Club Wonderland – Mine book 6

by Ava M Taylor

Welcome to Wonderland

Annabel Rouch is a self-made billionaire. She’s 42 and been divorced three times. Her only daughter has left for college and she’s alone in her home for the first time since her daughter’s birth. She’s strong, take charge and she finds men being in charge laughable.

Nicole Bennet dominates men. She makes them bend to her will and she makes them pay. When she meets Andrew Porter and Ryan Miller she knows they are hers to use and benefit from. She just needs them to sign her slave contract. She wanted them under her thumb.

Friends and millionaires Andrew Porter and Ryan Miller prefer to have a woman direct them during their intimate times. They’re smart men who have come a long way in their professional lives but their personal lives are missing something.

Two women want these men to submit to them. Which of them will earn their loyalty?

Club Wonderland – Depths of Glory book 5

by Melody Calder

Welcome to Wonderland

In the pulsating heart of the city’s most exclusive club, where desire thrives in the shadows, I’m known only as Glory. An intended pun considering my preference for encounters.

Hidden behind dark curtains, I give pleasures to those who seek anonymity like myself. My thrills are heightened by the secret hiding with me, knowing they can’t see what’s happening beyond the small hole in my drape.

The secret is my pleasure alone until he comes to play.

Somehow he knows and he’s pulled to the forbidden as much as I am. Like a moth to a flame, he’s determined to unravel my shroud and give into our deepest desires. Am I willing to give into temptation and open myself to a whole new world and all the complications which may arise? The more he comes to see me, the more I desire shedding masks, consequences be damned.

Authors Note: We have something for everyone to enjoy, but we suggest you check each author’s blurbs for your preferred level of steam. Please be aware these stories will have triggers… proceed with caution.
Depths of Glory is a part of the Club Wonderland shared world and contains situations not for the faint of heart. This is a polym book with sharing involved and contains sexually explicit materials not suitable for those under 18.

The Angel and The Beast

by Virginia Wallace

The world of men has fallen.

The predictable demise of the ‘New World Order’ led to a truly new social order: the rise of of the Ancient Ones, with the angel-born Nephilim as their masters. With the mighty dragons at their beck and call, the Nephilim wasted no time in creating a nightmarish world in their own image.

For centuries, the Sardonican Church maintained some semblance of order in the more civilized nations. Now, the Church is being challenged by a mysterious rebel leader known only as ‘the Dark One.’ Among all the Nephilim, there has never been a warrior more formidable—or more feared.

Something evil lurks in the Dark One’s blood; this much is obvious. And that reality begs the question: is a man nothing more than a product of his bloodline, upbringing, and environment? Or rather, is his identity forged by his actions? The fate of the civilized world hinges upon that terrible question.

Whatever the case may be, Karis—the erstwhile Angel of Death—is about to discover the answer.


“So tell me, Reaper,” said Leif, lifting his teacup once more. “How much did they pay you to end my life?”

            “Enough,” said Karis dismissively. “A girl needs to eat, you know.”

            “That she does,” agreed Leif. “And thus, I bear you no ill will. But tell me, Fallen One . . . do you love this Church you serve, or are you just doing a job?”

            “That shouldn’t matter to you! snarled Karis. “Your fate will be the same, whether it’s for gold or for love.”

            “You speak the truth,” said Leif, setting down his teacup. “But the Church is desperate now, is it not? The Dark One is leading his armies relentlessly toward Moravia, bent on toppling the rule of the Church. What will you do, Assassin, if he succeeds?”

            “He will not succeed!” said Karis firmly.

            “So said the Church of yesteryear, as well,” said Leif with a chuckle. “But your fate is your own to decide; mine has befallen me at last. Perform your task, Reaper.”

            “Raise your arm,” said Karis, looking away. “Above your head.”

            “Right or left?” asked Leif.

            “It doesn’t matter,” said Karis, reaching for her belt.

            The old Nephilim raised an arm over his head, smiling as he stared the Reaper dead in her black eyes. Karis drew her dagger from her belt.

            She struck in the blink of an eye, downward into the armpit, and straight into the heart …

The Children of Apep

by Virginia Wallace

Gerald Kowalski was always a strange boy. He’s quiet, smart, obsessed with comic books, and nothing at all like his coarse, dim-witted parents. He is also a dreamer, which is a depressing thing to be in a sleepy, small town like Watsonville.

Little does Gerald know that a strange family of witches is about to reveal a shocking truth to him, one he has suspected his entire life: that the world as we know it is simply a façade, a shell . . .

