
Ads, propaganda, and blowhards are flooding the airwaves with bullshit about which person would be better for the job of president, or which party should have control to guide our nation forward.

I doubt any politicians will read this but here are some things we need to do to make this a better country:


·         Everyone whose income is over 75K a year should pay a flat rate of income tax.  Yes we can still give tax credits for kids, retirement, and so on but it all starts out even.  I guess if you have to have levels those from 50K to under 75K should pay a smaller percentage but under 50K shouldn’t have to pay anything – they already aren’t making it.
·         The political employees (Senators, Presidents, Congressmen, etc) all get the same retirement as the rest of us – Social Security or private paid for by their own funds not tax payer funds.
·         The old and infirm, the veterans –these groups should be cared for.  I don’t care if they live for 20 years or 50 years and need the care.  They aren’t able to do for themselves anymore and in some cases have stood the line defending our country.
·         Women are equal to men.  Gender does not make a difference.  If we have to do a fair wage thing – let’s do it.  No one should be discriminated against and women still are.  The government should stay out of the woman’s health care issues.  If people want abortion to stop then they better figure out ways to fix the problem of unwanted pregnancy – not get in the business of individual women.  This may mean that we have better adoption laws, better access and distribution to birth control and we EDUCATE.
·         Marriage is a union – it is a contract that shouldn’t matter whether the two parties are of the same gender or not. 
·         Corporations are not people.  All funds for campaigning should go into a central fund and be distributed evenly amongst all the candidates – so if there are 10 people running for a position and a million bucks were donated for that position – each candidate gets the same amount.  Attack ads should be banned.  Ads should be solely about what the candidate believes and wants to do. 
·          Education is KEY to eradicating poverty.  This doesn’t necessarily mean every kid has to be shuffled into college.  We still need plumbers, welders, electricians, and other crafts that require hands on training.  If you are on aid from the government – unemployment or welfare – you have to further your education in order to better place yourself.  We need to support that.
·         Don’t get into wars.  Okay if someone is threatening the US – really threatening not some bogus BS – it is okay to fight but there are almost always better solutions than going to war.  If you want to put our young people into harm’s way you better have a damn good reason for it – not some fantasy WMD myth.

I’m sure there are more things but these are the ones that come to mind off the top of my head.  As a politician, I expect you to be on board with these things.  If you aren’t then I have to figure out whether you are worth voting for.  I don’t’ want a President that dismisses half the country (even in a speech meant for a targeted audience).  I want a President who is going to try to serve the country as a whole, who will represent the US in a positive light, and who will be able to make the tough choices.  I want representatives who are going to listen to my opinion on all issues and only make decisions after they have listened to their constituents not based on an antiquated religious belief system which subjugates half the population. 

I am tired of all the BS ads and lies being told.  If you can’t open your mouth and speak the truth – then don’t open your mouth.  Mostly, I want all the damn political crap to be done.  My absentee ballot came and I’m going to fill it out, send it back and be done with it.  I can only hope the rest of the people in the country really think about what direction we want to go – forward into the future or backwards into an era that is long dead and shouldn’t be resurrected.


It looks like our representatives are only representing the rich and the corporations.  It looks like they are going to pass a bill that raises the debt ceiling and screws the middle and lower classes as well as the seniors.  I’m seriously disappointed with our representatives across the board.  What happened to We the People?  What happened to representation by peers?  What happened to taking care of the people within your district – all of them whether you agree with them or not?
Here is a basic budgeting tip for the government – not that any of them listen.  If there isn’t enough money to pay the bills you do two things.  You increase your income (i.e. tax those who aren’t paying their fair share – rich and corporation) and you decrease your spending.  Now everyone of course has their own ideas on how to decrease spending.  The problem right now with decreasing spending is that it will adversely affect our economy. 
We’ve had a depression before (I refer all the people who aren’t up on history to the stock market crash of 1929 and the entire decade of the 30s).  FDR spent a LOT of money on social programs to pull us out of the depression we were in.  It is the same now.  Obama’s programs didn’t work because they didn’t go far enough. 
It’s time to represent the entire population not just the wealthy.  It’s time for those not being represented to stand up and say enough. 
I know that the economy is tricky because there are so many factors that go into what makes the economy work.  I also know if you keep raising prices on essentials like food, gas, utilities and keep lowering wages then the upper middle and middle class will become the lower class.  The lower class will become the disenfranchised and homeless (hopeless).  This will not do our economy any good.