The Angel and The Beast

by Virginia Wallace

The world of men has fallen.

The predictable demise of the ‘New World Order’ led to a truly new social order: the rise of of the Ancient Ones, with the angel-born Nephilim as their masters. With the mighty dragons at their beck and call, the Nephilim wasted no time in creating a nightmarish world in their own image.

For centuries, the Sardonican Church maintained some semblance of order in the more civilized nations. Now, the Church is being challenged by a mysterious rebel leader known only as ‘the Dark One.’ Among all the Nephilim, there has never been a warrior more formidable—or more feared.

Something evil lurks in the Dark One’s blood; this much is obvious. And that reality begs the question: is a man nothing more than a product of his bloodline, upbringing, and environment? Or rather, is his identity forged by his actions? The fate of the civilized world hinges upon that terrible question.

Whatever the case may be, Karis—the erstwhile Angel of Death—is about to discover the answer.


“So tell me, Reaper,” said Leif, lifting his teacup once more. “How much did they pay you to end my life?”

            “Enough,” said Karis dismissively. “A girl needs to eat, you know.”

            “That she does,” agreed Leif. “And thus, I bear you no ill will. But tell me, Fallen One . . . do you love this Church you serve, or are you just doing a job?”

            “That shouldn’t matter to you! snarled Karis. “Your fate will be the same, whether it’s for gold or for love.”

            “You speak the truth,” said Leif, setting down his teacup. “But the Church is desperate now, is it not? The Dark One is leading his armies relentlessly toward Moravia, bent on toppling the rule of the Church. What will you do, Assassin, if he succeeds?”

            “He will not succeed!” said Karis firmly.

            “So said the Church of yesteryear, as well,” said Leif with a chuckle. “But your fate is your own to decide; mine has befallen me at last. Perform your task, Reaper.”

            “Raise your arm,” said Karis, looking away. “Above your head.”

            “Right or left?” asked Leif.

            “It doesn’t matter,” said Karis, reaching for her belt.

            The old Nephilim raised an arm over his head, smiling as he stared the Reaper dead in her black eyes. Karis drew her dagger from her belt.

            She struck in the blink of an eye, downward into the armpit, and straight into the heart …

The Children of Apep

by Virginia Wallace

Gerald Kowalski was always a strange boy. He’s quiet, smart, obsessed with comic books, and nothing at all like his coarse, dim-witted parents. He is also a dreamer, which is a depressing thing to be in a sleepy, small town like Watsonville.

Little does Gerald know that a strange family of witches is about to reveal a shocking truth to him, one he has suspected his entire life: that the world as we know it is simply a façade, a shell . . .

And the world within that shell is a waking nightmare!


Gerald stared at his shoes for a moment and then looked at Kylie. She still looked a bit nervous, as though this situation made her ill at ease. Before he knew it, Gerald was fishing in the pocket of his shorts. He felt a moment of panic, fearing that he’d lost the object of his search while he’d been swimming. But no, there it was—the soggy ten-spot that old Widow Fitzgerald had left in her mailbox for him.

He slid it across the counter as Kylie beamed at him. Gerald was about to say ‘thank you’ when the old woman grabbed him by the collar, and yanked him close.

            He panicked as she began whispering into his ear. “What is done, young man, cannot now be undone,” she whispered vehemently. “You have made a covenant, one that will not be consummated for many a year. But the day will come, as surely as the sun rises in the east. You made another covenant last night when you took the book, and the day will come in which you must pay the piper for that one, too. Now go, young man, and may the ages be kind to you!”

            Gerald backed away from the counter, frightened. “Thank you, ma’am,” he whispered. He took Kylie’s hand, placed the pendant into it, and pulled her fingers closed around it. “This is for you,” he whispered. “I hope you like it.”

Vortex of Desire – Talitha

Vortex of Desire is Black Velvet Seductions’ latest Sci-fi Romance Anthology. It contains an amazing group of authors who journey beyond space and time to prove love has no boundaries. Join us as we venture into perilous worlds and explore hidden desires which lie beyond the wormhole; or discover a torrent of adventures here on earth and experience love that will not be denied. Whether it’s a trek through the stars or an escape into new realities close to home, Vortex of Desire has something for everyone: mystery, humor, sweet to spicy romances, adventure and suspense. These diverse writers will transport you to new realms and introduce you to intriguing life forms, aliens, exotic creatures, mad scientists, and monsters. Buckle up and get ready to experience the twists and turns of Vortex of Desire. We hope you enjoy the voyage.


