Picture Imperfect

by TK Lawyer

He claimed her cover. Can he claim her heart, too?

A brand new book with no cover
A graphic artist, in the hospital

When Natalie is faced with inevitable doom
Nate steps in and accepts the job.

Handsome, suave, and genuine,
Nate likes Natalie.
Yet, Nate is a seductive, hot model.
A man never lacking for female companionship.

Will meeting Nate fill a void Natalie didn’t know exist?
Or will Natalie walk away from Nate- a man that seems too perfect?

Publisher Note: Contemporary Romance. M/F. BBW. HEA. Standalone story. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.


“Wait. How did you get a copy of it when it’s not available?”

“I signed up for her- what do you call it- ARC team and got a copy for free for my honest review.”

“Oh lord… Is it bad? Tell me, please.”

She snorted. “She has you in all kinds of sordid scenes, if you know what I mean.”

He went silent. What in the hell did that mean? Was the book an erotic romance? Good gods! Did she place him in precarious situations? Granted it was pure fiction so why should he care. Yet, the fact that his mom read Off Limits- the only book, so far, that had his half-naked body plastered all over the cover- He slapped the palm of his right hand against his forehead, and uttered a strained sigh. Holy shit. This was embarrassing.

“Mom, remember I was placed on the cover after the book was written.”

“Yeah but don’t authors search for a type of man that resembles the character they’re writing about?”

She had a point- a very bad one- but still, a point.

He peered over at the back of the door, concerned with the length of time that had passed, and wondering what his temporary roommate was up to. He didn’t know her, at all, solely bringing her to his home, for the night, to engage in carnal pleasures. He hoped she wasn’t taking the opportunity to steal from him. He’d watched too many movies where that happened with strangers. He decided to cut the conversation short so he could find out what was going on back in the bedroom. “Look, I don’t know what she wrote but I have to get back to what I was doing before. I’ll call you, later.”

“Oh, you’re not curious? I can tell you about one scene that peaked my interest.”

He knew his mom liked reading explicit sex scenes, but he wasn’t really interested in hearing any of them. He’d seen enough hard-bodied men, and soft, enraptured women romantically intertwined across the covers of her books adorning the coffee table of their old house when he was growing up. It had him both curious and embarrassed at the same time as his friends ventured over. He imagined what she had read in Natalie’s apparent scathing book.

“I’ll just say this. It has you, and your girlfriend in an interesting position over your desk.”

He slapped a hand across his eyes, covering them, completely. Then, he groaned.
“Okay, mom. Well, I gotta go now. I love you.” He ended the call before she had a chance to reply.

B&N:  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/picture-imperfect-tk-lawyer/1144018869
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/picture-imperfect-16
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1459770
PB:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C1HZ5MCK
Wide:  https://books2read.com/u/4jBxJX

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