Now Available in Paperback

It seems silly but I was checking out my book on to see how it was doing and if my paperback was available and what do I discover?  It is available in paperback.  I used the to provide a POD (print on demand) version of my romance novel.  Here it is! 
I’ve also tweaked the description to be a bit more modern and romance novel like rather than – hey I need 5000 characters to describe my book.  It may not seem like a big deal to people but it is important to write this description, edit it and go through the normal writing process.  Actually it might be even more important to get this right because it is the window into your book.  What you put down in those 5000 characters can draw a reader in or completely turn them off. 
Now my book is available three different ways!  It sounds like a cliché for me to say I’m am super excited but I am.  This is the fulfillment of a dream.  I know the work isn’t done – I still have to work on marketing and getting people to come to my website  At the same time I need to move forward with the next volume I want to publish… on to my Moon Affirmations book which is a meditation book based on the moon’s phase.  Moving forward means I’ll be juggling a lot of different aspects of writing and publishing.  I’m ridiculously excited and almost giddy with anticipation of moving forward.  At the same time, I’m trying to make good business decisions about my brand and the products I’m creating. 
This first publication has given me ideas for other publications – like publishing some short stores and some poetry.  However, I want to make sure I’m putting out a really good product so people know that when they pick up one of my books it will be well edited and produced even if they don’t like the story or stories that are inside the book.

Getting this first book out there has been a boost to my confidence and belief in myself.  I noticed tonight that one of my customers was from Japan.  This couldn’t possibly be a relative or friend because I don’t know anyone in Japan.  That means that the description I wrote drew them in enough to have them buying the book.  That is an accomplishment for me.  

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