Lora came to me through Black Velvet Seductions. She’s the first in a series of interviews with many of their authors.
Author Bio

Not unlike many of her characters, Lora Logan is attracted to tough, tattooed men, and is lucky enough to be married to one! The mama of three Maltese puppies, she is an animal lover and can be found most days snuggling with them while reading or writing.
While Lora begins every story with an outline, her favorite part of writing is the fact that her characters usually steal the show. She happily follows behind with a pen in her hand as they choose their own trajectory.
Tell us about yourself
My name is Lora Logan and I write ROMANCE, ROMANCE and more ROMANCE! I live by the philosophy to write what I’m given, which means I have a tough time sticking to one genre of romance. I write contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and most recently paranormal romance. This is a bit of a taboo when it comes to writing but I can’t stop the characters that invade my mind and demand their stories be told- whatever their stories may be.
I am happily married to the most perfectly imperfect man and have three babies (maltese puppies, Josie, Rambo and Dixon.
When did you know you wanted to be an author?
I’ve always been a writer, but when I knew I wanted to become an author is a different story entirely. It took a minute. There was a picture in my mind of how my life was supposed to end up. You know that narrative we all had to write in high school, where do you seen yourself in ten years? Well, my life went nothing like I had planned. After years, (and years, and years, and years), of failed fertility treatments I finally learned that children were not in the cards for me. It’s a difficult thing trying to figure out what your life is supposed to be when your missing something so profound. I spent years of my life just focused on being the best wife, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, employee…etc. While those things are certainly fulfilling, I soon came to the realization that there wasn’t much in my life that was just mine. So began the journey of figuring myself out. What was my dream? What made me happy and fulfilled as a person? After much soul searching, I found that writing fiction brings to me a purpose that I’d been missing. A chance to share with the world the scary inside of my mind, where these characters and their stories find life. My family is and will always be my main focus but being an author belongs to me.
What genres do you like to read? Are these the same genres you write in?
I try, I swear I do, to read outside of my own genres… I just love romance so much I can’t seem to stop myself! I would say that I read romance (all genres) 90% of the time. The other 10% is spent reading horror, self-help, and books on spirituality. When writing reading can take a backseat depending on where I’m at in my own process.
Is your book for adults, young adults or children?
Adults. There is a fair amount of sex and cursing in my books although it depends greatly on the characters. I have a potty mouth but not all of my characters share that trait.
What is your current release or project?

MYSTIC DESIRE is releasing on October 1, 2019 and is a collection of paranormal short stories. I was fortunate enough to join a group of very talented authors on this project and am so excited for its release. I loved working on this anthology and feel it’s a great opportunity for readers to find new authors they’ve not previously read. MYSTIC DESIRE has a little bit of everything, from sexy vampires, ghostly leprechauns, and lustful warlocks to enchanted artifacts. My story, CALLING ALL ANGELS is a tale of angels and demons.
I always have a lot of things happening at once in terms of writing. Currently I am finishing a contemporary romance novel and am set to begin working on a new series based off of my short story in MYSTIC DESIRE. I tend to write one project at a time while editing the previous one, that is my personal method although many authors can write more than one book at a time. I have a romantic suspense novel that is completed but needs some reworking and four other books that are outlined and waiting (not so patiently) to be started.
Tell us about the key characters
Elijah is immortal, his reality filled with the dark evils that attempt to take over the earth. He and his brothers fight to rid the world of demons that threaten the innocents. These demons whisper in the ears of the people to get them to fulfil their sinister acts. With the world full of so much evil, Elijah is consumed with it. Suffocating on it. That is until he meets Celeste. She is the perfect example of the innocence he is trying to protect. He soon realizes that something about her is different, bringing a peace to him that he’s never known. Their love is not perfect and Elijah soon realizes that the things he desires most could jeopardize the one thing he was put on this planet to do.
What is your blurb or synopsis of the book?
MYSTIC DESIRE is a collection of short paranormal romance stories. This is a chance to read and discover the work of a diverse group of very talented authors. The themes in this book are varied, as are the collection of characters and artifacts, including Native American dream catchers, mystical jewelry, and characters such as lustful vampires, hot warlocks, a grumpy leprechaun, a ghostly terrier, a zombie apocalypse and things that go bump in the night. From soft and tender love to hot passionate, kinky sex, there is something for everyone in this anthology.

Synopsis for my short story:
CALLING ALL ANGELS, follows Elijah, an immortal tasked with fighting against the evil that exists on earth. He finds peace when he meets his new neighbor, Celeste, but when he realizes that their love comes with a great cost, he is faced with choosing between his calling and a chance at true love.
I enjoyed writing this story because it explores the evil of the world that exists on a plain which we cannot see, and how that world bleeds into our own. A story not based on reality… or is it? Of course, this is romance – seem far-fetched? It’s not because the one thing that can rid evil in any reality is love.
Do you have a favorite scene?
There are two scenes that stand out in my mind. The first is the initial sex scene. It is a favorite because it changed as it was being written. As with writing project I have the story finished in my mind and in the form of an outline prior to starting it. This particular scene ended up changing entirely as if the characters didn’t appreciate what I was going for. I like when my characters take control of their own trajectory and this was certainly one of those times.
My other favorite was the end. Of course, I’m giving none of that away.
What advice would you give a beginner?
Just write it already! Maybe the most seasoned of writers can start a manuscript knowing exactly how everything is going to work and write it perfectly from beginning to end – but that is far from the norm. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever met such an author. Write the story. Those holes in your story that you couldn’t work through in your mind will resolve themselves as the words are written. Your characters will develop into their own and you will learn them, how they respond, how they feel and what makes them unique. You will not be perfect, your story will need reworking. It’s an evolution that will happen naturally. If you’re anything like me, you will need an editor and they will help you not only with grammatical issues but also with the flow of your story. Your creativity is a gift, respect the gifts you are given and act on them. Lastly, the more you write the easier it becomes.
Social Media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoraLoganAuthor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorloralogan/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorloralogan/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18850117.Lora_Logan?from_search=true
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/loralogan
Mewe: https://mewe.com/i/lora.logan
Website: https://www.loralogan.com
Purchase Links:
MYSTIC DESIRE: https://amzn.to/322Ziq3
ALL SHE EVER NEEDED: https://t.co/9uii1BD7In