Ed Pacheco


Ed Pacheco is a Dad, Husband and Entrepreneur. The idea of this story started about 20 years ago, while tucking his children into bed. His youngest daughter, recently completing elementary school prompted him to finish his work. In his spare time, Ed also does various charitable work in his community and in collaboration with his Masonic Brothers from Quittacus Lodge, in New Bedford, Massachusetts. He resides in Dartmouth, MA .

Tell us about yourself.

I’m a married dad of 6 daughters. A small business owner and a College student . I’ve been working on this book for over 20 years in 1 way or shape. 

When did you know you wanted to be an author?

The idea of being an author for me was never a definitive idea, It’s been a matter of being since I was a child. I would always be scribbling some story other down to keep myself entertained. 

What genres do you like to read?  Are these the same genres you write in?

I like nonfiction, historical pieces . One of the books I read recently which i really enjoyed was Killing Patton. Great history piece. My first piece is obviously in the child lit genre, and I’m not sure I would step outside that box. 

Is your book for adults, young adults or children?

This is a great Share book for kids and adults. Even if an older sibling wanted to read it to a younger one it would be very user friendly. 

What is your current release or project? 

Little Lamb Shenanigans drops for pre order April6 and Publishes May 6 on Amazon and Barnes and Noble .com. 

Tell us about the key characters

The main character is Jenna Marie. She is a typical 9 year old girl, Smart, great in science and Math, caring, friendly , helpful. Her one issue is getting ready for bed at night. Such a procrastinator…  Her parents , grandparents and sisters and cat are all really supporting cast here. lol She is the star. 

What is your blurb or synopsis of the book?

Great Kid, Lousy bedtime routines. lol

Share an excerpt

Every child has a certain way that they get ready for bed at night. For some children, before bedtime, they take a bath or a shower and floss and brush their teeth. Some may spend some quiet time listening to music or saying their prayers. Others just race right to bed after they have been told 10 times that it is past their bedtime! However, it is almost a universal fact that most girls and boys love a bedtime story and to be tucked in.  (At this point the story starts with the main character)  This is a story about a little girl name Jenna Marie. During the day, Jenna is your usual little girl. She gets up in the morning, eats breakfast, gets dressed and even makes her own lunch, before leaving for school. That’s pretty impressive for only being 9 years old!( from here it rolls into story…

Do you have a favorite scene?

My favorite scene is when JM finds out a secret about her Dad. Her face is priceless and really reflects the innocence that kids have about their parents as children. 

What advice would you give a beginner?

Lots of things. First, Join the IBPA. They are such a great resource for new writers. I met my publishing assistant and illustrator through them . Do not compromise on your standards for expediency. 

Social media links:

Facebook TheRealEdPacheco

TwitterThe Real Ed Pacheco (Ed Pacheco 20)

Instagram TheRealEdPacheco

Other Fuzzybearpress.com/Therealedpacheco@gmail.com

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