Ken is off to Green Bay for a football game with his sister. She won tickets and invited him. He was thrilled. I am as well. Not because I’m going to a football game – yuck that wouldn’t be any fun for me – but because I will have the house all to myself for several hours.
I’ve had a couple of days of high pain levels thanks to the lovely humid weather. However, I’m going to push that all to the back and work on projects. I came home from work today and tried to take a nap. Sleep still doesn’t like me so that didn’t work.
Projects it is. I realized I copied over my latest version of my poetry book with an earlier version. This means I lost several hours of work. My own fault, I did things in the wrong order. This means I have to go through and reorder the poems, set up sections, copy front and back material and a myriad of other things – AGAIN. (Sometimes I just want to kick myself.)
I’m going to work on that. If I get it all done and can still manage to be on the computer, I will work on the production part of the book.
I’ve been editing the second book in the Defender series I’m working on. I realized I didn’t like where I ended it. The best place to end it is nearly 30,000 words later. This means I’ve got to let go of the idea that I am trying to write the story in a set length. It means the second book will be about 1 1/2 times longer than the first book. Unless I decide to change where the first book ends but I like where the first book ends. It seems appropriate. Once I start questioning, it is not a good sign. The question I have to ask myself is am I questioning because I am feeling under confident in my work or is there a problem with the work.
Poetry book first. Defenders books second. Editing third. This is what my plan is for hiding out.