lifestyle, and addiction recovery.
I was formally ‘dungeon trained’ as a Domme before discovering my submissive side when I joined the service. My scenarios are pulled primarily from either personal experience or observation, including spending time in BDSM clubs as the safety/medical officer. My multi-faceted background allows me to glean from many avenues and give a unique and intelligent literary experience through elements of fantasy and fiction. I also discuss the questions and psychology of the lifestyle in a manner that is fun and informative, and based on ‘the real deal.’
I live with my husband, musician, and fellow-author, John Hayse, and two border collies in southern California. We practice a 24/7 D&S relationship with speckles of AP (and many trips to Build-A-Bear), and happily spend every moment together that we can. My hobbies include my puppies, hiding my vanilla salt-water taffy where John can’t find it, exotic art, collecting inspirational trinkets, and developing my own paddle line. You can also see me as a featured author/instructor in professional conference settings and as a Sexpert for
Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!

Jennie 3

Billion Dollar Daddies: Jennie 3
by Breanna Hayse
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Jennie and her four handsome Daddy Doms have returned
with more laughs, tears, and hot times
as they find ways to occupy themselves on the long, winter nights in Alaska.
The tiny town of Northern Lights is preparing for their fourth annual WIN (Winter Ice Night) campout. Hot cocoa, an igloo building contest, ice-skating, winter games, bonfires, ball gowns, and loads of CANDY are just a glimpse of what the ladies get to look forward to.
Being a Big girl in a poly-household is fun and satisfying, but so exhausting! It’s been a happy challenge for Jennie to adjust to the needs of the men, but well worth the effort. They treat her like a princess when she behaves, and a naughty little girl when she doesn’t, but are always there with love and A LOT of guidance- whether she wants it or not. With WIN around the corner, she’s trying SO hard to be extra good- but mischief has a way of working itself into the picture. Add to that a dose of stubbornness, and it’s recipe for trouble.
Jenn’s not alone.
Her BFF and fellow mischief maker, Lena, introduces her to the greatest delight in the WIN celebration- the girls are allowed to do ANYTHING they want without consequences! Of course, their Daddy Doms are experts with maneuvering around the rules and find ways to ‘show their love’ that even stuns Jennie-the queen of loopholes herself!
So many wonderful things have happened since the four-man team took her in. Who would’ve thought that the day she traveled to the polar regions of Alaska, she’d fall in love with the beautiful winter snows of Denali, learn eskimo bushcraft, and would even be able to hold her own on the ice? She’s happy, loved and desired, and there is nowhere else in the world that she’d rather be.
But she never prepared for what was waiting around the corner that will change the lives of her, and her four wonderful men, forever…
Billion Dollar Daddies: Jennie 2
What can one Little girl and her four handsome Daddy Doms do to keep the fires burning on long, endless nights in a remote Alaskan lodge?
Jennie, and her four-man Recon team, continue their adventures in this action packed (and ever so romantic) sequel that explores their unique poly relationship and the little age-play village of Northern Lights.
After being stalked, and surviving a brutal attack, Jennie discovers that there’s so much more to life than satisfying her unceasing appetite for the men who’ve taken her in and given her their hearts. Her trust unfolds and, with it, a mischievous part of her nature in the form of a Middle. Of course, there’s only one way to handle a naughty Middle- and it’s NOT by giving her caramel apples and peppermint sticks.
Then there’s Slater…
After a rocky start, Slater Foxx, the mysterious fourth member of the team, awakens Jennie’s sassiness by taking her up Mount Denali where he introduces her to his rescued wolf pack and the glorious beauty of the Alaskan wilderness. Before they know it, daylight is gone and the couple has no choice but to bunk in Slater’s amazing little ‘ice-castle.’ The unexpected getaway sparks something neither of them could have prepared for.
That’s only the beginning!
As the holidays approach, the little family of five grow closer than ever, but come face to face with the possibility of being torn apart by an outside source. Jennie, once again, is caught between a rock and a hard place- and has to decide what’s more important-
The truth or continuing to live in her ultimate fantasy?
Billion Dollar Daddies: Jennie
What can one Little girl and her four handsome Daddy-Doms do to keep warm during cold, Alaskan nights in Denali National Park?
Jennifer Hudson lives in a world that has no place for her other than being the ‘reward’ given to her owners’ clients. She’s beautiful, smart, and sexy, but years of pain and fear have left her emotions and desires caged and without a key. She knows that she won’t survive much longer in her present circumstance and needs to decide-
Does she run and risk her life, or remain where she is and never have one?
