Catching Up

We know where mom is going when she’s released, but we aren’t positive when she will be released.  This week she sees the doctor and hopefully she will be done with the antibiotic.  Then it’s up to the nursing home to say how long they need her for therapy to prep her for release.

It’s been a crazy time with a lot of extra tasks – finding paperwork for the Medicaid application, paying her bills, and working with the nursing home for her care.  I got a request for more information for the Medicaid application.  I’m working on gathering that information so I can fax it in.

Thank goodness for my daughters.  When I’ve needed to rant, they’ve listened and not judged.  When I needed a reminder that I can only do what I can do, they’ve let me know.

In amongst all the craziness of the last few months, I’ve managed to finish Defenders of Magic.  It’s available on Amazon and Smashwords.  I’m also working on a few manuscripts to get them ready for publication.  Wayfarer Home will come out next month (hopefully).  After that in the series, I have Wayfarer War and two more.  TJ Jahns did the covers for the Defenders series and I like how they turned out.  This one is the conclusion to the story.  It took seven years but I finally finished the story.

The writing tasks and the crocheting I’ve been doing help keep me balanced.  I need this more than ever now as I’m handling so many other tasks.

Today I’m having a snow day – or more precisely an ice day.  We had rain and then snow.  The roads are bad from what Ken said.  We didn’t get a lot of snow but it’s the ice underneath which causes me problems.  The most hazardous for me is the parking lot.

While I’m off, I’ve checked my work email, personal email, and have done some writing / publishing tasks.  I’m going to make some changes to the paper version of Defenders of Magic (format changes) and then submit it for the third time.  Hopefully this time it will be how I want it.  Once I’m done with that, I’m going to work on my crocheting projects – dishtowels, daisy coasters, dresser scarf.  I’m waiting on thread to arrive.  I might check on the orders to see when they will get here.

I’m hoping to get a lot accomplished today on the writing and crocheting front.  Then when I face the world again tomorrow, I’ll be ready for more of the other stuff – mom’s tasks, work, and so on.  Also I’m hoping the roads and the parking lot at work are in better shape.

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