This morning I woke up thinking about the story I started yesterday. It is amazing to me how I can SEE how this story will work out. I have chapter headings in my head. I have a plan and a climax and KNOW where this story will go. Now all I need is the time and peace to get it written.
I did get the edits done on Moon Affirmations. I’ll be printing it and reading it one more time before I send it back to the other publisher. Hopefully it gets accepted. I also did an initial sort of my poems so I can begin to think about the groupings / chapters I might want to include in this manuscript.
Mostly today while Ken, Gin and Stephanie were at the football game and having a grand time, I was busy writing. I went from just under 5,000 words to nearly 16,000 words. I’m working on the fifth chapter and don’t want to stop but it is already 12:15. At a couple of points today, I got hung up on little details – like a nickname for a character. It was holding me up. I couldn’t hear the conversation between her and her foster father because he needed to have a nickname for her. Once I got the nickname I could hear the conversation.
Oh and I made Vicki and I breakfast today too. So I’m not a complete hermit. I’m going to bed now though because my ears are ringing and I’m dropping from exhaustion. I can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and start writing more. I love where this story is going. Hopefully I can get a nice chunk of it done before I have to go back to work.