Do I Gotta?

Last night I finished the manuscript I was working on.  I wrote about 15,000 words yesterday.  It was a good day.

After I finished I was tired and rung out (like I normally get after a manuscript) and opted for a little tv.  I watched an episode of NCIS LA and Person of Interest.  I crashed.  At 1 my phone beeped with a text message and woke me up enough I struggled to go back to sleep.  However, a scene played and played in my head.  I’ll have to see about getting it written otherwise it is going to annoy me.

I woke up this morning groggy – not unusual as I didn’t sleep well after I woke up at 1.  After I talked to my middle daughter, I realized I had to get dressed today.  Since I left work on Tuesday I’ve just been hanging out at home in my jammies.  I did shower and change, just put on jammies both days.

This morning I’ve been busy with paying bills.  I called my credit union because I had a question.  The woman I spoke with was polite and friendly.  We ended up talking about yarn and I learned she was a crocheter as well.  Crafters are everywhere!  You cannot escape them!!!

My hubby comes home tonight.  I have about five hours more of my alone time.  I’m not sure what I plan to do with it, probably write, but I definitely want to make the most of it.  I guess I should find some clothes as I don’t think I want to drive to the airport in my jammies – tempting but no.

Defenders series I have one more book (I hope it’s only one) to write.  I have maps of the villages I’m currently writing in and I am going to look for a list of which people went to which group.  If I can get that info in paper form (yes I know but sometimes I just gotta have paper) I will go sit in my recliner and fall into Bri, Tof, and the other defenders.

I could use another week of alone time.  Do you think Mother Nature might snow us in for that period of time?  Probably not.  I guess I should just be grateful for the time I’ve had and keep working.

At this point I have two manuscripts in paper form to edit and one electronically to edit.  Electronically, I do a search for a set list of words I know I overuse and look at them to see if I can rewrite without the words and I do a spell / grammar check.  Then I print.  Either way, I have three manuscripts in the edit phase.  I should add them to my spreadsheet where I track these things.

Don’t forget, Wayfarer is on sale for 99cents!!!!  Go to Barnes & Nobles, Amazon or Smashwords to get it:

Too Little Sleep, Too Much To Do

Late night calls reduced the amount of sleep I got over the weekend but it was my girls so of course I took the calls.  This meant after a long day at work, I was tired and wanted nothing more than to go home to bed. 

I know myself well enough to know that if I go to bed at six at night, I’ll be up by midnight and grumpy the entire next day.  I opted to work on a gift and listen to a book. 

Sunday while I worked on projects, I watched Finding Your Roots, Person of Interest, NCIS LA, and Elementary.  Most of which I didn’t really enjoy.  The first three shows were good but Elementary was predictable – so not a Sherlock Holmes story.  By the time I was done catching up on shows, I was grumpy and annoyed.  I felt like I hadn’t made enough progress on crocheting and that watching the shows was mostly a waste of time.

This meant that last night I opted for the book.  I look at Cast in Peril and just couldn’t get into it.  It is very slow to start and I’m a little disappointed.  I swapped over to Vengeance in Death.  While I worked on a crochet project, again writing my own patter, I listened to the new book. 

My crochet project I started about six times.  First it was too narrow.  Second I wasn’t liking the yarn I had chosen.  Once I had the right yarn and the right width it was easy enough to snap pictures as I worked.  I got about halfway through and just wanted to close my eyes and go to sleep.  However, I finished it.  I like it enough that I’ll make it into a leaflet to sell the pattern. 

Tonight I have one more of a similar style project to work on and then I’ll see where I am with gifts.  I’m making progress in getting them done.  Once they are done, I’ll be able to go back to writing more at night. 

I’ve got a manuscript I need to do last edits on, create a cover for, and go through production.  I’ve got two manuscripts I’m partway through writing, I’d love to finish at least one of them.  The other I’m not sure is going to make the cut.  I need to finish writing it and pass it on to my testers.  It is a different genre than I normally write so I’m not sure it is good enough to publish. 


Yesterday I was busy with writing.  I published a book, downloaded reports from the companies who I publish through, printed a manuscript for editing, finished editing one manuscript and got a third of the way through another.  It was a busy day.

In addition to all the writing things, I talked to all three of my daughters, organized coupons, and spent time with Ken.  It was a good day with a bit of balance in the day.

This morning I’ll be putting edits into the computer for the manuscript I finished a round of editing.  I have more coupons to go through.  I want to work on croheting.  I also have to get stuff ready for work this week.

I now have nine books under my name.  This is way beyond what I thought I would do in a year.  In the next two months, I’m hoping to get two more books out.  The two manuscripts I’ve been editing need to have a nice polish put on them and then out for readers to enjoy (I hope).  The one will be Wayfarer Immemorial, the third installment of the Wayfarer series.  The other will be a new book about magic, love, good versus evil, betrayal and a bit of redemption.  I’ve not named it yet but it will hopefully be ready by the end of November.

I’ve been submitting short stories and other items to other places and having absolutely no success.  I don’t know that I’m successful with the books but they are at least out there for people to try.

My relaxing weekend has been full of writing and hopefully today a bit of crocheting while I catch up on the tv shows I’m behind on – NCIS LA, Dr. Who, Person of Interest.  I hope I can finish the current scarf I’m working on and then start some of my holiday crocheting.  I’ll just have to see how things go though because the editing is really calling to me.

I started the fourth Wayfarer book and have struggled with getting more down.  It’s in my head, I just can’t seem to decide which scenes to write first.  I realized last night the moon is in the full phase.  This is almost always a non-creative time for me but a productive time in getting things done.  I can only assume as the moon shifts to the dark moon I’ll get back on track with the fourth Wayfarer book.  I also have a bunch of information in my head about the last Defenders book and the second book in another series I’m working on.  I just need the time to get it all into the computer.