Virginia Wallace

Near the end of the eighteenth century, a ship’s captain named Robert Walton penned a series of letters to his sister. Through those letters, he told the grisly tale of an evil scientist who chose to play God—Victor Frankenstein,the fiend who created a monster.

It is anyone’s guess as to how the mewling novelist Mary Shelley came to be in possession of these letters, but she nevertheless published them as her own ‘fiction.’ In so doing, she inadvertently destroyed the life of one Agatha DeLacey.

Now Agatha is sailing the high seas, safely hidden behind the pseudonym ‘Talitha de Morte.’ Only once did she ever encounter Frankenstein’s monster, but that encounter left her forever scarred. Should she ever meet him again, well … she carries a dagger strapped to her thigh, ready, and waiting. Creating a future—or finding love—in such a state of perpetual wariness seems almost impossible.

Almost …


Frankenstein’s monster chased her to the very ends of the earth …

Fatal Distractions – anthology

“Borrowed Time,” by Virginia Wallace

It is a strange feeling, Elinor once thought, to be in the bathroom when one is supposed to be in the movie theater. It leaves one feeling rather out of place, and ill at ease. This is how she’s felt her entire life, and it all started with a visit from a specter named Dave—and a jar of moonshine.

“The Budsem Affair,” by Virginia Wallace

Bubba Waugh just wanted to use the phone, in a building deceptively labeled ‘Mistress Mary’s School for Girls .’ Little does naïve, country-born Bubba know that a certain ‘Mistress Holly’ is waiting for him …

“Thirst,” by Catalyst Jost

Maxwell is trapped in a world of hallucinations, and vivid dreams. It all started with a blood-red drink, poured into an ornate goblet. Can Max fight his way through the nightmare? Will he ever reconnect with the love of his life, or is he simply too far gone?

“The Protocols,” by Virginia Wallace

For thousands of years, the Plutonians have been watching our planet from afar. Now, they wish to examine it more closely. But even these refined, technologically-advanced aliens might not be prepared for Earth’s hilariously appalling quirks …

“Five Candles,” by Virginia Wallace

Jake DeCarlo leads a shameless existence, living in a world of booze, drugs, and cheap sex. Even his devoutly Catholic mother can’t get through to him. But when the eternal bill for his debauchery comes due, a mysterious man named Uncle Yenaldo is more than willing to chat with him …

“A Time to Die,” by Loren A. Douglas

Adam is watching his wife waste away from cancer. What’s killing him is also watching his neighbor’s beautiful, abused, young-adult daughter inch ever closer to suicide. While one woman is fighting for her life, another is moving towards throwing it all away. This begs the question: is it really such a sin, to put the soul of a suicide candidate into the body of a desperate, dying person? One woman wants to live. The other does not. Wherein lies the right or the wrong of the matter …?

“Find Me in the Mirror,” by Virginia Wallace

Amanda’s adult life is a spectacular success. Her childhood, on the other hand, was a train wreck. The Repeating Universe Theory claims that there are endless universes, with infinite variations upon reality. Search the repeating universes long enough, and you might eventually find another you. And it is in this maze of cosmic variables, that Amanda is able to offer a word of encouragement to her younger self.

“Rime of a Fairy,” by Chris Taylor

Music has always been near and dear to the heart of man. The Celts believed that such enraptured melodies were the work of the Fae, and perhaps this is true …

Virginia Wallace

Today, I’m very excited to have Virginia Wallace who is my cohort in our Saturday author talks. She’s fun and funny and a great writers. Welcome to my blog Virginia!

Thank you for having me! A pleasure, as always.

So I know a lot about you but please tell my readers about yourself.

lol … I never know where to begin on that one! I was born and raised in Norfolk, VA, USA. … and no, I wasn’t in a gang. I was home-schooled from grades 3-12, and spent most of my childhood without a TV … which is where I get my love of reading. It was either read or stare at the wall! I started writing in my early twenties, and spent a few years on the indie scene. After a long hiatus, I re-entered the publishing world in 2020, this time as a traditionally-published author. Although true to form, I would end up back on the indie scene about a year later!

