Five of Eleven

I can’t believe my time off is almost half over.  Where did the time go?  I know where it went – lots of holiday things but I’ve still managed to be productive.

All the crocheting I needed to get done, I finished on Sunday!  I was very pleased to finish the slippers Sunday instead of Monday – pushing the deadline of needing them done by Christmas.  Last night I watched a new show while I crocheted.  Wynonna Earp – I thought it was going to be an old time western from the female perspective.  Nope.  It’s a modern paranormal show based on the descendant of Wyatt Earp.  It was enthralling.  There are definitely lots of twists and turns.  I’m binging the first season so tonight when I work on the afghan I’ve got going, I’ll be watching it.

Writing – I’ve been working on updating a bunch of stuff.  It’s been a very productive time which I’m seeing the end of the tunnel for this project.

Today I’m alone in my house.  I can’t remember the last time I was alone in my house for a full day.  I’m enjoying it.  I’ve gotten through the massive number of emails, worked on my website (ongoing) and hope to finish the project today.

In addition, I’ve made phone calls for my daughter and corresponded with our insurance and a variety of other people.

I’ve got a sale going on Smashwords!  Free books include Wayfarer, Defenders of the People, and a short story collection Grandma’s Doilies.  The rest of the Wayfarer and Defenders series are 25% off along with Murder Next Door, Dragon Lord’s Mate, Draconian Peace and Quick & Easy Throws.  Jute & Cotton Baskets, Rise of the Ancients, Moon Affirmations, Secret Past, and the three Moments in poetry books are all 50% off.

Ava Taylor also has items on sale on Smashwords!  She has Sibling Rivalry & Three Races for free.  Exploring Desires, Prospecting, Prisoner 849, Snowbound, Her Captain and Courtesan are all 25% off.

I’ve been trying to stay off social media because again – needed a break but with this sale, I need to be posting at least once a day about it.  Even during the holidays, I don’t stop working because it’s important I keep engaging people.

I went to my family Christmas.  While there, I delivered items to people.  I also got orders for more stuff.  The good thing about this – I’m going to Joann’s over the weekend.  I’m really looking forward to shopping with my niece.  It will be a nice outing for the two of us.  I hope I can find the colors of the items I want.  Joann’s has a sale going on for which I’ve gotten a flyer which I’ll be taking with me.  The fabulous thing – I have two gift cards for $125 so none of what I buy I’ll be paying for!  I get to feed my obsession without paying for my obsession.

Our immediate family is doing Christmas on Saturday!  We normally do ours early and I’m not sure I like the late thing but the girls are all going to be together.  I think it will be good.  We’ll video chat.  There are several things I want to see the girls open and hope they like.

Until then, I have a long to do list… too long to list here.

Back to Couponing and Crocheting and Publishing

Saturday afternoon I spent a chunk of time clipping coupons – for myself, my sister, and my daughters.  For the first time in nearly six weeks, I made a grocery list based on my apps and coupons.

Ken went grocery shopping early on Sunday as he usually does.  He overspent by a little but I knew he would because we haven’t really shopped while we’ve been helping our daughter move.  He used a bunch of coupons – saving over $32.  In apps, he saved over $5.

I meant to spend my Saturday working on publishing but by the time we were done with errands, I was wiped out.  I tried napping to get rid of a headache and get some energy back but spent the time talking on the phone with multiple people including some of my daughters.

Sunday I managed to get one book published – Draconian Peace.  Here’s a brief description of it:

Racial tension has destroyed the relationship between the Draconians and the humans, leaving thousands of mixed breeds disenfranchised.  Prejudice and suspicion mar the joining of Dewi Bradon, half and half, and Lord Lachlan Camdon until they learn to look passed their race and trust in each other.  As they begin to trust, changes ripple through society and expose rampant corruption and crime.

It’s available on Amazon and Smashwords for now.  It will get out to all the other options as time permits.  There is a paperback as well on Createspace.

I kept getting interrupted so only one item published.  I did work on a holiday gift and have it about three quarters done.  I’m pleased with the pattern and how it’s working out but it means I’ll have another pattern to publish.  I might submit it for publication first to see if I can get it in a magazine.

Quiet and Calm Today?

Wedding present done!  Wedding was beautiful and fun.  Now today, I’m going to be a bum.  I have to go back to work tomorrow.  I’m feeling a bit worn out so today is a day of rest.

Tomorrow I have to call to find out more information on hitches.  Then I have to get quotes on receiver adapters in all likelihood.  I also have to check to see if the company I’m getting my scooter through has heard anything from the insurance company.