With the aid of Dorian Graye and the Guardian program, Jennie is placed in emergency care of the four-unit team of Daddy Doms who vow to do whatever is needed to keep her safe, happy and whole- even if it means applying some uncomfortable disciplinary measures. One by one, the brothers-in-arms break down Jennie’s hard exterior and draw out the little girl hiding behind the walls of her heart. She soon discovers that the price of vulnerability is high, and the cost dear.
But is love worth the risk?
Author’s Note:
This Reverse Harem introduces the town of Northern Lights- an age-play community where ‘it takes a village’ (or, at least three daddies) to raise a happy Little submissive.
Billion Dollar Daddies: Lonnie 2
With identical twin Daddy Doms,
Lonnie faces Double the Trouble and Twice the Fun!
After escaping the ghettos of New York City, Lonnie is finally free to live her Happily-Ever-After in beautiful Lake Tahoe with her identical twin Daddy Doms, Max and Mik Tohler. In addition, Dorian and Meredith Graye, and her future mother-in-law step into her life and give her the love of a family that she’s longed for.
Princess rooms, tea parties, and a surprise trip to a very special house at Mt. Shasta encouraged the emergence of her ‘Tween’ and all the sass, trouble, adventure, laughter, and attitude that comes with the title. Spurred on by her Daddy Doms, Lonnie explores the wants and needs of her long-neglected inner child; but when she slips into her ‘adult’ mode, her womanly desires are awakened. Her innocence and vulnerability are tested when the twins plan a surprise that takes her to ‘The Lair’ in San Francisco and the unique BDSM playroom. There her eyes are opened to another level of sensuality, trust, and love. She also faces a fear she can’t ignore and an object of past abuse. Can she summon the courage to face a terror of long-ago and clear the path for future joy, or will she do what comes naturally and run?
Max and Mik are as opposite as they are the same. One is creative and spontaneous while the other is controlling and disciplined, yet through the woman they share, the twins’ strengths and weakness blend together. They soon discover Lonnie’s presence brings out the fun-loving banter and play that a past betrayal stripped from their lives. She turns their world upside down and, with that, they learn the freedom of creative control—when it comes to both discipline and the bedroom!
Together, Max and Mik give Lonnie what she needs the most. She is spoiled and disciplined, and her life is filled with more love and care that she knows how to handle. Yet, an obstacle seems to be waiting at every turn, and she starts to question her decisions. After all the turmoil, jealousy, insecurities, and fears are exposed, the choice to make the relationship a permanent commitment has to be made. The last thing she wants is to hurt the men that saved her life and offered a second chance at happiness, especially before the holidays, but she’s learned the hard way that everything good comes with a hefty, and usually painful, price.
Publisher’s Note:
This book, the characters, court scenes, etc is FICTION. Please sit back and enjoy a story for what it is– Entertainment and fun!
Billion Dollar Daddies: Lonnie
Graye Manor is known throughout the BDSM community for producing the best trained, specialty submissives in the world, and caters to matching these ladies with the perfect partner to guarantee a Happily-Ever-After. But what happens to those girls who aren’t accepted into the program, especially those naturally pulled toward an age-play dynamic? They are matched with Billionaire Daddy Doms… and rarely just one…
Lonnie Stuart is facing a prison sentence for felony shoplifting. Instead of entering the courtroom, she’s summoned into the judge’s chambers. There she meets Maxwell Tohler who offers her placement in an experimental reform program designed to give young women a second chance to achieve their greatest goals and live their dreams. She’d be assigned a ‘guardian’ who’d provide for her every need and lavish her with the care she’s always desired. The downside is the requirement to follow the guardian’s rules or risk some unpleasant time across his knee.
Her first inclination to Max’s proposal is to run, except she’s drawn to his handsome face, strong body, and the ‘thing’ in his voice that makes her feel small, vulnerable, and safe. Not only does he stir a heart that yearns love and acceptance, but her body as well. So, when Max rejects her request to be her guardian, she’s crushed.
Max, the case-worker for the Guardian Program, is sent by his old friend Dorian to evaluate and match one of the denied applicants for Manor submissive training. Taking the bench in the Hampton’s as a favor for the regular judge, Max ends up face to face with the girl he was sent to meet! She was everything he ever wanted in a woman and more-smart, beautiful, sweet and a little broken. Refusing her request to belong to him is one of the hardest things he’d even done, but the program was to help the women, not himself.
