TK Lawyer

It’s been awhile since I’ve done an interview so this is fun to get back into.

Here’s her bio:

Award winning, International Bestselling author, TK Lawyer writes sexy and heartwarming paranormal and contemporary romance with HOT alpha males and curvy women.  Her books often toe the line, straying from traditional ideas and opening readers’ minds and hearts to unlimited possibilities.  She loves exploring new ideas and new ways of thinking. When she isn’t reading or writing, she is likely spending time with her husband/best friend or catering to their lovable American Foxhound misfit who steals all the attention in their house.

Tell us about yourself.

I am author TK Lawyer.  I write spicy, sexy, alpha male stories with curvy women because that’s what I am- a curvy woman. And what curvy woman doesn’t deserve a loyal, hot-blooded, muscle-bound man in her life with a sense of humor and a slightly possessive streak?

I like romance, watching romantic movies and romantic comedies and I write what I like.  I also enjoy taking a concept, playing with it and molding it into something that makes readers think.  I like broadening minds and ideas and I hope I do that with my novels. 

When did you know you wanted to be an author?

Well, I actually never wanted to become an author.  I thought the “job” was more like a hobby and I never thought anyone made money unless you were Dean Koontz or Stephen King or someone big and famous like that.  I only started writing because I was at a low point in my life where I was going nowhere with my job and I needed something else to feed the contained passion inside of me.  Writing was, and still is, my outlet and I am grateful for this skill that I have nothing to do with (I credit everything to spirit) that helps entertain readers.

What genres do you like to read?  Are these the same genres you write in?

I like to read paranormal romance, occasionally, depending on the story and the plot line but, what I adore reading the most is actually monster romance.  LOL.  I know.  A lot of people don’t know that about me.  I like steamy so you can imagine the monster romance I read.  Sci-fi, space alien romance stuff is my go-to in my Kindle reader.  It’s too bad that stuff isn’t true but it’s great entertainment. 

Is your book for adults, young adults or children? 

I have more than twenty books available and all of them are steamy, spicy and sexy.  They have open door scenes that my readers love so, yes- they are, primarily, for adults (18+). 

What is your current release or project?

The Way Back to Heaven is released on May 14th


It is a book I had in my mind for years now that has finally come to fruition.  A steamy, angel paranormal romance, The Way Back to Heaven is filled with comedic scenes, a feisty heroine and a formidable angel that is bewitched by the one woman who comes across his path that is not supposed to be there.

Tell us about the key characters:

Josiah is an “usher” to Heaven.  He is the one who determines your fate after death.  Whether you pass by him or you drop into an abyss is, entirely, based upon how you lived your life.  All decisions are final and they are determined, solely, by him. Everything goes smoothly until he meets a woman who is not meant to be in the line of souls awaiting his decision…

Damaris exits Earth early and doesn’t realize where she is.  With the help of her Guardian, she meets Josiah and makes a decision Josiah is not expecting.  Josiah is baffled and cannot seem to forget her, even after she is gone.

What is your blurb or synopsis of the book?

Will Josiah let you pass, or will you drop into an unknown abyss?

As an usher to the Other Side, meeting the fabled Josiah means your Mortal Life is gone.

Your fate shall be measured by the decisions made in life.

Will your soul pass through the gates to utter bliss or plummet into darkness, agony, and pain?

Judgment is made by him, and it is final.

When Josiah meets Damaris- a woman who was not yet expected to appear –his decision becomes one he may later regret.

Still, he must know her.

Will Damaris allow Josiah to love her? To care for her in a way no human can, or will she turn her back on what may be her greatest opportunity to find happiness in the arms of an angel?

Share an excerpt

Damaris continued her pleas. “I know…I know…I’m already dead, so you can’t truly kill me. It’s just a thing people say, but still…” She placed her hands together, gluing them tightly as if in prayer. “Please, whatever your name is, please be kind to me. Don’t throw me to the wolves or whatever you did to that last lady. I know. I know. I wasn’t perfect, but I did try. I didn’t have the best childhood. I know a lot of people say that and use that as an excuse to get out of sentencing or to atone for their shitty actions and decisions they made in life.” She slapped one hand over her mouth. “Oh my god, I just cursed and to you, an angel. Oh shit…I am going to die, aren’t I? Oh hell…”Damaris sank to her knees.

