I took my final. I am officially done with my two classes. I believe I’m getting an A in both classes which is thoroughly shocking. I thought for sure I would only squeak out a B in my linguistics class.
Now it is on to writing. I have one more full day of work and then I’m done for eleven days. I cannot wait until I am done tomorrow. Friday through Sunday will be family time. After that I’ll be working on writing, submission packages, figuring out self-publishing on the kindle for writing. I have three books I want to read while I’m off. Then, of course, I have a few crafting things to do as well. I am going to have to be very focused and diligent to keep on task.
Vicki got a Wii for Christmas. I’ll have to take some down time to play with her. However, I’ll have to make sure it isn’t too big of a distraction, even though it is quite fun.
I got my new netbook. My faculty gave me a wonderful Amazon card for the holidays towards this purchase. I have it so I have to figure it out before I come back to school. I have to check out how my documents on my flash drive will work on it. I also want to see how all the features work out. Cool electronics to play with!!!