Crafting and Quiet

It’s a lazy weekend for me.  I swear I’m not going to do much this weekend.  I’m worn out from work this week and next week is going to be busy and stressful.  So this weekend I’m going to do only fun things – I hope.

I’ve already worked on budget and writing business stuff so that is out of the way.  Now it’s time to see what kind of fun I can have.  I have several crochet projects I want to get done.  I’ve had several requests from different people for ideas and so on.  Now it’s a matter of sitting down and working on them so I can see what they like and what fits.

After lunch today, I think I’ll wander to JoAnns to see about picking up a couple pieces of material for trying out ideas I’ve seen on my crochet group and online.  I’m excited to try these projects which combine fabric and yarn.

I slept late this morning but I still feel like I want a nap so I may indulge in a nap today.  Unfortunately, I have to be careful about naps because if I nap too much I won’t sleep tomorrow night which makes it difficult to get up for work.

Crafting this weekend with little else on the agenda.  Maybe a trip to JoAnn’s for supplies (specific ones for the projects).  Otherwise, I’m keeping it quiet, calm, and low key.

Long List of Crafting and Writing

It’s a list weekend.  I have a long list of writing tasks I want to get done and a long list of crocheting / crafting things I want to get done.  I may manage to stay in my jammies all weekend just to get stuff done.

Last night I watched Blacklisted and worked on an afghan for my niece.  I’ve got about 40 rows done.  I LOVE the colors she picked and the pattern.  I can’t wait to see the final product.  In my crochet basket, I have about four projects started.  I am going to try to finish two of them this weekend and work on the other two.  Two of them are larger projects so will take longer than a weekend to complete.

I have written about four patterns which fall into the “Baskets” category.  I want to get them compiled into a document so I can publish them but before I publish, I want to print them out, follow the directions, and see if there are any adjustments I want to make.  I’m hoping to work on that this weekend.

I’ve got a short story finalized and am hoping to publish it this weekend.  Next is to do the searches on Wayfarer 10 and print for editing.

I’ve been wrapped up in marketing.  I’m trying to tweet and post on facebook regularly so I can get my work out to others.  I’m also looking at my marketing spreadsheet to see what I need to do for the things I’ve already published and not done the marketing.

I have a number of gifts to work on for crafting.  They are on my weekend lists as well.  I guess I better quit writing and get busy.

No Jammies Today

It was supposed to be a stay in my jammies day and do little to nothing.  That didn’t work.  I got up to an email from Joann with one of the things I wanted for a project being on sale.

After spending part of the morning on marketing, I got organized and Ken and I headed out to Joann’s.  While I was looking at things online, I got a notice to text Joann’s to get a coupon.  I did.  I got a 20% off coupon.

The items I wanted were already 50% off so we went in, found what I wanted and picked them up.  At checkout, they used my coupon and I spent nearly $10 less than I had budgeted.  I spent $42 and saved $60.  This is good shopping as far as I’m concerned.

I’ve spent the last two hours working on getting marketing stuff organized into a One Note notebook.  This is the software I just learned how to use.  I have to say, I’m finding it useful both at work and with my writing things.  I’ve created two notebooks to make my marketing tasks simpler.  I’m still gathering quotes from different books but it’s coming along nicely.

Looking to move on to the next thing – will it be more marketing, work on the project I just got the materials for, or something completely different?  I’ll have to see how the mood strikes me.

First Day of Crafting

I made it to my daughter’s with no traffic issues at all.  I stopped and got gas and of course the next three places I saw were all less expensive.  We talked till 2 in the morning.

At her work, I sat and crocheted while she worked.  I finished one dish towel and started another.  I am hoping to finish it before we go back to her apartment.  I don’t have buttons for them but we are going to Joann’s tomorrow.

We went out to lunch and in the same mall, there was a Michaels.  She still had over 30 minutes before she had to be back so we went to look at yarn.  I got some on sale and a crochet magazine which she grabbed before I could look at it and tagged it already.

I have the material to make her one more dish towel and will try to finish those tonight.   Tonight we are going through all the yarn she has claiimed and I plan to make a detailed list of what she wants from each yarn.  

She fed me lunch and now I just want a nap.  She’s offered her keys for me to go back to her apartment but that just seems silly.  I will either put my head down on her desk and nap or I will be a good mom and work on her dish towel.

