Think about it. My great grandfather ran his business for painting carriages. If it is genetic memory or a gene then has it been passed down in my family alone it has manifested in a variety of ways and there are tons of cousins and half cousins. This is the great grandfather who had a dozen kids. I wonder if talent can be traced back through the generations to an original talent?
Nature or nurture for crafting and creativeness? I don’t know but I do love crocheting and benefiting from my family’s creativeness as well.
Nature or nurture for crafting and creativeness? I don’t know but I do love crocheting and benefiting from my family’s creativeness.
Tag: sewing
I can’t believe it is almost the end of July. The summer is flying by and I’ve only gotten about a quarter of what I wanted to done. There are so many projects on my list right now including crocheting presents, sewing for my daughter, and writing. Oh and let’s not forget that I still have to clean my office and get organized for school in the fall.
One last project I have to deal with in the next month is prepping for classes in the fall. I need to clear up the previous classes stuff and get ready for the new classes. Lots to do, I need another me.
On one of the more warm days, I drove down Alicia’s road and smelled the ultimate in indicators for spring – Lilacs. I don’t know what it is but until I get a whiff of the spring air heavily laden with lilacs I don’t feel like it is spring. I love this flower and plant. I have three in my yard and one is blossoming. They are young and growing nicely – no thanks to me.
The question becomes how much of this will get done during this summer? Hopefully all of it but you never know. I’m looking forward to taking my vacation time and enjoying my down time. I’m aware it sounds like I won’t be getting down time but it is for me.
Busy Weekend – But Fun…
It feels really good to relax and enjoy my down time and to actually have down time.
Here are the new office curtains
Here are the new dining room / kitchen curtains
Here is the new half bath curtain