First day…

First day on the job and its gone rather well considering I didn’t have an ID to log on to anything.  I took time to look through drawers etc.  This is about the only time its acceptable to be snoopy. 

I actually got to perform one task – logged in as someone else – but it was good to learn the one thing.  Hopefully tomorrow my log on works – not holding my breath though.

Tomorrow should be interesting because my boss is gone all day tomorrow.  So I’m not sure how much I’ll have to do. 

I did make it to the pool for a 1/2 hour work out.  That was FABULOUS to get back in the water and work out.  It was colder than usual but still enjoyed.  I also enjoyed the 10 minutes in the hot tub. 

This week promises to be a long week.  I’m sure I’ll settle in a bit, learn lots and keep moving forward.  Right now though – I’m just plain whipped.

4 thoughts on “First day…

  1. Hang in there! It's possible that your login wasn't ready because DOA was closed yesterday (the whole world EXCEPT the UW and schools were closed yesterday!) I think since it's still a quasi-state job, things need to be set up or approved by DOA.

    I remember my first day on this job; my appointment letter directed me to room 601 but my boss wasn't in room 601 (he was in the adjoining room, 651) so I bothered an especially evil woman to help me. She sighed, rolled her eyes, lead the way…all the while making me feel like a total heel. It was AWFUL!

    Just kidding!

    The woman was really nice and, as it turned out, I got to work with her as time went on. – and she became a friend I could turn to (over and over and over). Of course, she's abandoned me now, but *sniffle* I'll survive…

    Okay, 'nuff said. You have yourself a good day – and I hope they get your login going…if nothing else, you can read the news and celebrity gossip!

  2. Apparently the person who was supposed to get me set up retired last Friday. So no one in that department had ever heard of me. I don't think DOA has much to do with the UW system… I think they work independently of the rest of the state system… I could be wrong…

    As for the evilness – you were right on track until you ruined it with that sappy stuff… LOL.. I do miss you and once I get email at work we will be able to email during the day – I still need all the gossip from over there… 🙂

    I actually spent a bit of time looking over web pages for professors and discovered a couple of errors – I was trying to decide if it would be rude to point them out in my first week… I probably will… in for a penny, in for a pound…

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