It will be an interesting week.  I’m getting through to the first week in August when I have a week off.  I’ve declared that a week for writing.  I’ve got a list of things I want to get done so I’m hoping for few interruptions and lots of accomplishments.

On top of the successes I’ve had in getting things accepted and published, I’ve also been getting rejections.  These are always difficult – part of me says, why don’t you like my stuff but I try to remember how publication works and let it go.  It’s when I get a lot in one day or week that it overwhelms a bit.

I’ve got two Goodreads giveaways going on right now.  One ends tomorrow and the other ends at the end of the month.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Collection of Four Scarves by Eileen Troemel

Collection of Four Scarves

by Eileen Troemel

Released March 09 2015
Giveaway ends in 1 day (July 18, 2016)
3 copies available, 380 people requesting

Enter Giveaway

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Defenders of the People by Eileen Troemel

Defenders of the People

by Eileen Troemel

Released September 17 2014
Giveaway ends in 15 days (July 31, 2016)
3 copies available, 86 people requesting

Enter Giveaway

On Smashwords, some of my books are on sale!  You should go check it out.  If you go to my page, you can look at my books to see which ones are on sale.   It says on the right underneath where you add to the cart.  Some of my stuff is free and some is on sale.

I’m going to have a mellow day.  I’m sticking with jammies today and not thinking too much so it can be a mellow day.  I’ve been watching Madam Secretary which is pretty good.  I’m partway through the second season.

At the same time, I’ve got two stories in my head which need to come out so maybe some writing time.  It depends on my mood as I move forward with my day.  At this point, little effort sounds good but I can only do that for so long before my brain rebels.

Do I Gotta?

Last night I finished the manuscript I was working on.  I wrote about 15,000 words yesterday.  It was a good day.

After I finished I was tired and rung out (like I normally get after a manuscript) and opted for a little tv.  I watched an episode of NCIS LA and Person of Interest.  I crashed.  At 1 my phone beeped with a text message and woke me up enough I struggled to go back to sleep.  However, a scene played and played in my head.  I’ll have to see about getting it written otherwise it is going to annoy me.

I woke up this morning groggy – not unusual as I didn’t sleep well after I woke up at 1.  After I talked to my middle daughter, I realized I had to get dressed today.  Since I left work on Tuesday I’ve just been hanging out at home in my jammies.  I did shower and change, just put on jammies both days.

This morning I’ve been busy with paying bills.  I called my credit union because I had a question.  The woman I spoke with was polite and friendly.  We ended up talking about yarn and I learned she was a crocheter as well.  Crafters are everywhere!  You cannot escape them!!!

My hubby comes home tonight.  I have about five hours more of my alone time.  I’m not sure what I plan to do with it, probably write, but I definitely want to make the most of it.  I guess I should find some clothes as I don’t think I want to drive to the airport in my jammies – tempting but no.

Defenders series I have one more book (I hope it’s only one) to write.  I have maps of the villages I’m currently writing in and I am going to look for a list of which people went to which group.  If I can get that info in paper form (yes I know but sometimes I just gotta have paper) I will go sit in my recliner and fall into Bri, Tof, and the other defenders.

I could use another week of alone time.  Do you think Mother Nature might snow us in for that period of time?  Probably not.  I guess I should just be grateful for the time I’ve had and keep working.

At this point I have two manuscripts in paper form to edit and one electronically to edit.  Electronically, I do a search for a set list of words I know I overuse and look at them to see if I can rewrite without the words and I do a spell / grammar check.  Then I print.  Either way, I have three manuscripts in the edit phase.  I should add them to my spreadsheet where I track these things.

Don’t forget, Wayfarer is on sale for 99cents!!!!  Go to Barnes & Nobles, Amazon or Smashwords to get it:

Juggling Tasks

Swollen ankle limits the amount of time I can spend at the computer.  This means I have to prioritize everything.  Which projects do I really need to be sitting at my desk for and which ones can I do from the recliner?

Friday my ankle had a large red splotch on it and was swollen as well as painful.  This is usually an indicator that my gout is flaring up again.  I have so many things on my to do list and time at the desk is crucial to accomplishing some of them.

This morning I’m going to work on production of the Moments in Spirit.  It is already available on  I just need to work on the production for Amazon and Createspace.  Hopefully both of those will get done today.

I’ll probably hit the recliner after that though because I have the perfect scene in mind for the next phase in my story.  I worked on a timeline last night because I kept losing track of how much time had passed.  I wanted to make sure things lined up and made sense.  Normally this is an editing thing but I felt out of step with timing so I knew I just had to do.  The timeline is caught up to the story so it will be a simple matter of updating it as I move forward in the story.

