Morning errands

What does it say when I’m exhausted by 10 am?  Now granted I’ve been pretty busy this morning.  My daughter and I went to the gas station, Sorgs (butcher shop), two libraries, met with a friend to drop off something, and came home.  I’ve been on the phone to talk about the new phones for Stephanie and I – have I mentioned I hate phone shopping?

Now I’m home and planning to go sit by the fireplace until TJ shows up for lunch and work on the book.  I’m hoping for a bit of quiet before more chaos.  This afternoon will hopefully be creative and fun in going over all the amazing pictures TJ has created – I can’t wait to see them.  She is an amazing artist and I love her work. 

We also click when it comes to our vision for our work.  My words inspire her in a way that inspires me.  If that makes any sense at all…

So a little down time before a productive and creative afternoon… care to join me?  The fireplace awaits…

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