Little does he know, but their meeting is one of Dorian Graye’s grand schemes to match the perfect girl with her perfect Daddy Dom!
To her delight, Lonnie’s unexpected assignment to the stern alpha male begins a journey of personal growth and sexual exploration. Max takes her from New York to his stunning home on the edge of Lake Tahoe. She’s in for a second surprise when she meets Mik, Max’s identical twin. For the first time in her life, she is confident that genuine love would be hers in the embrace of the two Daddy Doms!
Her action-filled fairytale ending falters when her vicious aunt starts to stir up trouble by trying to gain control of Lonnie’s considerable trust fund. The cross-country investigation and legal conflicts bring up some ugly secrets and deception, causing a rift that might easily destroy Lonnie’s dreams of a HEA and tear the twin brothers apart forever.
Facing the most difficult decision of her life, Lonnie turns to an unexpected resource for advice. Should she chose one of the men for herself or save the brothers’ relationship by walking away with a broken heart?
Note: This new series is brought to you by the author who started the Age-Play phenomena, Breanna Hayse. As a BDSM/AP lifestyler, she ensured that the reader enjoys the dynamic in the way it exists in real life. If you haven’t read realistic AP literature, or believe it’s not your cup of tea, give this book a try. You might be surprised at what you find inside this full-length novel!
BDSM/AP lifestyler Breanna Hayse strives to give her readers truth and reality of the BDSM/Age-Play/Total Power and Erotic Exchange lifestyle.
Who am I?
I’m a native Californian gone ‘wild’, and had the opportunity to travel the globe and discover the world through the eyes of both a Marine Intelligence specialist and a BDSM lifestyler. I left the service to go into hospice nursing and grief counseling, eventually working as a marriage and family therapist for those involved in alternative lifestyle development. This experience has allowed me to gain unique inspiration for my books and offer realistic plots and relatable characters.
In 2004, my husband, John, and I joined forces to work with both submissives and dominants- teaching, training, listening and loving. Our goal was to take the mystery and fear out of the lifestyle and mentor people in safe, consensual and healthy relationships.
My first book, The Game Plan, was published in 2012 and opened the door to the now-booming world of Age-Play literature. Since that time, I’ve devoted my ‘spare’ time to writing, researching, community involvement, and private and group pro bono counseling in deviant behavior, alternative lifestyle, and addiction recovery.
I was formally ‘dungeon trained’ as a Domme before discovering my submissive side when I joined the service. My scenarios are pulled primarily from either personal experience or observation, including spending time in BDSM clubs as the safety/medical officer. My multi-faceted background allows me to glean from many avenues and give a unique and intelligent literary experience through elements of fantasy and fiction. I also discuss the questions and psychology of the lifestyle in a manner that is fun and informative, and based on ‘the real deal.’
I live with my husband, musician, and fellow-author, John Hayse, and two border collies in southern California. We practice a 24/7 D&S relationship with speckles of AP (and many trips to Build-A-Bear), and happily spend every moment together that we can. My hobbies include my puppies, hiding my vanilla salt-water taffy where John can’t find it, exotic art, collecting inspirational trinkets, and developing my own paddle line. You can also see me as a featured author/instructor in professional conference settings and as a Sexpert for
Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!

The Maids of Graye

The Whip Master
The Maids of Graye Book 1
by Breanna Hayse
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Your pleasure is his passion
Your pain is his pleasure
Come visit Graye Manor where Love Rules and Discipline Reigns Supreme
Dorian Graye is a master of the Florentine long-tail whip, and has made an art form of throwing the braided snakes to paint a human canvas. Like his Oscar Wilde namesake, he plays hard, but he loves even harder. Under a slightly sadistic exterior is a man whose greatest desire is for each of his precious submissives to find true love and ultimate happiness. He allows nothing to stand in their way, and is willing to sacrifice anything to grant them their heart’s desire… even if the journey to that desire means suffering as the door to previously unspoken taboos are opened and explored.
The time of the annual Festival has arrived and Graye Manor is bustling with a frenzy of activity. Its rolling, manicured grounds echo with the sharp sounds of a whip striking human flesh, and shrill cries filled with both pain and pleasure follow, bringing excited smiles and eager anticipation to the faces and hearts of the listeners. It’s the time of the Cirque de Sade Festival, bringing with it the final magnificent display of skills, beauty, and selfless service that will end at the auction block.