When I got here she had goodies for me and I LOVE the blanket she made me.  Apparently people have offered to take it and I said absolutely not.  Well okay I said fuck no and if they try I’ll chop off their hands (it is that nice of a blanket).

Hopefully tonight will be an earlier night but I’m not holding my breath.  We always stay up late talking.

Craft Weekend

Tonight I’m running away from home.  Okay I’m driving to my middle daughter’s apartment and spending the next four days with her.  My task – take all the yarn with me she has claimed, organize what she wants done with it and start getting some of the stuff done. 

This weekend we plan to watch movies – like the Jane Austin movies – and work on crocheting for me and knitting for her.  I’m looking forward to it.  Ken has opted out of the crafting weekend.  He didn’t seem overly interested in hanging out while we watched these movies or while we crafted. 

I think my gout has backed off enough I’ll be able to make the drive.  I may have to take things easy tomorrow but I’m hoping no ill effects from the trip. 

My schedule is crazy busy over the next few weeks.  I have a bridal shower and wedding reception to go to for my niece.  The girls are all coming home for the reception.  This will be WONDERFUL!!!  I can’t wait to have them all in my house for a few days.

I have three books I want to publish which will be a weekend of work at the computer desk in my office and then planning and plotting how I’m going to promote each of them. 

It is going to be hectic and crazy but wonderful.  I can’t wait.  I made gifts for my niece and I hope she will like them.  I’m pretty sure she will. 

Once I’m back from the middle daughter’s I’ll be turning my attention to my oldest daughter’s afghan that I promised her.  I would like to have it done before she visits or at the very least before we go visit her later this year.  It will be my focus.  I also have to schedule time with a friend to whom I promised a gift.

Plus I’ve got two novels I’m working on.  I’m going to have to schedule my time.  Once I’m back I think I’ll spend a week (provided writing doesn’t insist on being done) listening to books and crocheting.  Hopefully that will get me through a chunk of the afghan.  Then I’ll be able to determine how much time the afghan will take me. 

Crochet Addiction

I’m going to visit Vicki for a week.  Ostensibly it is to help her with her shoulder – make sure she gets the Tiger Balm on it and isn’t doing too much with it.  However, that is not the only thing I will be doing while I’m gone. 

Our week is going to consist of a lot of me nagging her to stop doing stuff, watching movies or tv shows, and for me crocheting.  I’ve started organizing what I will be taking and realized my crocheting will take up more space (i.e. a bigger suitcase) than my clothes. 

In my defense, we aren’t doing anything other than hanging out in her apartment so I have to make sure I have enough to keep me busy.  Plus I have to take stuff to do when we hang out with her friend who is coming over to craft with us.  Plus I have to have contingency projects in case I get bored with what I am currently working on or if I finish them all.  The hard part will be in narrowing down on the things I have going on in my head for projects.  I have definite ones I’m working on with deadlines but after that I have things I want to experiment with.  For these, it is a difficult question of how much to take.  When I’m at home, it is easy enough to just grab what I want but with going to Vicki’s how much of these possible projects do I want to commit to taking with me and how much space will I have for these types of things.

My daughter suggested I make a to-do list – something I’ve been avoiding because I seem to have an addiction to those as well.  I’ve started one – a bit detailed as is my usual obsession with them.  It is a spreadsheet with different columns for the different parts of each project. 

I’ve got plastic bags with zippers from sheet sets and comforters that I’m using to pack projects together.  This is great for keeping everything organized and preventing damages from occuring while I’m traveling.  I really like these and when I return I may use them for storage in my craft room as well.  When I finish the projects, I’ll be able to put them back in the bags to keep everything organized.  Does this sound obsessive? 

On top of my crochet projects, my daughter wants me to bring down my stuff for the quilts I make for the girls.  Don’t get excited – I’m not a quilter.  Essentially I take large sheets and pin them with batting and then sew them together.  I use yarn to tie them.  I made each of the girls one when they were little and I’ve told all three of them it is time to get rid of them.  They refuse until I replace them.  I’ve had the material for a long while now but can’t kneel on the floor to pin them together.  Vicki says she will do it for me.  This may require a third suitcase. 

