They’re Here!!

We got the girls from the airport last night.  It was so hot and so busy there I didn’t get out to give them a hug but I’ll get plenty while they are here.  Stephanie is off early to visit her friends in Ripon. 

Last night Ken even got out of bed to talk to the girls for a while.  We chatted with the five of us.  Stephanie likes her afghan but says it is too warm.  Virginia on the other hand likes it because it is warm.  I’m glad they like it and it will get used. 
After everyone went to bed I got in some more writing.  I’m working my way through a chapter and hope to finish it today but that depends on how much down time I get from visiting people and activities.  I’m probably going to get minimal writing time while the girls are here.  That is okay though because the girls are here!!! 
It is unbearably hot outside still.  We are again in the triple digits today.  Virginia and Stephanie are used to it but it knocks me on my bum.  When I went out yesterday I felt like I’d walked into a wall.  My glasses steam up when I go outside.  That is a sign that I shouldn’t be going out as far as I’m concerned.  Hopefully by Sunday it will cool off enough to be tolerable but I’m not holding my breath. 
Virginia is still sleeping so I’m going to work on writing until she is up and about.  Then we will see what mischief we get into.


We had a great time visiting the girls.  Their new apartment is beautiful and fairly spacious.  It definitely fits the girls and their needs.  Just having the washer/dryer in the apartment is a huge convenience and bonus for them. 

We went to the zoo.  We also hung out at their pool one day.  I’m sure the southerners all thought we were crazy but some of us got in the pool and played.  It was mostly warm enough.  When the breeze picked up it was very chilly. 
Spending time with the girls and just being together was the best part of the weekend.  We played games, watched football (YUCK), picked on each other.  It was a good weekend. 
Now someone needs to invent the transporter so we can get to these locations in less time.  The fourteen plus hour drive was tiring to say the least.  On the way back was the worst because we were already tired from being so busy.  I did all the driving (partly because of my own stubbornness).  At the last gas stop I had a hard time standing because my knees were so sore.  Fortunately, I only took a day or so to recover.
Now we are back and trying to get back into the groove of every-day life.  I feel like I need a vacation to recuperate from my vacation but my desk is already so far behind there is no way I’d ever catch up if I took off again. 

Mother’s Day

With it being a national holiday everyone is touting how great mother’s are.  We are.  However, I don’t want to talk about motherhood.  I want to talk about my daughters.  Without them this day would have little meaning to me.

Motherhood came to me unexpectedly.  It took me over and rousted me from my own childhood.  I went from a self centered, careless teen to a young woman with a daughter.  My daughters were not planned.  They all came at times when we were not expecting them.  The blessing of their existance just happened to us. 

When I think of my daughters, I think of the strong, independent, lovely young women they are.  I see in them the potential and accomplishments.  I see more than that, maybe this is just what being a mom is but… I see the infant who kept me up for nights on end with colick.  I see the clinging two year old who didn’t want mom to leave.  I see the little girl who chased after her sisters rushing to catch up to and be in the middle of all they were doing. 

All of the stages the girls went through, all of the what they have been is in the confident young women they are.  I see the pain of loss, the love they have for each other and the world.  In them I see wonder and joy.  I see turmoil, temper, argumentativeness, and a need for acceptance on their terms. 

I’ve often emailed out mom bragging moments.  Today on Mother’s day, I keep thinking of my girls and how proud I am of them.  They are amazing.

I never planned to have children back in my teen years.  I’m so glad that they came along and changed those plans.  They are what made me a great mom.