Things happen in the Manor – things that the real world would never embrace… Select applicants, known as Graye’s Maids, are trained in the classic skills of a domestic; with one major difference. Each girl is there because she’s drawn to the darker side of service and flourishes under the command of a hard palm upon a bare backside – or even, in more hardcore cases, the slash of a whip. It is here that anything is possible, and everything is probable.
Mastering Annie
The Maids of Graye Book 2
#1 Multi-Genre Best-Selling Author Breanna Hayse brings you the rerelease of the super sexy, provocative and exciting sequel to The Whip Master! Here we discovered what happens to Dorian and Merry’s beloved maid Fifty, whom the world will know as Annie when she leaves Graye Manor. This story contains BDSM, explicit erotic scenes, edge play and, of course, spanking and is on sale for a short time only so grab her while she is hot!
Achieving the dream of a ‘happily ever after’ for Annie Graye starts with a handsome Texan, a new contract, and the delicious pain of a hand- crafted leather belt against her bare backside. And so her coming of age from a slave in training to a contracted Graye Maid begins.
For Greg Carmichael, it’s neither Annie’s ‘specialized’ domestic skills, nor the terms of her contract for which he purchased her. He seeks a submissive to call his own, not because of a piece of paper, but to be his to master; in heart, mind and soul. But he has a dark side, one that goes beyond the limits of acceptable society, and he knows that these limits are ones that Annie has refused to indulge.
Albeit an unorthodox way to begin a relationship, the specially trained ‘Graye Maid’ departs the comfort and safety of Graye Manor and begins her one year term of service with her new owner. She discovers not just a different side of the BDSM lifestyle, but that people exist in the ‘real world’ who are able to accept her as she is. Included among them is Greg’s beloved younger sister, Melanie, who longs to experience the life of a submissive but has hidden her desires in the dangerous shadows of a local BDSM club.
As her feelings for Greg deepen, Annie strives to please and be of service to him, but secretly fears she cannot be everything he wants. As time goes on, she questions her ability to trust and surrender to his dark passions, and she is forced to face the fact that her dreams of the ‘happily ever after’ she has always longed for might end before their contracted year is up.
Is Annie’s desire to serve enough to conquer her fears and become the type of submissive that Greg needs, or will she be forced to make a choice between the man she is falling in love with, and the hard boundaries that she refuses to ignore?
BDSM/AP lifestyler Breanna Hayse strives to give her readers truth and reality of the BDSM/Age-Play/Total Power and Erotic Exchange lifestyle.
Who am I?
I’m a native Californian gone ‘wild’, and had the opportunity to travel the globe and discover the world through the eyes of both a Marine Intelligence specialist and a BDSM lifestyler. I left the service to go into hospice nursing and grief counseling, eventually working as a marriage and family therapist for those involved in alternative lifestyle development. This experience has allowed me to gain unique inspiration for my books and offer realistic plots and relatable characters.
In 2004, my husband, John, and I joined forces to work with both submissives and dominants- teaching, training, listening and loving. Our goal was to take the mystery and fear out of the lifestyle and mentor people in safe, consensual and healthy relationships.
My first book, The Game Plan, was published in 2012 and opened the door to the now-booming world of Age-Play literature. Since that time, I’ve devoted my ‘spare’ time to writing, researching, community involvement, and private and group pro bono counseling in deviant behavior, alternative lifestyle, and addiction recovery.
I was formally ‘dungeon trained’ as a Domme before discovering my submissive side when I joined the service. My scenarios are pulled primarily from either personal experience or observation, including spending time in BDSM clubs as the safety/medical officer. My multi-faceted background allows me to glean from many avenues and give a unique and intelligent literary experience through elements of fantasy and fiction. I also discuss the questions and psychology of the lifestyle in a manner that is fun and informative, and based on ‘the real deal.’
I live with my husband, musician, and fellow-author, John Hayse, and two border collies in southern California. We practice a 24/7 D&S relationship with speckles of AP (and many trips to Build-A-Bear), and happily spend every moment together that we can. My hobbies include my puppies, hiding my vanilla salt-water taffy where John can’t find it, exotic art, collecting inspirational trinkets, and developing my own paddle line. You can also see me as a featured author/instructor in professional conference settings and as a Sexpert for
Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!