People are going to think I’m moving in for a month when I show up at her place.  The good thing about this is everything will be on wheels so should be easy to get in and out of her apartment.  I may have a bit of an addiction when it comes to crafting and crocheting. 

Creative Gene?

My daughters have a new etsy shop (  Skull Scarf
Most of my family are creative in one way or another.  I have a niece who is an amazing artist, another niece who makes amazing jewelry, a sister who knits and quilts, and so many others (if I list them all it will take forever and I’ll probably still forget someone).  More than this generation though, my great grandfather painted carriages.  He was so good he was one of the few people locally who did gold leafing on carriages.  My grandmothers were both very creative in the handcrafts. 

I read (skimmed really) an article that talked about fears being a genetic memory.  My question is for all the big scientists out there – can creativeness have a genetic component?  All of my daughters are good with color and composition.  My youngest daughter oozes with talent with her painting, sewing, crocheting.  My middle daughter crafts a dozens of ways – making amazing ornaments, wreaths, and so much more.  My oldest daughter draws beautifully and her counted cross stitch projects are incredible.  Obviously with my crafting skills and Beth’s crafting skills (family friend) they were raised with crafting days.  I just wonder if it is more than that. 
It also makes me wonder if work ethic / entrepreneurial endeavors are also genetic.  I have my editing business on the side, Vicki has her Simply Natural by Vicki products, and Stephanie and Virginia are working together to build Stephanie’s sewing / crafting business.  I know my father and grandfather had a gun selling business as well as my dad sold seed corn.  My grandparents ran a shoe store.  We descend from farmers mostly (but then who doesn’t really). 
The question becomes is this nurture?  Did I learn about working hard and trying different business because my parents worked hard and then I passed it down to my daughters?  Or is there a genetic component?  That might be interesting to find out. 

Think about it.  My great grandfather ran his business for painting carriages.  If it is genetic memory or a gene then has it been passed down in my family alone it has manifested in a variety of ways and there are tons of cousins and half cousins.  This is the great grandfather who had a dozen kids.  I wonder if talent can be traced back through the generations to an original talent? 
Nature or nurture for crafting and creativeness?  I don’t know but I do love crocheting and benefiting from my family’s creativeness as well.

Nature or nurture for crafting and creativeness?  I don’t know but I do love crocheting and benefiting from my family’s creativeness. 

Summer Slipping Away

This summer I have a long list of writing projects to get done.  I have not worked on them at all.  I submitted one article for a contest but aside from that nothing.  I need to get focused.  It just seems like there is so much going on I have no time to consider my writing tasks. 

At work, my department is moving.  This week is filled with finishing the packing process and prepping for the movers.  They are coming on Monday to take all of our stuff upstairs.  It may be a bit of a crazy week plus for myself and the student workers.  Of course there are some things that can be packed in my office now and other things that have to wait for the last minute.  The problem is making the judgement call on each item. 

Last weekend I visited Vicki which was great.  I also discovered a less expensive way to travel to visit the other two girls in Georgia – that is SUPER exciting.  The cost savings means instead of going down every other year we may be able to go down every year and possibly more often then that.

This weekend I am hoping to get some of my craft room and office organized.  I have a number of tasks to get done and hopefully can make some good progress.  Hopefully I can work on a system for keeping track of my writing projects – where they are, leads, and so on.  I’ve got ideas in my head but at the same time I haven’t solidified what I want done.  One of the things I want to do this weekend is to sort through all my available yarn and put it into the bins that Ken set up for me (it is a wire crate type set of shelves).  This will make it easier for me to see what I have which will lead to me not buying yarn unless I need it rather than guessing that I might need it.  The crafter in my head is saying you always need more yarn – there can never be enough yarn, but I’m gagging her (or trying to) and being a responsible adult. 

I have a friend coming out to have lunch and chat.  I’m looking forward to her visit as we always have a good time together.  Ken will be off with his brother cutting up wood.  It will be just us girls.  I’m excited for this as I don’t often get time with friends just to hang out. 

Hopefully all of the activities this weekend will be multiple steps towards getting some of these writing projects and tasks done.  My biggest obstacle at this point is my messy office and that will be my focus this weekend.  Then I can hopefully post (somewhere) a list of things to get done and start crossing them off.