Spring has sprung and look we’re covered in snow again. I’m laughing because this is Wisconsin and I know there are people who are cursing the weather today. I say – it’s March and it’s Wisconsin, what do you expect. It seems ironic that the spring equinox was last week and now we have about four inches of snow and it is still snowing. If you ask me, I’ll tell you I’m not a big fan of the cold and snow but it is a fact of life here in Wisconsin. Complaining about it won’t make it go away and won’t make it warmer. It does bring the mood down and makes it harder to get through the season. The thing is, it’s beautiful. Yeah I know it’s March and people are tired of winter but if you look at the evergreens frosted with the white it’s picturesque. If you don’t have to drive in it, (which really doesn’t happen) the puffy snowflakes are gorgeous, the ice on the trees looks like crystal. It is a beautiful season even if it is cold and difficult. Sometimes we get the best things when we deal with the difficulties in life.
I’ve been laid up with gout. I’m in pain and frustrated because I have a lot of work at both my day job and for writing. I’m not able to sit at my desk easily when gout flares up. My legs are painful, swollen, red and just plain miserable. I need to let go of my expectations when my gout is being annoying, which I try to do. This past couple of weeks I got through three manuscripts for editing. I got the paper edits entered on the computer, read through the manuscript one more time, ran a spell check and essentially got it prepped for production. It isn’t how or what I planned to do over the past couple of weeks but I made progress.
Today it is snowing. Tomorrow could have temps in the 60s. It’s spring the time of new beginnings and fresh starts. Everything is new, fresh, and bright (and muddy). It’s a time to look around at all the possibilities and pick the ones which appeal the most and work on them.
To the grumblers, I say just stop it. It will be better sooner than you know. To those who see the beauty in all the weirdness of our weather – I say go make snow angels or have a snow ball fight. Make the most of the (hopefully) last hurrah of winter and enjoy it while it lasts. It is Wisconsin after all and if you wait ten minutes the weather will change.