
by Holly Bargo
Genre: Contemporary MC Romance
Cowgirl meets biker … what could go wrong?
When a biker shoots her sister’s prize steer, champion roper Melanie goes after him. Unfortunately, she doesn’t think it through, and that hot temper puts her squarely in Hammer’s sights. Melanie’s ire only increases when Hammer defuses the dangerous situation by claiming her as his property. If the former Marine and now sergeant-at-arms of the Black Ice Revolution MC thinks she’s his for the taking, he’s sadly mistaken. She wants nothing to do with him, but he’s not about to let this sexy, feisty woman go.
This romance contains some explicit scenes and a guaranteed HEA. May not be suitable for young readers.
Holly Bargo never outgrew a love of fairy tales, legends, and myths. Or horses. However, one foot must remain firmly planted in the real world where Holly makes her living as a freelance writer and editor. She and her husband have two grown children and live on a southwest Ohio hobby farm with a menagerie indoor and outdoor animals.
Holly enjoys hearing from readers and other authors and may be contacted via the Hen House Publishing website: www.henhousepublishing.com.
When she’s not working on other people’s documents or reading, Holly finds time to transfer the voices in her head to paper … er … computer. If she doesn’t, there’s a definite possibility her mind will explode.
And for those who might wonder from where the pseudonym of Holly Bargo came, it’s quite simple really. Horses. Namely an elegant and temperamental Appaloosa mare who has long since crossed the Rainbow Bridge and is fondly remembered for guarding toddler children and crushing a brand-new pager.
Signed Copy of Hogtied
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by Ashley Munoz
Genre: Contemporary MC Romance
I’d heard about Jimmy the Fist.
I’d heard he was a single dad, a bar owner, and that he was tied to a dangerous motorcycle gang.
He’s someone I’d stay away from in another life.
In this life, I was desperate for a job—preferably as a tax accountant—but scraping the bottom of my savings had stripped my preferences bare. I was desperate for something, anything that would help my mom.
Turns out he was desperate for something too—freedom—and when our worlds collide I realize too late that his demons didn’t care how or with whom they collected their debt.
**This is a standalone romance/ suspense novel.**
Ashley lives in Oregon with her four children and Mr. Fix-It husband.
If she’s not helping her husband with DIY projects around the house, she’s writing or sneaking off to a corner to read. She loves hearing from her fans. You can find her in her reader group or on Instagram, where she practically lives.
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