No TV must have been rough. What sorts of books did you read?

Anything I could get my hands on! I’m a huge fan of nineteenth-century lit. Mark Twain blew my mind. I discovered his work when I was nine, and read his entire body of work fairly quickly. My mother introduced me to Daphne du Maurier when I was fourteen, and that was another game changer. I’m also a huge fan of pulp-era Science Fiction, like Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov. But at the end of the day, I’ll read pretty much anything.

Mark Twain was very nuanced in his writing. Did you read him exclusively as a child or as you got older did you discover more of the nuances?

I re-read his work often. It’s funny, some of his work was obviously born of nostalgia, such as ‘Huckleberry Finn’ or ‘Tom Sawyer’. ‘The Prince and the Pauper’ was a classic-style folk tale, but ‘A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court’ was biting social satire. ‘On the Damned Human Race’ was just plain cynical. ‘Pudd’nhead Wilson’ was pure genius, and I suspect laid the groundwork for later mystery writers.

Who do you think has had the most influence on your writing?

Stylistically, probably Daphne du Maurier. Her work has a lush, brooding, deeply introspective feel. I also love that her word usage is so poetic.

Do you feel your writing is poetic?

I try. To me, using words is like painting a picture. Articulate, prettily-written prose creates an image in the mind of the reader. Am I poetic? Ultimately, I think that one would be best answered by my readers.

You write dark novels – leaning towards horror or horror aspects in your stories. What started your fascination with horror or the darker topics?

As I’m fond of pointing out, nearly all popular tales have an element of darkness to them. Even with children’s lit, stories like ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ are quite popular. I didn’t have a very happy childhood, and I remember gravitating towards films like ‘Dracula’, or music such as Black Sabbath and Metallica. There’s something cathartic, I think, about turning pain, fear, and anger into art. Makes it less scary, you know?

I think it’s a great way to channel your inner demons. I read an interview with Neil Diamond where he confessed he tried therapy but talking didn’t work but the therapist learned all he needed from Diamond’s songs. Do you feel like you’ll get tired of the dark?

No. The human mind is full of nastiness, and I think it’s best never to forget that. I think my work would suffer terribly if I did. Darkness isn’t the point, it’s the backdrop. Love, selflessness, and heroism shine all the brighter in a dark setting. That’s a good thing, I believe. Freddy Krueger was terrifying, but what made ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’ such a legendary story was that Freddy’s evil brought out Nancy’s courage, and made her the best possible version of herself that she could be.

That’s an interesting concept – like we don’t know it’s dark if we don’t have light. Do you incorporate that sort of balance into your book?

I do. Darkness for the sake of darkness is just nihilistic, and rather depressing. There has to be some kind of balance, even if it skews more towards one end of the spectrum than the other.

So I know you. I know you’re a funny person. Do you incorporate humor into your stories and how do you balance the humor with the dark and light?

There are always flashes of humor in my stories, but I realized last year that I’d never written anything that was intentionally humorous in its overall tone. So I wrote a short story called ‘The Ritual’. Ironically, it’s about two serial killers and it’s the bloodiest tale I’ve ever written. But I deliberately adopted a whimsical, tongue-in-cheek tone for it. You laugh, and you feel awful because you’re laughing … ‘cuz that stuff really isn’t funny, you know … but you laugh anyway. Or at least, I did when I wrote it. ‘The Ritual’ will appear in the anthology ‘Dark Desire’, by Black Velvet Seductions.

LOL I think dark humor is appreciated by many if done in the right way.  We’ve talked about what you do write so now tell me what you don’t want to write. Are there any genres you avoid?

Erotica. My work does feature sexual content as needed – sex being a part of life, after all – but I’d rather it not be the point. I much prefer simply building a strong sense of sexual tension, because I find that interesting from a psychological point of view. I’ve written just about every genre, though. I finally checked Science Fiction off my list with my short story ‘Orion’ (featured in ‘Cowboy Desire’). In hindsight, it was odd that I waited so long to write sci-fi because I love reading it.

Since it’s a favorite will you write more scifi?