And the world within that shell is a waking nightmare!


Gerald stared at his shoes for a moment and then looked at Kylie. She still looked a bit nervous, as though this situation made her ill at ease. Before he knew it, Gerald was fishing in the pocket of his shorts. He felt a moment of panic, fearing that he’d lost the object of his search while he’d been swimming. But no, there it was—the soggy ten-spot that old Widow Fitzgerald had left in her mailbox for him.

He slid it across the counter as Kylie beamed at him. Gerald was about to say ‘thank you’ when the old woman grabbed him by the collar, and yanked him close.

            He panicked as she began whispering into his ear. “What is done, young man, cannot now be undone,” she whispered vehemently. “You have made a covenant, one that will not be consummated for many a year. But the day will come, as surely as the sun rises in the east. You made another covenant last night when you took the book, and the day will come in which you must pay the piper for that one, too. Now go, young man, and may the ages be kind to you!”

            Gerald backed away from the counter, frightened. “Thank you, ma’am,” he whispered. He took Kylie’s hand, placed the pendant into it, and pulled her fingers closed around it. “This is for you,” he whispered. “I hope you like it.”

Vortex of Desire – Cosmic Connection

Vortex of Desire is Black Velvet Seductions’ latest Sci-fi Romance Anthology. It contains an amazing group of authors who journey beyond space and time to prove love has no boundaries. Join us as we venture into perilous worlds and explore hidden desires which lie beyond the wormhole; or discover a torrent of adventures here on earth and experience love that will not be denied. Whether it’s a trek through the stars or an escape into new realities close to home, Vortex of Desire has something for everyone: mystery, humor, sweet to spicy romances, adventure and suspense. These diverse writers will transport you to new realms and introduce you to intriguing life forms, aliens, exotic creatures, mad scientists, and monsters. Buckle up and get ready to experience the twists and turns of Vortex of Desire. We hope you enjoy the voyage.

Cosmic Connection

Angelika Devlyn

In a future where Earth is uninhabitable and humanity survives in biodomes, Aurora is a brilliant scientist working tirelessly to save her people from extinction. She’s used to being in control, but in her quiet moments, she yearns for something more. That’s where Leo comes in. He’s the perfect alien boyfriend she’s created in her imagination, and with him, she can let go of all her inhibitions.

As Aurora’s passion grows, her connection to Leo becomes more real than ever before. With each electric touch and pulsating sensation, she realizes that her imaginary lover might not be so imaginary after all. But when she finally meets Leo, she must navigate the challenges of their vastly different worlds and the secrets that threaten to tear them apart.

Cosmic Connection is a thrilling and steamy adventure that will take you to the furthest reaches of the galaxy and beyond. Join Aurora as she embarks on a cosmic journey to explore the vast depths of the universe, where she discovers the pleasures of letting go and giving in to the unknown. Follow her as she learns to surrender to her innermost yearnings, and discovers a world of ecstasy and fulfillment beyond her wildest dreams. Get ready for a wild ride that will leave you breathless and yearning for more.


Explore the depths of the universe with Aurora and Leo in Cosmic Connection – where love transcends time and space!

Vortex of Desire – Aurelian Bliss

Vortex of Desire is Black Velvet Seductions’ latest Sci-fi Romance Anthology. It contains an amazing group of authors who journey beyond space and time to prove love has no boundaries. Join us as we venture into perilous worlds and explore hidden desires which lie beyond the wormhole; or discover a torrent of adventures here on earth and experience love that will not be denied. Whether it’s a trek through the stars or an escape into new realities close to home, Vortex of Desire has something for everyone: mystery, humor, sweet to spicy romances, adventure and suspense. These diverse writers will transport you to new realms and introduce you to intriguing life forms, aliens, exotic creatures, mad scientists, and monsters. Buckle up and get ready to experience the twists and turns of Vortex of Desire. We hope you enjoy the voyage.

Aurelian Bliss

Deborah Kelsey Lazaroff 


What happens when sex between humans is outlawed except for breeding? Along come the Aurelians, an alien race that feeds off sexual contact! Centers are set up across the globe, and the problem seems solved, but then our heroine falls in love with her Aurelian, and he with her! Can they find happiness together?


Imagine the perfect lover—but he happens to be an alien!

