Storm & Fury

Storm & Fury
A Storm and Fury Adventures Collection
by Gail Z. Martin & Larry N. Martin
Genre: Paranormal Historical Adventure, Steampunk
New Pittsburgh, 1898 – a crucible of invention and intrigue. Born from the ashes of devastating fire, flood and earthquake, the city is ruled by the shadow government of The Oligarchy. In the swarming streets, people of a hundred nations drudge to feed the engines of progress. The Department of Supernatural Investigation was set up to take care of those things that live below, that go bump in the night… those odd cases that go beyond ‘standard’ investigation. Nicknamed ‘Storm and Fury’, Mitch Storm and Jacob Drangosavich are two of the more creative agents, working in New Pittsburgh and obeying the rules – when they have to.
A collection of short stories and novellas set in the world of the Iron & Blood novels and the related Storm and Fury Adventures.
Includes: Airship Down, Ruin Creek, Resurrection Day, The Hunt, Grave Voices, and Rogue. Plus two bonus stories: Ghost Wolf and a Steampunk fairy tale: The Patented Troll
Gail Z. Martin discovered her passion for science fiction, fantasy and ghost stories in elementary school. The first story she wrote at age five was about a vampire. Her favorite TV show as a preschooler was Dark Shadows. At age 14, she decided to become a writer. She enjoys attending science fiction/fantasy conventions, Renaissance fairs and living history sites.
Larry N. Martin is the author of the new sci-fi adventure novel Salvage Rat. He is the co-author (with Gail Z. Martin) of the Spells, Salt, and Steel/New Templars series; the Steampunk series Iron & Blood; and a collection of short stories and novellas: The Storm & Fury Adventures set in the Iron & Blood universe. He is also the co-author of the upcoming Wasteland Marshals series and the Joe Mack Cauldron/Secret Council series.
The Martins have three children, a Maltese, and a Golden Retriever.
Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

Saving John Lennon

Saving John Lennon
by A.J. Gallant
Genre: Time Travel Romantic Adventure
A tale of love, time travel, humor, and healing hearts. The adventure of a lifetime. (Think you know how it ends? You don’t.)
In 2018, two friends discover an open door in the summer forest in Maine. It’s winter inside and they’ve never seen anything like it. When they realize that it’s 1980 on the other they hatch a plan to go to New York and save John Lennon.
In 1980, a stranger invades Sarah’s dreams on a nightly basis. He’s handsome and funny, but when she bumps into him in real life she can’t believe her eyes. But his story of time travel is preposterous and it’s difficult to decipher his motives for acting so weird. He claims to be from 2018.
Can love bloom under such circumstances? Will Richard be trapped thirty-eight-years in the past?
Payton is from a thousand years in the future; he’s trying to stop Burton from time jumping because it can cause changes that could have serious repercussions. Burton has arranged for Taft and Richard to save John Lennon, but will it all go terribly wrong?
A. J. Gallant is the best selling author of several books, including Knights of the Dragon (of Knights and Wizards series) and Dracula Hearts series, the first book in the series is Dracula: Hearts of Stone.
Detective Olivia Brown Mysteries is also gaining in popularity. (Anita’s vacation in New York City ends tragically when she’s killed in Central Park, but instead of the end, it’s only the beginning. Her soul remains at the scene trying hard to process what happened. There are other ghosts that don’t seem to be much help. And, of course, the new reality of being a ghost does not sit well with Anita.
What is she supposed to do now?)
The author has two cats that make him rise at 5 each morning to keep him on his toes.
Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!