General’s Daughter Series

The Siren
General’s Daughter Book 1
by Breanna Hayse
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Lt. Samantha Quimby, USMC is a beautiful, brilliant and very unique young woman. Not only does she have the privilege of being the youngest known Special Ops officer in the Corps, but an unfortunate accident during a dive in the Marinas Trench leaves her permanently amphibious! Her new found ocean freedom, combined with her unique ability with ocean mammals and an overtly defiant and somewhat reckless nature, wreaks havoc on her very loving, but very strict family. Her father and uncle, both USMC Generals., and her older brother, Michael, are in constant pursuit of trying to keep her safe from herself and her own curiosity and often thoughtless actions. In desperation, the three resort to old-fashioned military discipline.
Sam is appalled, but it does not take long for her to discover that love can be expressed in a firm and consistent manner upon her little bottom. Love, laughter, duty, and obedience frames the young woman’s life and, despite a constant sore backside, she couldn’t be happier.
Publisher’s Note:
This is the first of a six book progressive series from coming of age in a DD household to discovering romance and advancing into maturity and exploring BDSM. The rerelease of the Generals’ Daughter series contains new elements and the growth and maturing of the characters not seen in the original version. This larger volume of the ‘story’ line is the same, but the characters and their lives have whole new meaning and much more interaction. Even Ton is more opinionated than before! If you liked the original version, you will LOVE this one!
Up a Notch
General’s Daughter Book 2
The General’s Daughter is back, and she’s at it again! True to her nature, Samantha Quimby finds a way to wreak havoc on the California coastline clear up to Alaska where she defies nature itself. This time, her entire family decides to bring things “Up A Notch” to try to get her to understand that she is not only loved and cared for, but that she is her own worst enemy.
This sequel to The Siren, Generals’ Daughter Book 1, finds Sam in more precarious situations than even she can imagine as she comes of age and discovers her own power as a beautiful and intelligent young woman.
Her father, uncle and brother…. along with some outside help… plan on getting their points across to her in one way or another. Of course, Sammi’s stubbornness can only be broken through in one embarrassing way… old fashioned discipline.
Does this stop her from pulling endless pranks on her brother, or risking her own safety in the ‘name of science?’ But she certainly has fun trying… UNTIL she’s busted!
Caught in a Net
General’s Daughter Book 3
Sam’s at it again! USMC lieutenant, Samantha Quimby, is beautiful, brilliant and ‘an independent thinker’ whose biggest delight is challenging the strict rules and regulations set by her commanding general father and uncle. Even more enjoyable is when she can slip past her big brother Michael’s watchful eye and follow her own path. As intelligent as she is, Sam’s need to pursue her own interests without considering the consequences subjects her frustrated family to trying every avenue of discipline they can think of. They conclude that nothing grabs the girl’s attention like attending to some old fashioned military discipline and an awful lot of love. But keeping her attention is another issue….
Her unique abilities and physical alterations after a life-threatening accident have also led her to ‘translate’ the cetacean code, which the image of being ‘caught in a net’ simply means… Trouble! After she and Michael complete a particularly dangerous Special Ops mission, Sam faces the most difficult challenge yet.
Lt.Richard Lewis, a handsome engineer who seems to display the best characteristics of the men in her beloved family… And the worse! It doesn’t take long for Sam to discover that the serious minded young man is determined to keep her safe, and that he won’t hesitate to impart his firm beliefs directly to her rebellious bare bottom!
Instead of coming to her rescue, he family approves highly of the new addition to the crew and the methods he uses to ensure good behavior from their naughty, little Siren. As if it’s not tough enough for Sam, even her best friend and constant ocean companion, the killer whale- Ton- is now requesting that Richard joins the family in ‘biting her tail flukes!’
Poor Sammi just can’t get a break… not even when she discovers her power as a beautiful, young woman and how to use it to get her way with Richard. Little does she know, but her new boyfriend is both willing, and able, to turn the tide and catch his lovely little mermaid in a net of his own design.
General’s Daughter Book 4
Poor Sam! Not only does the brilliant, young lieutenant constantly find trouble every time she turns the corner, but now she faces a dilemma that leaves her in a quandary.
She’s face to face with a hot, dominant man who wants nothing more than to teach her what it feels like to be a woman, but he insists on honoring her family’s request to wait!
When Sam discovers she can ‘converge’ with Richard much in the way she integrates with the cetaceans- and that she can insert a few ‘suggestions’ into the young man’s mind- she can’t help but experiment.
The result? Just say there aren’t enough cold showers in the world to stop the affects associated with her new-found power, nor are there pillows soft enough to make sitting more comfortable for Sam each time she’s busted!