Damaris didn’t know what to expect from this important angel who had her fate in her hands, but she did know the last thing she expected was laughter.

She jerked her head up to witness him throwing his head back and roaring with glee.

Her jaw was released. Ready to whip out insults to this angel—whoever he was—laughing at her demise. Yet, she held back the unspoken insults when she recalled the poor lady in front of her who had dropped to her death—or was it to her eternal life—in Hell.

Mr. Unnerving suddenly stopped and stared at her for several long minutes that seemed an eternity. Shivers ran up her spine as the abject silence continued. Her hands trembled the longer she waited.

“Please have mercy on me. Please, whoever you are. Don’t make me go down there like she did. I don’t think I deserve that.” Damaris lowered her head, embarrassed, as tears began to fall, splashing over the rims of her eyelids and splattering across her cheeks.

She swiped angrily at them, wanting to display courage instead of fear, but they still came. Wiping at more of them, a hand reached out and stopped her. Mr. Unnerving grabbed ahold of her hand while his other swiped at a stray teardrop rolling down her left cheek. He brought his index finger directly in front of his green eyes, scrutinizing the swaying liquid bubble as if he had never seen the substance before.

“Curious. Others have cried in front of me before, but none quite like you.”

Damaris swallowed back the dry sensation creeping up the back of her throat.

His emerald green eyes landed on hers. A not-unpleasant shiver skittered up her spine.

His large wings spread behind him. Damaris stared in awe and fascination as they grew wider longer, taking up almost the entire space. She blinked to clear her eyes when she spotted glitter floating through the air around him, completely surrounding him in a magical, beautiful aura. She closed her eyes, figuring she must be seeing things, yet when she opened her eyes again, the sparkles remained.

Blinking once more, she found the glittery beauties coated across the back of each pure white feather. He closed his eyes and, happily, sighed as if releasing his wings gave him a sense of satisfaction.

“Wow,” Damaris muttered in awe.

He lightly chuckled.

The man was gorgeous. She couldn’t help the thought popping up into her mind. Did she think him scary before? His smile, somehow, warmed a part of her that used to hold her heart.

He smiled at Damaris as if he, somehow, sensed her feelings. Her gaze scanned over the incredible being from head to toe, stopping to marvel at his broad, massive, muscular chest. He was built like a God, but he wasn’t. There wasn’t an inch of fat to him that she could tell. Damaris supposed he didn’t have to worry about his weight like human beings did.

“You are beautiful.” She blurted, obviously, from delirium. She had no idea what possessed her, but she couldn’t help it. The urge to let him know overtook her, and she couldn’t hold back. If he didn’t already know, someone had to tell him how handsome he was.

He chuckled beneath his breath. “That won’t sway my opinion…Damaris.” He sounded out every consonant and every vowel of her name as if it were the loveliest word he ever spoke.

She shook her head in protest. “I’m not trying to—”

He raised one eyebrow. “It was a joke. At least a weak attempt at one-”

“Oh…I see. That is a good one, then. But still, where are we-uh…um…what’s your name?”

“Josiah. My name is Josiah, Damaris.”

Compared to her Guardian’s tone of voice, this guy—this hunky Josiah—Mmmm…his husky tone of pure male dominance had her insides writhing in a crazy, pleasurable sort of way she had yet to experience with anyone.

Do you have a favorite scene?

Yes!  There is a scene in there I equate with “Alice in Wonderland” because Damaris literally bounces off a tree and the limbs reach out and grab her, cushioning her in their embrace.  Damaris is in Heaven and is giddy, happy, and filled with joy.  It is just a lovely scene and it was great to write it.

What advice would you give a beginner?

Your first book will not be the best but don’t let that dissuade you.  Your writing gets better the more you write.  Just like with any skill or talent, you get better at it the more you do it.  People say this all the time but it is incredibly true when it comes to writing.  Just make sure you have a good editor to help polish up your books and you will be fine.

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