I’m sure I will! My favorite genres are the ones that give the imagination the most latitude. Horror, fantasy, sci-fi … I actually found my contemporary romance ‘When the White Knight Falls’ the hardest to write, because I couldn’t just bust out a wizard or a spaceship as a plot device!

I agree. Last question so make your answer good…. What has helped you be the writer you are?

I always thought of myself as an artist, as a child and young adolescent. I made a fair amount of money doing portraits and advertising art, and I started taking lessons very young. What made me a writer was this: When I was in my mid-teens, my friends taught me how to play ‘Dungeons and Dragons’. I was hooked right from the get-go! It wasn’t long before I went from being a character player to being the ‘Dungeon Master’: the story-teller and narrator. (I always say ‘Dungeon Master’. ‘Dungeon Mistress’ just … well, it doesn’t sound quite right. Gives the wrong impression, you know?) I learned to find my voice as a writer by actually telling stories, not writing them down. A lot of readers have pointed out that I have a ‘conversational’ writing style, and that’s almost certainly why. Role-playing games made me an author, and I highly recommend them to everyone. They stretch the imagination like nothing else does, in my opinion.

Virginia – thank you for joining me today. I’m sure my readers will enjoy learning more about you.

Thank you for having me! I’m quite flattered.

To follow Virginia

Book links – Amazon

Virginia Wallace

Virginia and I connected up through mutual friends. She’s a blast and you cannot take her seriously on anything.


Virginia Wallace was born and raised on the Chesapeake Bay region of southeastern Virginia, USA. She’s lived all over, from the mountains of New England to the American Midwest.

Virginia first learned to tell stories as a teenager, via playing role-playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons and Vampire: The Masquerade. It would be years before she began putting her tales on paper, but she’s been making up for lost time ever since.

The novel When the White Knight Falls marked her debut into the mainstream publishing world, and she’s also appeared in the anthologies Desire Me Again and Cowboy Desire; all three were published by Black Velvet Seductions.

Seven Forbid was her first solo collection of short stories, which she swiftly followed up with Eternally October.

Tell us about yourself.

Now see, I NEVER know how to answer that one! I mean, where do I even start? ‘I was born an orphan at the age of four …?’ I’m an author. And also a smartass. And I really like beer. Does that work as a starter? I s’pose I can add that I like whisky, too, especially Scotch. Single Malt. Oh, and at least twelve years old.

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When did you know you wanted to be an author?

I was fourteen. I was homeschooled, and my assignment that year was to write a novel. It sucked, but I fell in love with how much fun it is to tell a story. That was the same year that I also discovered the work of comic-book writer J. Marc DeMatteis. I loved his stories so much that yearned to be just like him! I found the dark intensity of his tales absolutely mesmerizing.

What genres do you like to read?  Are these the same genres you write in?

I’ll read just about anything you put in front of me. Ooooh, look, a pamphlet on hemorrhoids!

Is your book for adults, young adults or children?

Adults. I tried writing a YA novel once. It went to hell real fast …and by hell, I actually mean Hell. No foolies!

What is your current release or project?

I’m in Black Velvet Seductions’ new anthology, ‘Dark Desire’, which should debut this spring. I’m SUPER stoked about that one!!! I have two stories in it. Romance with a body count, you know?

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Tell us about the key characters

Well, ‘Beginning Forever’ marks the return of Jillian the werewolf, who was featured in ‘Desire Me Again’, also by Black Velvet Seductions. I also have a brand-new tale called ‘The Ritual’, starring Romy—a pyromaniac serial killer. I hafta admit, ‘The Ritual’ is my favorite short so far!

What is your blurb or synopsis of the book?

Oof … I ain’t written a blurb yet. My bad! But when I announced the contract signing, I said this: ‘Meet Romy! She’ll set your world on fire! And probably you along with it.’

Share an excerpt

“How’d you grow up in North Carolina without learning to use a shotgun?” asked Romy, handing Bert the freshly-loaded weapon

“We were never allowed to have guns in the house, at least not after Dad shot Grandma.”

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“Was it an accident?”


Bert sighted carefully, pointing the shotgun at the younger man’s surviving kneecap. He was grateful that the old man was momentarily silent; he always hated it when people begged for their lives, and so did Romy. Life is short, and when it’s over, that’s it. Both he and she were offended that people would so often debase themselves seeking a mere few minutes more of panicking, wretched life.


