Teresa Keefer and I met at an event in Indiana. It was a quick meeting but she still agreed to do an interview!
Author Bio
Amazon Erotic Horror bestselling author Teresa Keefer writes both contemporary and paranormal romance. When she isn’t writing or working at her day job in the human resource field, she enjoys cooking, gardening, crafts, and caring for the menagerie of animals she lives with in the rural Hoosier state area. A spiritualism scholar, Teresa has had some interesting conversations with the spirit world. As an indie author, she enjoys traveling to book signings and meeting new readers.
Tell us about yourself.
I’m a human resource professional by day and a contemporary/paranormal romance writer by night. I also enjoy gardening, cooking, traveling, crafting and spending time with my family.
When did you know you wanted to be an author?

About 18 years ago, I shared a poem or two that I had written with my best friend. He was impressed and suggested I try to write full length stories and gave me a story line to work with. I cranked out a couple chapters and sent them to him. For my birthday that year, he bought me a Writer’s Digest magazine and Stephen King’s autobiography “On Writing”. It was much later that I finally wrote my first full-length romance novel Coming Home which ended up being the first of my Possum Creek series. I self-published it in 2012. But I didn’t really answer the question, did I? Honestly, I think I’ve always wanted to be a writer since I was a little girl. I love books and I had a huge imagination so what else would I do?
What genres do you like to read? Are these the same genres you write in?
I like to read everything but science fiction. From romance to thrillers to horror to political suspense and even non-fiction books on politics and spirituality. I primarily write paranormal and contemporary romance, but I have been plugging away at a political thriller under the pen name of Ann Nevada…after being given the idea from my best friend. I hope to have it finished up in the near future.
Is your book for adults, young adults or children?
None of my books are for children. I would say my audience could be from 16 to 100 and even some of my more erotic novels such as my Vampire Blood Trilogy would have to be limited to adults.
What is your current release or project?
I’m working on Ruby’s Revenge right now. It is a women’s fiction and if I had to classify it, the best way I could would be “think Lifetime Movie material”.
Tell us about the key characters

Ruby Page is the main character. She is an intelligent girl with dreams as big as the horizon. There are several secondary characters that are protagonists to her, some of which are not presently named as it is a work in progress and I’m a punster…so anything could happen. But she will have a lover who follows her through the entire book.
What is your blurb or synopsis of the book?
Ruby was born on the wrong side of the tracks but that doesn’t mean she is going to stay there. When tragedy strikes her on more than one occasion, she rises from the ashes and exacts her revenge. A tale of heartbreak, murder, assault, blackmail and revenge which ultimately gets Ruby right where she wants to be.
Share an excerpt.
She stood looking out across the vast land as the sun set in a riot of oranges, purples and golds. From her place in front of the wide picture windows, she wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to stave off the chill of the room. These rolling acres would be covered with snow soon, but she would be safe, secure and warm in the comfort of this home she had done so many things to attain.
Her dark hair cascaded down her back and around her shoulders with just the slightest tint of red and her lithe body was clad in a pair of well-worn jeans tucked into the expensive leather boots she had purchased in Mexico. Her flannel shirt fit her like it was made especially for her, and the conch belt imbedded with turquoise was cinched around her slim waist.
Footsteps fell heavily across the floor behind her and she smiled as she saw his reflection in the glass. Tall, dark and muscular, he had just come in from feeding the horses in the stables. She could smell the sweet fragrance of hay mingling with traces of his cologne.
When he put his hands on her shoulders, she leaned back against him and let the warmth of his body penetrate her clothing. He was all the heat she needed now.
“I can’t believe you haven’t started a fire. It’s mighty nippy in here.” His lips brushed the top of her head. “Would you like me to do it?”
She nodded. “Yes. Please. That would be nice. I sent Maria home for the night so we could have the house to ourselves.”
“After the past few days, I would welcome the peace and quiet.”
The last few days. For her they had been endless. Between Guy’s friends and family sniffing around for anything they could find to discredit her and the attorneys finally reading the will to the dismay of all who had been seated around the dining room table, she was glad to see them all go. And as soon as they were out of her hair, she had gone up in the master bath and drawn a tub full of hot water and sunk beneath the surface, allowing the fragrant bubbles to wash away all the dirt she felt had accumulated over her body for the last fourteen years. Then she had called him. Told him it was over, and he could come to her. Told him the private plane would be at the airstrip outside town. He had politely declined, instead opting to drive his own truck across three states to be with her.
It had given her time to clear out all Gus’s belongings. She had burned them. Then she set Maria on the task of cleaning the ranch from top to bottom so that not one iota of a reminder of his dreadful cigar smoke or what she referred to as his old rich man’s cologne lingered anywhere in the house. She had tossed the flowers leftover from the funeral and called the florist to have them bring fresh ones. Bright ones. Ones that reminded her of the days when she had been young and innocent running barefoot in the meadow behind the broken-down old trailer that she had once called home. Before she had been used and abused and everything had been taken from her.
Do you have a favorite scene?
Not yet.
What advice would you give a beginner?
Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. You can. You just have to want it bad enough. Read. Read. And read some more. Understand the market. Then craft your stories around what you like to read as well as what others like to read. Do it for yourself and not for the money and you will never be disappointed.
Social media links:
Facebook www.facebook.com/TeresaAKeefer
Twitter https://twitter.com/TKeeferAuthor
Other https://www.amazon.com/Teresa-A-Keefer/e/B00E1NM82K
Blog link teresakeeferauthor.weebly.com/musings-from-the-woods
Purchasing links
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VL1N3ZG (Third Time Lucky)
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07J9PVGSD (Vincent-Blood Retribution)
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KK147MR (One Magick Yule)
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OZ85PEE (Blessed Be)
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BLUJCL6 (Coming Home)