It is wonderful that in my head I can see the next scene, I can envision what it would look like and the flavor I want it to take.  I’m working on another bad girl scene and loving it.  Manipulation isn’t something I do and she is a manipulator, she persuades (magically and mentally) people to do her bidding.  I’m hoping it comes across as almost seductive – the more she does it the more she likes it so the more she has to do it.

After her scene, I have an info dump scene which I think I’ve found the perfect solution for giving the information without it being a “hey listen to this” type of info dump.  This scene will provide background information, a little origin myth, and teach the main characters skills they are going to need soon.

Then it will be a scene of betrayal and escape with the bad girl.  She is going to do something really bad and run away from her dominating lover.  It will lead to a series of deeds that will shock the other characters and ultimately lead to the final battle.  I can see it all in my head, I just have to get it down on paper and hope it turns out as well as I think it will.

Once the story is complete, I am going to go back through and add in details and descriptions that have been glossed over.  But that is the beginning of the editing process which this project will have to get in line with the other projects I have going.  

Must Type Faster

Sleep didn’t work last night.  I tried twice to go to sleep before I gave up and wrote.  Just before 1:00 am, I turned the light off to try sleeping a third time.  I finally got to sleep but was awake again at 4.  This sucks.

On the up side, I worked on my story last night.  I finished off the scene I was writing and started another.  I have seven scenes in my head that I think will flow and move the plot forward nicely.  I’m up over 20,000 words in three days. 

I’m in love with my two main characters.  I’m not sure where they are taking me quite yet.  I have glimpses of what will happen to them but these come to me as I’m moving through one scene and into the next. 

The change in mind frame for me when I’m writing is amazing.  I write and even when I’m frustrated with not finding the right words or not describing the scene the way I want everything else fades away.  The headache I’ve had for three days, the aches, the pain I deal with daily, all fade away.  It annoys me when I’m interrupted by anything. 

Not only am I narrowing my vision to the screen I’m looking at but I’m going to a different place in my head than the crazy repetitive place that won’t stop when I try to sleep.  My focus is so narrow, the music I play often fades away.  Although sometimes I hear the same song and then I get annoyed.  Never mind that hours have passed since I heard it the first time. 

One of my biggest problems is I can’t seem to type fast enough.  I’ll find myself reading over what I wrote and will have missed words.  It is a rough draft but it has to be comprehensive enough to edit when I finish the first draft.  I type fairly fast but the words are tumbling out of my fingers so fast I’m skipping words.  This will make the editing process fun. 

If you want to read some of my writing, my books are on sale at – 25% off till the end of July. 

Coupons and Organizing

Vicki got me a binder for my coupons.  Up until now I’ve been keeping them in my card holder.  It is difficult to keep track of what I have with them in my card holder – they were just bunched together.  With the binder, I have a slot for each coupon. 

We generally shop at Woodman’s so I took the store layout from their web site and organized the coupons according to how the store is organized.  This will be my first week using the binder; it will be interesting to see if I like it better. 

The other store we go to (Schnucks) is having their 11 for $10 sale again.  I like these sales because you can mix and match.  I look through their flyer but I also like to wander the store to see what isn’t in their ad.  This sale is a good time to stock up. 

After these two errands tomorrow, we have to go to the post office.  I have to mail out another review copy of Moon Affirmations.  I have an editor who will put it out to her reveiwers and hopefully put in her magazine.  Stephanie also left stuff at our house when she was home that we have to ship down to her.

I think it will be a calmer weekend for errands with only a few errands.  This is good and will hopefully allow me time to work on writing activities. 

Don’t forget – my books are 25% off right now at

Perfect Weather

Yesterday and today – no air conditioning on.  This is highly unusual for me as I can’t handle the heat and humidity.  It has been pleasant to have the fresh air and cooler temperatures.  The weather is almost idyllic

I finally finished the Harry Potter Deathly Hallows in the car.  Now I have to figure out what I want to listen to next in the car. I have a 25 minute drive to and from work and I enjoy listening to a book while I drive.  It relaxes me and helps me let go of my day (or preps me for the day) while I drive.

I’m working on the second Fablehaven book and enjoying reading for fun.  It is a joy to just listen to music and read a book.  I lose time. I’ll pick up the book and start reading and suddenly it is hours later and I’ve been in a completely different place. has a huge sale going on and my books are all 25% off.  It is a great time to make the purchase!

