With the health issues going on in the family, I’ve not paid any attention to my writing. I can tell I’ve not been writing again, my dreams are more vivid and my focus is a bit scattered because my mind is always wandering to the stories in my head.
I just came across a grant I want to write. I probably won’t get it but it is worth trying for. I also came across a contest that I want to submit. I’ve entered it before and done okay.
In order to get these two projects done by the submission deadlines, I have to sort through my piles on my shelves and get them organized so I can pull the manuscript for the contest. I need to get through all the edits on the paper copy. Then read it again to see if it needs editing again. Aside from the tweaking of the manuscript I need to write a 500 word description of the story, take a 5000 excerpt, and follow all the other directions.
For the grant, I will have to pull together a lot of information of what I’ve had published and what my project would look like. There are so many steps there I don’t even know if I can list them all.
The contest has a deadline of March 3 and the grant has a deadline of March 12. This means I am going to have to get my act together over the next two weeks and get a lot of stuff done. It will be insane. I also think I will thoroughly enjoy it.
This weekend after all the errands, I hope to sort through yet another pile in my office and figure out where I’m at with my manuscript so I can work on it for the contest submission – little time and lots to do.