Meanwhile, Michael’s romance with Teagan is quickly blossoming. He thinks she might even be the one- particularly when she admits to desiring a D&S relationship. Despite Sam’s warnings that fantasy is always better than reality, Teagan begins to test her boundaries with her strong alpha male boyfriend, and finds herself in a position that is NOT what she expected.
Under Cover
General’s Daughter Book 5
What’s Sam up to this time?
For once, believe it or not, the trouble she’s getting into isn’t her fault!
After losing her temper and physically flattening a jerk on base for sexual misconduct, USMC Lt. Samantha Quimby is approached by the lovely Col. Joyce Howe under the pretense of an SJA inquiry. Instead of punishment, Sam’s ordered on a secret assignment to investigate a dangerous situation in a local high school where several military dependents attend. No problem, right? WRONG.
Except for her father and uncle, everyone believes she’s placed on administrative leave and is allegedly sent ‘back to school’ to learn how to socialize with people closer to her age. It wouldn’t be so bad if her folks were home to fish her out of trouble, but they’re called cross-country to a mandatory meeting. That means her brother, Michael, and her boyfriend, Richard, are left in charge.
Behaving like a high schooler is not in her blood- nor can she keep her mouth shut in class. From rolling her eyes in Calculus to reading Tolstoy in Russian, the girl keeps paving her way for more trouble when the frustrated principal calls Michael to pick her up. Now, the boys can deal with Sam’s saucy attitude, but they can’t overlook her sneaking out of the house, stealing her uncle’s Hummer, or lying to them. Yep, she’s busted- but she’s under orders NOT to tell anyone about her mission!
If all this isn’t enough to contend with, Sam’s relationship with Richard has reached the place where neither of them can’t deny their need for one another. Promise, or no promise, Richard’s determined to make Sam his- and she’s not about to stop him!
BDSM/AP lifestyler Breanna Hayse strives to give her readers truth and reality of the BDSM/Age-Play/Total Power and Erotic Exchange lifestyle.
Who am I?
I’m a native Californian gone ‘wild’, and had the opportunity to travel the globe and discover the world through the eyes of both a Marine Intelligence specialist and a BDSM lifestyler. I left the service to go into hospice nursing and grief counseling, eventually working as a marriage and family therapist for those involved in alternative lifestyle development. This experience has allowed me to gain unique inspiration for my books and offer realistic plots and relatable characters.
In 2004, my husband, John, and I joined forces to work with both submissives and dominants- teaching, training, listening and loving. Our goal was to take the mystery and fear out of the lifestyle and mentor people in safe, consensual and healthy relationships.
My first book, The Game Plan, was published in 2012 and opened the door to the now-booming world of Age-Play literature. Since that time, I’ve devoted my ‘spare’ time to writing, researching, community involvement, and private and group pro bono counseling in deviant behavior, alternative lifestyle, and addiction recovery.
I was formally ‘dungeon trained’ as a Domme before discovering my submissive side when I joined the service. My scenarios are pulled primarily from either personal experience or observation, including spending time in BDSM clubs as the safety/medical officer. My multi-faceted background allows me to glean from many avenues and give a unique and intelligent literary experience through elements of fantasy and fiction. I also discuss the questions and psychology of the lifestyle in a manner that is fun and informative, and based on ‘the real deal.’
I live with my husband, musician, and fellow-author, John Hayse, and two border collies in southern California. We practice a 24/7 D&S relationship with speckles of AP (and many trips to Build-A-Bear), and happily spend every moment together that we can. My hobbies include my puppies, hiding my vanilla salt-water taffy where John can’t find it, exotic art, collecting inspirational trinkets, and developing my own paddle line. You can also see me as a featured author/instructor in professional conference settings and as a Sexpert for
Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!

Billion Dollar Daddies

Billion Dollar Daddies: Lonnie
by Breanna Hayse
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
Graye Manor is known throughout the BDSM community for producing the best trained, specialty submissives in the world, and caters to matching these ladies with the perfect partner to guarantee a Happily-Ever-After. But what happens to those girls who aren’t accepted into the program, especially those naturally pulled toward an age-play dynamic? They are matched with Billionaire Daddy Doms… and rarely just one…
Lonnie Stuart is facing a prison sentence for felony shoplifting. Instead of entering the courtroom, she’s summoned into the judge’s chambers. There she meets Maxwell Tohler who offers her placement in an experimental reform program designed to give young women a second chance to achieve their greatest goals and live their dreams. She’d be assigned a ‘guardian’ who’d provide for her every need and lavish her with the care she’s always desired. The downside is the requirement to follow the guardian’s rules or risk some unpleasant time across his knee.