Reading for Pleasure

With being in school for the last couple of years, I’ve not done a lot of reading for pleasure.  Mostly it was text books.  Prior to going back to school, I was doing a lot of book reviews.  This led me to getting tired of reading as I was usually under a deadline and reading material I didn’t necessarily like.  To some degree I’d forgotten how good it was to sit and read for hours on end.

Two nights ago I started a fiction book – Fablehaven.  I’ve read part of this series before but I couldn’t remember much about it.  I remember enjoying what I read.  I started it and enjoyed the book though the main character Kendra was somewhat whimpy. 

Anyone who knows me, knows I don’t like whimpy female characters unless they show development and growth.  I feel that role is a cliche perpetuated by male writers.  Kendra is a bit of a whimp.  She doesn’t like to break the rules and she is afraid to explore.  Seth her brother is exactly the opposite.  To me this is very cliched.  However, the author did something smart.  Even though Seth is daring and reckless, the author shows that Seth also experiences fear and Kendra does daring things in small portions. 

As the novel progresses, Kendra learns to be a bit more daring and Seth a tiny bit more cautious (though not much).  In the end Kendra has to overcome her fears, find her courage in order to rescue her family. 

Last night I couldn’t put the book down.  At 9:00, I said to myself I was only going to read until 10:00 or 10:30 and then put the book up.  That didn’t happen.  I looked up at one point from the book I was thoroughly enthralled in and realized it was nearly 11:00.  I just finished the book. 

I loved getting lost in the book.  Even though I remember some parts of this book, I didn’t remember all of it.  The adventure the author wove around his character kept me entranced until I finished the story.  This is what a good story is supposed to do – keep you turning the page to read the next line, paragraph, chapter without thought of anything else. 

There is a second book in the series and I was going to start it but it was already after 11:30.  I was good and opted not to start the next book – I’ll do that at some point today.  Here is another good thing the author did – he created such a good story, I want more so I’ll be returning to his world and reading the next installment sooner rather than later.

In addition to all the other stuff I have going on, I am going to try to read a book a week.  Right now I’m reading two books – one in my car as I drive and one on one of my kindles.  I’ll finish the one in the car today and then I’ll have to figure out what I’m going to listen to in the car. 

As a writer reading is two fold.  I’m reading for pleasure but the author in me is also reading for analysis.  What did the author do to draw in the reader?  How did the author develop the characters, the tension, the plot and so on?  This is a hazard of being a writer.  What is wonderful to me is when I read a book and at some point I’m so interested in the story that I stop analyzing the story. 

I’d recommend the Fablehaven series by Brandon Mull especially if you like stories on fairies, magic, and tales of good / evil. 

If you are looking for something else – my books are on sale at  There is a code on the page for each book on the right.  Get 25% off any of my books.  All of them can be found on my page, just follow the link below.  If you know which one you want to purchase, I’ve provided a link for each book below as well.

My page:
Moments in Nature:
Moon Affirmations:
Secret Past:

A View from the Recliner

It is difficult to be limited in what I can physically do.  However, I’m trying to be productive with my time.  Research and marketing have been top of my list while I’m laid up.

To this end, I spent a chunk of yesterday researching new age bookstores for Moon Affirmations and emailing a number of them to introduce my book.  Whether it will produce any sales only time will tell.  Next for me is to see what a good place to market to for the romance novel and the poetry book.

Great news for Moments in Nature – it is now available on Barnes and Noble.  Also Smashwords has connected with two more channels of distribution.  One of which is to get into libraries which are great users of ebooks.

Aside from book stuff, I’ve been crocheting.  I’m done with baby gifts and am now working on sponges.  I’ve had three requests for sponges so I’m working with my left over crochet cotton to make sponges for these three people.  After the sponges though, I’ll probably go back to working on the afghan I’ve got started.  I have three more afghans to make after this before I start looking at other bigger projects to take on.

While crocheting, I watch tv.  I finished MI5 and have moved on to other things.  I watched a movie about World War II called The Couple.  It was interesting.  Then I watched a PBS series called Heat of the Sun which takes place in the 30s in Kenya.  That was pretty good.  Finally last night I started season 1 of Grimm.  I watched two episodes and it was okay.  It seems a bit darker than I normally like but I’ll watch at least a couple more episodes before I give up on it.

My days seem really short because I’ve been sleeping in.  This is great for my sleep level but tomorrow when I am back at work and can’t sleep in this could be bad.  Hopefully it won’t be a problem.  I’ll be glad to go back to work and catch up.  It will be nice to have a different view than the one from my recliner.