Mission: Her Shield

by Anna Hackett

Hackett kept me riveted while I read this action packed fast paced story. Axel and Natalie are two people who want each other but she doesn’t think anyone will love her and he wants to protect her even from himself.

This story moved along. It started with a desperate call for help from Greece which took the team international again. They started in Greece and moved on to London. A monster – who took Nat and six other women. First they had to find them and then they had to fight against mercenaries. Along the way, Nat and Axel fight their growing attraction and desire for each other… there’s a little fighting between them too.

The pacing of this story moved along. It drew you in and kept you turning pages. My only – very minor – complaint was the balance of the relationship with the action. I feel like there was more action and less relationship. Don’t mistake me – there’s plenty of steam. But the connection built between the two was slightly lacking. The last sex scene felt more like a – what do I do now? Oh I’ll throw in a sex scene…

Story was good, the steamy intimate time was good, the writing was good. Definitely worth reading and definitely kept my attention.