The Hero She Craves

by Anna Hackett

This was a 3.5 for me edging towards a 4 so I’m leaning into the 4. Ren and Halle have known each other for years. On her 20th birthday they shared a kiss and then Ren disappeared. The problem? Halle’s dad is Ren’s best friend. So she’s off limits. Until she isn’t.

This story has heat and danger. It’s got mystery and action. The storyline is good. But I felt like Hackett leaned on the characters knowing each other too much. I, as a reader, don’t know the characters and I wanted more character development.

Excellent writing and story telling but I wanted more in the way of knowing the characters. She’s 23 and he’s in his 30s I think. I’m not sure it was ever mentioned about his age but he was older.

It was a good story. Solid and worth reading. I’m not sure I’ll revisit it but I enjoyed it and didn’t want to be bothered with other things while I read it.