Bert lowered the gun, aghast.

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“Ooh,” said Romy, biting her lip. “That … That wasn’t his knee, Bert.”


“Maybe we should give this guy a free pass,” said Bert regretfully, raising his gun again.


Bert sighted more carefully this time …       


“Well,” said Romy, waving away the acrid gun-smoke as she wiped the spattered blood from her pretty face, “at least you hit his head just fine!”

Do you have a favorite scene?

Yes, but I can’t share it. It’d be a spoiler, you know? It’s the scene in which Bert and Romy met, and fell in love.

What advice would you give a beginner?

How much time do you have to devote to writing? Don’t answer. Shut the hell up. Whatever you were about to say … it ain’t enough!!!

Blog link

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Seven Forbid

by Virginia Wallace

Welcome to the dark world of ‘Seven Forbid’, with four tales to keep you awake at night!!!

The People of the Lie

Bobby is elated to meet his adolescent crush, by pure happenstance. But as he slowly gets to know the iconic Hollywood siren, he begins to suspect that the glamorous world of celebrities might not be as glamorous as he’d once thought … 


On a bright sunny morning, away in a mountain cabin, a pretty teenage girl awakens to find herself completely alone. This is odd, because her aging, married lover brought her here for a weekend getaway. Where did he go? Why did he leave? And most importantly, what are his plans for her?


It’s been said that Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. But a woman scorned has nothing on a woman belittled, reviled, and beaten …

The Day Punkin Blew Up the Devil

The sleepy town of Watsonville seems to have suddenly found itself hypnotized by its charming new mayor. As the mayor slowly begins selling out the town to the forces of evil, only one person has the courage to defy him: a strange young boy in a coonskin cap, known by the moniker of ‘Punkin’. Watsonville is swirling into a maelstrom of darkness. Does Punkin have what it takes to stop its descent?

Eternally October

By Virginia Wallace

Most of us are used to having our relationships handed to us. Siblings, parents, family friends …

But sometimes those relationships don’t quite work out, do they? Sometimes the relationships that matter most are the ones that we chose for ourselves, or that Fate chose for us. Sometimes, the dearest family is a family of friends.

Thus I present to you these four stories, stories about the relationships that matter most. They may not be ingrained into our DNA, or forced upon us by society, but their influence lingers on nevertheless.

Life isn’t always about blood, or social familiarity. No, life more often consists of the bonds that we forge during our most vulnerable moments.

‘Eternally October’ is a book about those moments, and how they define our lives.

The Bottom Line

Wes Carville grew up without a father.

But he didn’t grow up without a mentor. Mr. Hutt, the kindly old man around the corner, looked after and guided the boy, all throughout his troubled adolescence.

Wes is a man now, and Mr. Hutt is long gone.

And Wes is about to learn that the line between death and life might be more blurry than he once thought …


Arthur Bennett is an up-and-coming novelist, a brilliant but lonely man.

Like many reclusive authors, he hides behind his alter ego: his nom de plume. Celia is his greatest creation, a spunky, vivacious woman beloved by the reading public.

As isolation slowly begins to eat away at his fevered brain, Arthur starts to wonder …

Who’s more real? The author, or the pseudonym?

The Eye of the Hurricane

As a violent hurricane rolls across the coast like a juggernaut, Earl Schumacher finds himself strangely apathetic about the dangerous storm.

Ever since his beloved terrier Jack-Jack died, the world just seems … unreal.

Little does he know that the storm is about to change reality, at least for him – perhaps forever.

The Word, the Blood, and the Phoenix

There is no creature more powerful than the Phoenix. Possessed of the ability to traverse both space and time, the Phoenix eyes everything beneath his gaze with open contempt.

Only one entity is more powerful than he: the Son of Man, the living incarnation of the Almighty. The Phoenix hates Him for this.

As the Phoenix recklessly pursues the Son of Man, seeking the source of His power, he is about to learn a painful lesson: there is a difference between the flames that illuminate …

And the flames that consume. 

When the White Knight Falls

Author Bio

Virginia Wallace is a native of the Chesapeake Bay region on the Southeast coast of the United States. Nomadic by nature, Virginia has lived all over, from the mountains of New England to the rolling hills of the American Heartland.

