Welcome back to the winter waddle!!
We’ve had a very mild winter with little snow and temperatures more like late fall / early spring than winter. Today we have snow. It was supposed to be flurries – i.e. a few flakes whipping around. Instead we’ve had a steady snowfall smearing the landscape with white instead of brown and lower temps. The weather person threatens cold temperatures for the weekend. You know like winter is supposed to be.
Now I only like winter when I can enjoy it sitting by my fireplace. I’m the first one to say it is too cold or too long. I’ve been listening all summer to people raving about how nice it is and how we are having this great winter.
Their tune changed today though. Now it is awful that it will be cold and the storms are horrible. Yup, it is awful because it is WINTER!!! Be happy we didn’t have crappy weather from October on. We have had winter start early and stay late. This year we’ve had phenomenally good weather.
This blip is just Mother Nature’s way of reminding us that WINTER is here. She just hasn’t punished us with a wicked and wild winter.