Her first inclination to Max’s proposal is to run, except she’s drawn to his handsome face, strong body, and the ‘thing’ in his voice that makes her feel small, vulnerable, and safe. Not only does he stir a heart that yearns love and acceptance, but her body as well. So, when Max rejects her request to be her guardian, she’s crushed.
Max, the case-worker for the Guardian Program, is sent by his old friend Dorian to evaluate and match one of the denied applicants for Manor submissive training. Taking the bench in the Hampton’s as a favor for the regular judge, Max ends up face to face with the girl he was sent to meet! She was everything he ever wanted in a woman and more-smart, beautiful, sweet and a little broken. Refusing her request to belong to him is one of the hardest things he’d even done, but the program was to help the women, not himself.
Little does he know, but their meeting is one of Dorian Graye’s grand schemes to match the perfect girl with her perfect Daddy Dom!
To her delight, Lonnie’s unexpected assignment to the stern alpha male begins a journey of personal growth and sexual exploration. Max takes her from New York to his stunning home on the edge of Lake Tahoe. She’s in for a second surprise when she meets Mik, Max’s identical twin. For the first time in her life, she is confident that genuine love would be hers in the embrace of the two Daddy Doms!
Her action-filled fairytale ending falters when her vicious aunt starts to stir up trouble by trying to gain control of Lonnie’s considerable trust fund. The cross-country investigation and legal conflicts bring up some ugly secrets and deception, causing a rift that might easily destroy Lonnie’s dreams of a HEA and tear the twin brothers apart forever.
Facing the most difficult decision of her life, Lonnie turns to an unexpected resource for advice. Should she chose one of the men for herself or save the brothers’ relationship by walking away with a broken heart?
Note: This new series is brought to you by the author who started the Age-Play phenomena, Breanna Hayse. As a BDSM/AP lifestyler, she ensured that the reader enjoys the dynamic in the way it exists in real life. If you haven’t read realistic AP literature, or believe it’s not your cup of tea, give this book a try. You might be surprised at what you find inside this full-length novel!
Billion Dollar Daddies: Lonnie 2
With identical twin Daddy Doms, Lonnie faces
Double the Trouble and Twice the Fun!
After escaping the ghettos of New York City, Lonnie is finally free to live her Happily-Ever-After in beautiful Lake Tahoe with her identical twin Daddy Doms, Max and Mik Tohler. In addition, Dorian and Meredith Graye, and her future mother-in-law step into her life and give her the love of a family that she’s longed for.
Princess rooms, tea parties, and a surprise trip to a very special house at Mt. Shasta encouraged the emergence of her ‘Tween’ and all the sass, trouble, adventure, laughter, and attitude that comes with the title. Spurred on by her Daddy Doms, Lonnie explores the wants and needs of her long-neglected inner child; but when she slips into her ‘adult’ mode, her womanly desires are awakened. Her innocence and vulnerability are tested when the twins plan a surprise that takes her to ‘The Lair’ in San Francisco and the unique BDSM playroom. There her eyes are opened to another level of sensuality, trust, and love. She also faces a fear she can’t ignore and an object of past abuse. Can she summon the courage to face a terror of long-ago and clear the path for future joy, or will she do what comes naturally and run?
Max and Mik are as opposite as they are the same. One is creative and spontaneous while the other is controlling and disciplined, yet through the woman they share, the twins’ strengths and weakness blend together. They soon discover Lonnie’s presence brings out the fun-loving banter and play that a past betrayal stripped from their lives. She turns their world upside down and, with that, they learn the freedom of creative control—when it comes to both discipline and the bedroom!
Together, Max and Mik give Lonnie what she needs the most. She is spoiled and disciplined, and her life is filled with more love and care that she knows how to handle. Yet, an obstacle seems to be waiting at every turn, and she starts to question her decisions. After all the turmoil, jealousy, insecurities, and fears are exposed, the choice to make the relationship a permanent commitment has to be made. The last thing she wants is to hurt the men that saved her life and offered a second chance at happiness, especially before the holidays, but she’s learned the hard way that everything good comes with a hefty, and usually painful, price.
Publisher’s Note:
This book, the characters, court scenes, etc is FICTION. Please sit back and enjoy a story for what it is– Entertainment and fun!