She began her creative career during her late teens and early twenties, working as a freelance portrait and commercial artist. She slowly transitioned into writing, eventually self-publishing three novels for the ‘indie’ book market.

As a writer, Virginia Wallace has always worked at meshing modern stories with a lush style reminiscent of 19th Century American and European literature. When the White Knight Falls marks her debut into the mainstream book market.


The lovely and talented Kate McCoy once thought that her future was predictable, and secure.  Classical music was her passion, and she was inarguably the mistress of her craft.

Then she met Alec Murdenson…

Alec knows nothing of orchestras; he’s a rocker, through and through. The ferocity of his music seems out of place when viewed alongside his easy smile, and his sense of humor… not to mention his handsome face, and striking green eyes.

But there is something else lurking behind his riveting gaze, an entity that is both Alec and yet not Alec at all. That phantasm is more than a little disturbing; perhaps it is even a cold-blooded monster.

As Kate becomes tangled within Alec’s web, she is forced to re-think everything she once thought she knew. In so doing, she must make a horrific choice: Either run for the hills…

Or embrace a man who understands human depravity better than she ever could.

Social Media links

Follow me on FaceBook at

Twitter at @VirginiaKWalla1On MeWe at

On LinkedIn at

Or follow my blog at


Cowboy Desire – Loving Jack

Author Bio

Estelle Pettersen is an Australian author and former journalist whose romance stories explore empowerment, freedom, and finding one’s strength. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in Journalism and Psychology, from the University of Queensland, Australia. Her second degree is an MBA from Queensland University of Technology, Australia. She is a member of Romance Writers of Australia and is passionate about history, languages, cultures, traveling, food, and wine. She is happily married and living in Norway these days.


After five years of living in London, Olivia Bertrand returns home to Roma, in western Queensland, Australia, only to literally bump into sexy ex-football player Jack McCullen.

Close friends since early childhood, Olivia has always had a crush on Jack but was too shy to admit it. Having been through failed relationships and life changes, both realize that they want each other more than ever. Now, they’re only one step closer to taking their friendship to the next level.

Are Olivia and Jack ready to completely let go of the past for a wild ride ahead? Will they finally admit their love for each other, or will they go their own separate ways?  Find out in this sweet and sensual erotic romance of friends to lovers in an Australian country town.


I knew where we were heading when I recognized a large sign on the old road to the McCullens’ cattle farm about twenty minutes later. Jack parked in front of a magnificent, high-set Queenslander home. It was built of timber, raised off the ground, with a corrugated iron roof and a spacious veranda. The front lawn was a gardener’s delight, with outback flora and an old eucalyptus tree, where Jack and I had carved our initials when we were about nine years old.

“I haven’t been to your house for a while,” I commented as we walked up the steps. “I’ll get a chance to see your mum and dad and say hello.”

“They’re visiting some relatives in Toowoomba this weekend, so it’s just us tonight,” Jack replied, then cleared his throat. “Come over for dinner next Sunday arvo. They’d love to see you.”

“Sure,” I said, stealing a glance at Jack’s athletic physique. “Does that crazy bush turkey still visit your backyard?”

Jack released a light chuckle, then tilted his head and flashed his megawatt smile. “Did you miss Fred?”

“He was a real nutter, that one! Fred would’ve made a good Christmas meal.”

“Fred disappeared shortly after you nicked off to the other side of the world. He’s never come back.”

“Well, good riddance!” I smiled, feeling the warmth of Jack’s body as he stepped closer toward me.

“Ah, you miss him,” Jack murmured, cupping my face with his rough, warm hands. He was right. I missed that crazy, feathered bundle of insanity, who was part of the McCullen farm. However, it was Jack who I craved—I felt his warm, minty breath on my neck as we stood in front of the door in heated silence.

“Livvy, there’s something I’ve wanted to do with you for a long time,” he confessed, pulling me tightly into him.

“I wanted it too,” I whispered, inhaling his spiced, woody aftershave. My fingers trembled as they touched his tanned face and traced the tip of his aquiline nose, down to his soft lips.

“Will you kiss me?” Jack’s deep ocean eyes begged mine.