Five Gems Series

Jeweler’s Apprentice
Five Gems Book 1
by E. Kaiser Writes
Genre: YA Fantasy Adventure
On her first visit to the palace, sixteen-year-old Fia stumbles upon a court intrigue. To keep the secret safe, the Chancellor sends her off as apprentice to a famous, reclusive, mountain jeweler…
…And straight into adventure.
Discovering gems with deep secrets and new friends with the same, Fia learns a whole lot more than just making jewelry: when to trust a stranger, and when not to, why not to try stealing from gem thieves; what heroism is; what royalty ought to be; and that the mountains themselves can sometimes be the greatest danger of all.
Is the legend of the Sunlight Stone true?
Will peace ever come to the war-torn neighboring kingdom?
And what is the stable boy hiding…?
Traitor’s Knife
Five Gems Book 2
Secrets. Sabotage. Murder. With Olayin House temporarily turned into a weapons factory, Fia is confronted with the care of three refugee children, an ill-timed visitor, a perplexingly brash messenger that she isn’t quite sure what to think of, all while trying to keep her friend’s secrets safe. But when dangerous accidents start to happen, the young apprentice begins to tread a fine line of suspicion. Are saboteurs out to nix the weapons works… and is the incognito crown prince in mortal peril? Winter in the mountain house isn’t as cozy as her apprenticeship was expected to be.
**Only .99 cents!**
King’s Ward
Five Gems Book 3
With her wealth of loyalist secrets, Fia’s position at Olayin House is compromised. Now a potential danger to two countries, she is made a ward of the king and sent away yet again; this time into the grassland kingdom of Erlandia, but her journey amongst the horse folk takes unexpected turns.
Trapped under siege, she faces two men from her past… one she fears might murder her, and the other may die of plague unless she wins the battle for his life.
And with the Sunlight Stone traded for troops, how long will Erlandia’s peace last?
E. Kaiser Writes was born into a family of readers, and got started on storytelling around the age of four when her older siblings prompted her into recounting an absolutely ridiculous account of a parallel childhood. It was good for the family’s general entertainment, and she discovered the thrill of making people laugh.
At the age of seven her mother read the Hobbit aloud, and a fascination with beautiful fantasy was born. At nine she came to the decision that she wanted to be a writer, and set to reading rabidly to learn the art. At thirteen she attempted her first novel, and it was eaten in a computer’s demise.
Afterward, during her teenage years she tried very hard
at various times to stop writing all together.
Not succeeding, she at last gave in to her addiction, and wrote “for fun”.
Her first novel, Jeweler’s Apprentice, is a light-fantasy adventure for teens. The shy, bookish heroine is thrust out on the first step toward the adventure that awaits, and growing up. More books in this series are expected.
Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

I’m sorry officer I was rushing home to write

On my way home from work today, I had the next scene in my head for the novel I’m working on.  I could see it playing out, see the characters and how they were going to behave and respond to all that was happening in the scene.

I followed a car going 50 – 55.  Not uncommon on the road where the posted speed is 55.  I usually set my cruise at 60 and figure it’s all good.  Usually I’m patient and understanding of slower drivers.  Today though I wanted to scream at the driver ahead of me to get the F*&k moving.  I didn’t.  I was very relieved when he turned off.

I got onto Hwy 26 where it is 65 and sped up nicely.  I looked down at my speedometer and wondered if I explained I was rushing home so I could write a scene if a cop would let me off with a warning.  I figured the answer would be no but it did cross my mind.  Though I did wonder what he would say if I told him I was writing a scene were a 3 year old was kidnapped and I had to send his aunts and mother after the kidnapper to rescue him… probably would have delayed me further.

I slowed down from 80 (yup I was speeding) and when the speed limit slowed to 55 I set my cruise for 60.  I was doing okay until I was in town and this guy pulls out and goes 20 and is all over the road.  I’m nearly screaming at him but manage to not go all road rage on him by the time we reach the light.  Thank the stars, he turned left and I went straight.

I get home and I love my husband.  He was in a good mood and asked me for something.  I made myself not scream in frustration as the words were leaking out of my ears by now.  I help him with what he asked for and scurry (as much as I can with my legs bothering me) away to my office.

Finally, finally I get back to writing my scene.  My 3 year old gets rescued and even lands a painful blow to his kidnapper.  I’ve now written over 12,000 words tonight.  I have an outline of what is going to happen in this book.  I have thirteen or fourteen scenes to write.

I’m calling it a night not because I can’t think what to write next but because my eyes are burning and sleep is calling.

Oh and just in case you were wondering – I didn’t get stopped by the police and I didn’t get a ticket but my imagination wondered how the conversation would go…