Billion Dollar Daddies: Jennie
What can one Little girl and her four handsome Daddy-Doms do to keep warm during cold, Alaskan nights in Denali National Park?
Jennifer Hudson lives in a world that has no place for her other than being the ‘reward’ given to her owners’ clients. She’s beautiful, smart, and sexy, but years of pain and fear have left her emotions and desires caged and without a key. She knows that she won’t survive much longer in her present circumstance and needs to decide-
Does she run and risk her life,
or remain where she is and never have one?
With the aid of Dorian Graye and the Guardian program, Jennie is placed in emergency care of the four-unit team of Daddy Doms who vow to do whatever is needed to keep her safe, happy and whole- even if it means applying some uncomfortable disciplinary measures. One by one, the brothers-in-arms break down Jennie’s hard exterior and draw out the little girl hiding behind the walls of her heart. She soon discovers that the price of vulnerability is high, and the cost dear.
But is love worth the risk?
Author’s Note:
This Reverse Harem introduces the town of Northern Lights- an age-play community where ‘it takes a village’ (or, at least three daddies) to raise a happy Little submissive.
Billion Dollar Daddies: Jennie 2
What can one Little girl and her four handsome Daddy Doms do to keep the fires burning on long, endless nights in a remote Alaskan lodge?
Jennie, and her four-man Recon team, continue their adventures in this action packed (and ever so romantic) sequel that explores their unique poly relationship and the little age-play village of Northern Lights.
After being stalked, and surviving a brutal attack, Jennie discovers that there’s so much more to life than satisfying her unceasing appetite for the men who’ve taken her in and given her their hearts. Her trust unfolds and, with it, a mischievous part of her nature in the form of a Middle. Of course, there’s only one way to handle a naughty Middle- and it’s NOT by giving her caramel apples and peppermint sticks.
Then there’s Slater…
After a rocky start, Slater Foxx, the mysterious fourth member of the team, awakens Jennie’s sassiness by taking her up Mount Denali where he introduces her to his rescued wolf pack and the glorious beauty of the Alaskan wilderness. Before they know it, daylight is gone and the couple has no choice but to bunk in Slater’s amazing little ‘ice-castle.’ The unexpected getaway sparks something neither of them could have prepared for.
That’s only the beginning!
As the holidays approach, the little family of five grow closer than ever, but come face to face with the possibility of being torn apart by an outside source. Jennie, once again, is caught between a rock and a hard place- and has to decide what’s more important-
The truth or continuing to live in her ultimate fantasy?
BDSM/AP lifestyler Breanna Hayse strives to give her readers truth and reality of the BDSM/Age-Play/Total Power and Erotic Exchange lifestyle.
Who am I?
I’m a native Californian gone ‘wild’, and had the opportunity to travel the globe and discover the world through the eyes of both a Marine Intelligence specialist and a BDSM lifestyler. I left the service to go into hospice nursing and grief counseling, eventually working as a marriage and family therapist for those involved in alternative lifestyle development. This experience has allowed me to gain unique inspiration for my books and offer realistic plots and relatable characters.
In 2004, my husband, John, and I joined forces to work with both submissives and dominants- teaching, training, listening and loving. Our goal was to take the mystery and fear out of the lifestyle and mentor people in safe, consensual and healthy relationships.
My first book, The Game Plan, was published in 2012 and opened the door to the now-booming world of Age-Play literature. Since that time, I’ve devoted my ‘spare’ time to writing, researching, community involvement, and private and group pro bono counseling in deviant behavior, alternative lifestyle, and addiction recovery.
I was formally ‘dungeon trained’ as a Domme before discovering my submissive side when I joined the service. My scenarios are pulled primarily from either personal experience or observation, including spending time in BDSM clubs as the safety/medical officer. My multi-faceted background allows me to glean from many avenues and give a unique and intelligent literary experience through elements of fantasy and fiction. I also discuss the questions and psychology of the lifestyle in a manner that is fun and informative, and based on ‘the real deal.’
I live with my husband, musician, and fellow-author, John Hayse, and two border collies in southern California. We practice a 24/7 D&S relationship with speckles of AP (and many trips to Build-A-Bear), and happily spend every moment together that we can. My hobbies include my puppies, hiding my vanilla salt-water taffy where John can’t find it, exotic art, collecting inspirational trinkets, and developing my own paddle line. You can also see me as a featured author/instructor in professional conference settings and as a Sexpert for
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