Paul DeBlassie III PhD

Paul DeBlassie III came to me through Black Velvet Seductions. His perspective is unique and spiritual.

Author Bio

Paul DeBlassie III, Ph.D. is a depth psychologist and award-winning writer living in his native New Mexico. He specializes in treating individuals in emotional and spiritual crisis. His novels, visionary thrillers, delve deep into archetypal realities as they play out dramatically in the lives of everyday people. Memberships include the Author’s Guild, the Depth Psychology Alliance, the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, and the International Association for Jungian Studies.

Tell us about yourself.

I’m a depth psychologist and writer, treating the deep unconscious mind and writing books about archetypal/supernatural happenings for the past thirty-five years. Stories I’ve lived through with traumatized patients have confirmed the workings of an unseen world, a mysterious zone that’s forever been an influence from childhood to adulthood. The magic of the mystic helped my wife of forty-years, Kate, and I to raise our four children – two phantasmagoric writers and two alchemical artists.

When did you know you wanted to be an author?

Words are a total high, writing like shooting up mind altering energy. Readers have said the dipping into the imaginative worlds in The Unholy and Goddess of the Wild Thing sparks their dreams. It’s the dream world and realms of imagination that called to me since childhood, nudging me into being a therapist and writer.

What genres do you like to read?  Are these the same genres you write in?

What I read is laced with visionary intrigue. They’re the psychically titillating stories that whisper, tell me things about life and the images and symbols of the soul. As far as genre, my reads are visionary/metaphysical, supernatural/occult, and horror. They got the stuff that pops the top off the rule bound and rigid mind.

Is your book for adults, young adults or children?

The supernatural fiction I write is best for adults. But, they have to set aside logic, reason, and let go and relax into the flow of thrills and chills that come out of underworld places. Kids do that easier than adults, our challenge as adult readers is to let the imagination run wild, spend itself out, then contemplate.

What is your current release or project? 

Goddess of the Wild Thing breaks into the question of love and whether bad love is better than no love. You’ve got a consciousness oriented narrative replete with archetypal themes of the wise-old woman, the witch, and a man and woman struggling to find their way through a complex and horror-ridden relationship.

Tell us about the key characters.

Eve Sanchez, a professor of esoteric studies, good at mindstuff and not so much with lovestuff hooks up with criminal attorney, Sam Shear—an infamous possessed by the black arts but troubled by Eve, the first woman to ever cast doubt on his compromises and nefarious life.

What is your blurb or synopsis of the book?

Goddess of Wild Things

Winner of the Independent Press Award and the NYC Big Book Award for Visionary Fiction! 

Eve Sanchez, a scholar of esoteric studies, is driven into unreal dimensions of horror and hope as she encounters a seductive and frightening man, criminal lawyer Sam Shear. 

Sam introduces Eve to a supernatural world in which the wicked powers of a surrogate mother’s twisted affection threaten love and life. Struggling to sort through right from wrong, frightened yet determined, Eve nears despair.

In the magical realm of Aztlan del Sur, a mythopoeic land of hidden horrors and guiding spirits, Eve, with three friends and a wise old woman, is caught in an age-old struggle about love—whether bad love is better than no love— and discovers that love is a wild thing.

Goddess of the Wild Thing reveals the dramatic tale of one woman’s spiritual journey where metaphysical happenings, unexpected turns of fate, and unseen forces impact her ability to love and be loved. 

Share an excerpt

Eve sharpened her focus. She saw the sharp nail of a witch’s right finger tracing Graciéla’s image on a foggy mirror in a grungy bathroom, touching the center of the mirror with a hatred so intense, the glass burned red hot. The mirror in Graciéla’s kitchen cracked. Shards jettisoned at the old healer then were magically warded off and drifted in place about her head and neck.

Graciéla’s energy, tired as she was, had fended off the pointed shards. She hadn’t been impaled. But the strain had ushered her from one world to the next. Death came not by the hand of another but by a weakened mind and body defending itself.

Eve, shaken, allowed her soft touch to stay on Graciéla’s forehead, confirming the horror of what she’d seen. Shamanic wisdom, often discussed between the two kindred souls, spoke to Eve as she stroked her friend’s head, remembering that death provided passage for one whose life had been well spent and whose time had come.

Eve wept.

After a few moments, she closed her friend’s green eyes and whispered tenderly, “Always my friend, always love, always together in life and in death.” She stood and wiped the tears from her eyes. A gray-brown, green-eyed, great horned owl hooted from the largest cottonwood branch outside the back window.

Eve heard Shirley finishing her call to the EMTs and police, and then walking to the front of the store to await their arrival.

One large shard lay at the end of the table, sharp tip pointed outward. It reflected Eve’s image, a glowing red ember menacingly centered at the brow point.

 The Unholy

Haunted by the memory of her mother’s murder, Claire has lived most of her life in fear.

But the Archbishop’s mounting horror compels her to expose the dark side of his religion and face the truth: good is not always what it appears to be.

Confronting Anarch means risking her life and uncovering the closely guarded secrets of her past.

Set in the mystic land of Aztlan, a metaphysical realm of hidden terrors and guiding spirits, The Unholy is a supernatural tale of Claire’s confrontation with destiny as healer and slayer.

Do you have a favorite scene?

Actually, the above scene (Goddess of the Wild Things) leaps right out of an actual metaphysical bookstore in New Mexico and is a favorite. It sets up good and evil smack dab at the beginning of the book. Then, many crazies start up as conflicting energies war and the best woman wins.

What advice would you give a beginner?

If you feel the press to write, then write. Only hit the page when you’re white hot and humming, then the beat and pulse get louder. Keep at it, refine it, do it, and don’t stop doing it!

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