Aliens vs Sea Monsters

For the last few days, two stories have been rattling around in my head. Alien Mate 2 & Sacrificed 2. I have no idea to call the second book but I’ve written the opener. I’ve seen the opening scene in my head and knew exactly where I wanted to start.

Tonight I wrote not quite 700 words – one small scene but the opener is now out of my head. I know what the next two or three scenes will be. I’ve got the first third of the book in my head. Now I just need two or three days to get it down.

I also worked on the Alien Mate 2 book. I wrote a little over 1200 in this story. I also have several scenes just bursting to get out.

Hopefully, I get some down time in November to write. I need these two stories out of my head. The nice thing – both series will be Ava M Taylor books so the heat level is the same. That makes it slightly easier.

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