CJ Warrant

CJ Warrant and I connected on Facebook.  She’s graciously offered that if you see this and join her Facebook groups, just note you came from here and she will enter you in a contest to with a free ebook copy of Sweet Redemption!

Author Bio:

Award Winning Author CJ Warrant can’t exist without coffee, chocolate and a damn story brewing in her head. She was born an overseas Army brat, in a Korean Italian household but settled in the states at the ripe old age of five. With a long career in the beauty industry, a wonderful marriage to a great man and three kids nearly all grown, her view of life is as such. Life is a journey; both good and bad, light and dark, but she takes it all in and learns from every experience life has to offer. She takes those crazy moments, stirs in the dark and brings her passion for words to life. 

1. Tell us about yourself.

Thank you Eileen for having me here.

My name is CJ Warrant and I write romantic suspense and contemporary romance. I live in the Midwest with my husband and three nearly grown kids. I grew up in a Korean Italian household, where kimchi and rice is right next to a bowl of pasta! Love coffee, my family and a good book I can cuddle up with.

2. When did you know you wanted to be an author?

It actually was gradual. As a kid, I always wrote poems and stories, but never really took it seriously until I was older. Funny thing is, about ten years back, my husband found the first manuscript I hand written.  So with his encouragement, I began to pursue a writing career.

3. What genres do you like to read?  Are these the same genres you write in?

I love to read paranormal, erotic and romantic suspense.  And yes, I do also write in those genres.

4. Is your book for adults, young adults or children?

My books are strictly for adults.

5. What is your current release or project?

My latest release is called Sweet Redemption; book two in the Landry Brothers Duet, which is contemporary romance. But I’m currently working on two series, one is a romantic suspense and the other is a paranormal M/M romance.

6. Tell us about the key characters

The key characters in Sweet Redemption is Markus Landry, a no nonsense Chicago Lawyer transplanted to Los Angeles. A party boy outside the courtroom but he finally has enough of that life style. Charlie White is a quirky small town Librarian of Valentine, Oklahoma. She has a knack for languages and likes to swears in French.

7. What is your blurb or synopsis of the book?

Heading to Chicago for his mother’s funeral, Markus Landry is waylaid by a piece of metal piercing his gas tank. Stuck in the small town of Valentine, Oklahoma, he meets a vivacious spitfire librarian, Charlie White, who quickly gets under his skin. Markus wants more than a taste of her sweet lips and asks her to take a trip back to his hometown.

With just over a month left before Charlie has to close down her beloved library, meeting Markus is a welcome distraction from her anguish about what she has to do. Even though she barely knows the man, Charlie takes a chance and lets her attraction for Markus take the lead and hope he doesn’t break her heart.

But seeing the brother he betrayed, Markus doubts he’s worth Charlie’s affection and pushes her away. Their chemistry is undeniable, but love may not be enough when you’re looking for redemption.

8.  Share an excerpt (up to 800 words).

“Charlie.” Mike trudged over and nudged the woman out of the way. “Move.” With a quick twist of his fingers, he opened the hood and locked it in place with a thin metal pole that bowed under the weight. He straightened and looked over the engine.

Charlie. Maybe short for Charlene. JesusWho cares? Turn around and start walking. Yeah, right. Fascination cemented me in place as I watched.

“It’s misfiring again, Mike. I thought you’d fixed it,” she said in a huff. It was cute how her hands planted to her hips and a small frown marred her porcelain face.

“I told you it’s time to get rid of this hunk of junk. You need something safer, Charlie. Your grandmother is probably turning over in her grave knowing you’re still driving this piece of shit.” Mike rubbed at his neck, staring down at the engine.

“This fine vehicle isn’t cacca. This was my Nana’s car. I can’t let it go just yet. Are you ready for the festival?” Her change in topic had me chuckle, but apparently it didn’t deter Mike from scolding her further.

Cacca? Seriously?

“Now listen here, missy. Stop talking with all that foreign stuff you learned in those books and hear this. This car is dangerous. A death trap. Promise me you’ll get a new one or I’m not going to fix it anymore. I mean it this time,” Mike said with firm certainty as he faced her, folding his arms across his chest.

“Fine. Let’s shake on it.” She extended her hand with a wide smile.

Damn. She was beautiful and smart. Even with her blonde hair messily pinned up on top of her head, and flushed cheeks, her smile was radiant, and sneaky.

“Fine.” Mike shook her hand. “Now, let’s see what’s the problem. I’m sure it’s a quick fix.”

I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. She totally manipulated the mechanic, and he didn’t see it coming. This Charlie was a spitfire. And just from what I heard, this wasn’t the first time they had agreed to Mike’s terms. She totally bamboozled him.

The warmth of her elation caught me off guard. I couldn’t help but smile.

Mike straightened and turned to Charlie. “Stop hovering. And do me a favor.” Mike thumbed my way. “Go take that guy to Arlene’s while I look at this hunk of junk. He’ll need a room too.”

“Hey now, watch what you say around my baby. She’s sensitive,” Charlie said, stroking a headlight tenderly.

“The guy?” Mike reiterated, pointing to me.

Apparently she hadn’t noticed me, because her smile softened into a slight frown when she looked my way. Charlie turned back to Mike and uttered in a hushed tone but I was able to hear her clearly. “What did you do, Mike?”

Her lips quirked up tight and she glared at the big man. Mike was at least a foot taller than her. Yet, she wasn’t the least intimidated.

“Don’t blame me. He ran over something, and it caught his gas tank. Gotta repair it tomorrow, ‘cause I don’t have the gas to repair it now.”

Charlie peered around Mike and grinned. “I hope so.” She walked over and put her hand out. “Hi. I’m Charlene White, but most people call me Charlie. It’s nice to meet you.”

I studied her hand for a second before taking it. “Markus Landry. But you can call me Mark.”

“I like Markus better.”

That was honest. “Fine. Then call me Markus.”

“You’re not from around here, Markus Landry. Chicago?”

My eyes widened in surprise. “How’d you guess?”

“It’s my knack. Nana always said I had a gift for languages and accents.”

“Knack?” I questioned, not quite understanding what she was talking about. “Languages?”

“Yes. My Nana said I have a way of remembering different languages and certain accents from different parts of the world. Of course I can’t remember what day of the week it is sometimes, but languages and the way people talk—their accents, I’m good at.” She gave me a wink and another smile.

I scanned the tiny town and then stared back at her. I hated to be presumptuous, but one look at this woman and I saw only a country girl. “Really. You mean a linguist.” My slight condemnation was apparent because Charlie’s smile faded.

Her eyes narrowed on me and said, “Vous êtes un connard.”

I froze. I hadn’t taken French since high school and one year in college for fun but… “Did you just call me a dickhead in French?”

Charlie’s eyes sparked with laughter before she spoke. “You understand—well, good. It fits,” she said with a flush across her cheeks. “I’m heading to Arlene’s. Call me there, Mike.” She trudged passed me and called out from over her shoulder, “Are you coming, Mr. Landry?”

9. Do you have a favorite scene?

I love when Markus and Charlie first meet. Charlie can’t be nothing but herself and it’s refreshing to Markus. Honest.

10.  What advice would you give a beginner?

Don’t Give Up. No matter what the challenges are, keep pursuing your dreams.

Social media links:


CJ’s facebook group










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