Vortex of Desire – Humanity

Vortex of Desire is Black Velvet Seductions’ latest Sci-fi Romance Anthology. It contains an amazing group of authors who journey beyond space and time to prove love has no boundaries. Join us as we venture into perilous worlds and explore hidden desires which lie beyond the wormhole; or discover a torrent of adventures here on earth and experience love that will not be denied. Whether it’s a trek through the stars or an escape into new realities close to home, Vortex of Desire has something for everyone: mystery, humor, sweet to spicy romances, adventure and suspense. These diverse writers will transport you to new realms and introduce you to intriguing life forms, aliens, exotic creatures, mad scientists, and monsters. Buckle up and get ready to experience the twists and turns of Vortex of Desire. We hope you enjoy the voyage.


Nancy Golinski

With Earth crumbling around her, Skye is suddenly thrust into a new world.  As part of an immortal team tasked with saving humanity, she must struggle to hide her skills, keep her wits about her, and not fall in love with soulmate, Jack.  Will she succeed?  More importantly, will she finally believe in something she gave up on years ago? 


An out-of-this-world romance.

Step Puck

by Debbie Hope

I’m the number one goalie for the Bay City Brawlers Hockey Team. We only have one more game until the Stanley Cup and it’s ours. We have to win because this will be my last game. At thirty-five I’m done. Done with the bullshit fights. Done with the pain that will now be with me for the rest of my life. And that’s what I finally want. A life.

She walks back into my life uninvited. The little stepsister I haven’t seen in five years. Sexy, unattainable eighteen years old and not for me. Except she still follows me around and there’s a connection I can’t ignore.

I’ve always been in love with Billy Wallace. Ever since his dad married my mom when I was four. Now I’m twenty-one and know what I want. And I’m going to get him and he can’t ignore me. He can’t ignore our connection and I won’t fail.

Debbie Hope bio

Hi. I’m USA Today Bestselling Author Debbie Hope. I love to write what I read. Romance. All genres of romance. From sweet to steamy. All with passion. Angst. Conflict. 

I live in Southern California, outside of Los Angeles. I’m a dog groomer and the typical crazy, old cat lady. Lol.

If you like to read Zoe Blake, Nicole Fox and Autumn Summers you will want to give my books a try.


Twitter – @DASteinauthor 

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Instagram –  @d.a.stein

TikTok – @dastein0

MeWe – @dastein

Vortex of Desire – Talitha

Vortex of Desire is Black Velvet Seductions’ latest Sci-fi Romance Anthology. It contains an amazing group of authors who journey beyond space and time to prove love has no boundaries. Join us as we venture into perilous worlds and explore hidden desires which lie beyond the wormhole; or discover a torrent of adventures here on earth and experience love that will not be denied. Whether it’s a trek through the stars or an escape into new realities close to home, Vortex of Desire has something for everyone: mystery, humor, sweet to spicy romances, adventure and suspense. These diverse writers will transport you to new realms and introduce you to intriguing life forms, aliens, exotic creatures, mad scientists, and monsters. Buckle up and get ready to experience the twists and turns of Vortex of Desire. We hope you enjoy the voyage.


Virginia Wallace

Near the end of the eighteenth century, a ship’s captain named Robert Walton penned a series of letters to his sister. Through those letters, he told the grisly tale of an evil scientist who chose to play God—Victor Frankenstein,the fiend who created a monster.

It is anyone’s guess as to how the mewling novelist Mary Shelley came to be in possession of these letters, but she nevertheless published them as her own ‘fiction.’ In so doing, she inadvertently destroyed the life of one Agatha DeLacey.

Now Agatha is sailing the high seas, safely hidden behind the pseudonym ‘Talitha de Morte.’ Only once did she ever encounter Frankenstein’s monster, but that encounter left her forever scarred. Should she ever meet him again, well … she carries a dagger strapped to her thigh, ready, and waiting. Creating a future—or finding love—in such a state of perpetual wariness seems almost impossible.

Almost …


Frankenstein’s monster chased her to the very ends of the earth …

Club Wonderland – Spare the Rod book 3

by Everly Taylor

Welcome to Wonderland
From the moment her confession left her lips, it became a place of my salvation and my damnation. Worse, I didn’t care that every time I followed her through those doors, I was no longer a man of the cloth. I was simply a man. One that gave into the carnal desires that flooded me whenever she was near.
I knew it was wrong. But I couldn’t help it. The way she submitted for me without question. Soft and yielding, completely at my mercy. Just as desperate for her release as I was.
When she returns to confess her sins, will I be able to handle hearing my own sins recited to me? Or will I cave as I remember the sounds that left her lips when I reveled in my sin for her?