Defenders of the Land

Book two in the Defenders series is out and available on both Amazon and Smashwords.  It will be available in paperback by Monday (I hope).

  If you read the first book – Defenders of the People – you know that Tof, Bri and the rest of the Defenders are just getting started.

The Defenders grows into a group of young adults who protect against any and all evil, including the agents of the council.  The council’s magic seekers bring perverted magic to capture and return victims – mostly children and pretty women – to the Chancellor Ravick. 
Tof with his lieutenants, Bri and Alex, work with the villagers in their province to protect against these agents.  They learn as they go.  Mistakes are made, lives lost as the group becomes a cohesive unit. 
Magic is key to their success and they don’t know enough.  The magic seekers bring perverted magic to the province with magical illnesses and a sleeping spell which holds people docile in their captivity. 
In the end, Tof and Liza must become joined with the land to complete the healing Queen Sirina did during the plagues.  As the time for the joining draws near, Tof worries he will be weak and spoiled like his father.  The land demands sovereigns.  The two suited for it are Tof and Liza.  Tof overcomes his concerns with a threat or two from his friends.  
See this book and all my other books on my web site
All the books are available on Amazon and Smashwords.  Most are available on Barnes and Noble.
Coming soon – the third Wayfarer book!  

Going with the Flow

When I finished my degree last December, I had goals.  I had specific goals I wanted to accomplish every month.  I was going to step up my submissions.  I wanted to have five to ten submission each month.  It shouldn’t be hard to maintain that as I wouldn’t be doing school work.  I wanted to get my romance novel and my meditation book published.

Looking back at how I felt in January facing these tasks, I thought the submissions would be the easy part and the book publishing the hard part.

I’ve flip flopped.  I have almost no submissions this year, maybe four or five, and none of them went through to publication.  It’s annoying and frustrating.  However, not unusual.

On the book front, I’ve published the two I hoped to.  I also have published six more and will probably publish one more before the end of the year, possibly two more.

It seems like every time I turn around, I’m working on another manuscript of some sort.  Currently I’m actively writing in two manuscripts and editing a third.  Last night I finished a rough draft.  Today I wrote an outline for the next book in the series.

I’ve made a lot of mistakes.  I discovered that I’ve got a lot of my page numbers on the wrong side of the pages for a few of my books.  I’ll have to fix that and see if there are more fixes before I upload a new file.  I’m enjoying the process.  I love almost all aspects of it.

I freely admit I’m obsessed with checking sales and hoping that the little line is above zero.  I get a thrill when I see one of my books has sold.  It’s exciting to me to know that someone in Canada or the UK (or any of the other countries) has bought my book.  I wonder if the story will cross the culture differences and if they will enjoy it.  I hope so.

My goals have flown out the window but I don’t really care.  I’m loving what I’m doing.  I’m thrilled with the work I’m doing and loving telling a story – hopefully a good story.

Come check out my book page at:

Wayfarer Clans

My new book came out!  Wayfarer Clans is the second installment in the Wayfarer series.  Adara, Decker, and more are back in this new edition.

Recovering from her ordeal with the Barions, Adara faces new challenges when her oldest brother is captured on a stolen Science Corp vessel.  He, his maite saol and son were kidnapped and forced to fly the ship.  Young girls from group homes and small children are kidnapped.  This rash of kidnappings leads Adara to suggest to Franklin that a Wayfarer clan is adding to their clan.   
Adara struggles with family relations as she meets up with her oldest sister who tells how the clan she joined treated her.  Seduction and rape, Bedelia faced hardships worse than Adara could imagine.  Adara tries to forgive and heal the family relations. 
Decker and Adara struggle to cope with her family relations when it’s discovered that three of her siblings are with the clan who is kidnapping all the children.  Wayfarer and human relations are strained between the couple and on a larger scale.  Admiral Chesnik tries to work with the clan leaders to bring the rogue clan in to justice.  
Available at:

Productive Day

Yesterday I got two manuscripts ready to start the production process.  I’ll see how far I get with them today.  Time alone in the morning meant I focused on the Defenders of the Land manuscript and after Ken went to bed I worked on Wayfarer Clans.  Both of these are second books in series.

This morning I submitted a story to a contest.  I read the description and immediately thought of  story I had already written so I jumped on it before I could forget.  I also updated my spreadsheet where I keep track of what has been submitted and where I’ve submitted things.

I’m up early on a Sunday which I don’t like but if I’m going to be up, I might as well get stuff done.  I have four big steps to go to finish the two manuscripts for publication.  Last night after I’d shut down for the night, I realized I didn’t fix one of my issues with one of the manuscripts so I need to do that this morning before I forget again.

Cover, production, and the synopsis that I have to write those are on my agenda today.  Depending on how long it takes me to do all of them, I may be able to publish this week.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

I still have a 350 page manuscript to get edits into the computer.  It is a first edit for one of my stories so it will be enter, search for words I over use, do a spell check, and print again.  I will need to do a second edit and try to figure out a cover for it.

On top of all of these tasks, I’m still working on three manuscripts.  I’m at a point in all three where I’m considering what comes next.  For the one, I know how it will end and have five to seven scenes I know I want to write.  But I feel like I need two or four scenes more before I can get to those final scenes.  I’ve got one extended scene and a short scene in my head but haven’t quite figured out if that will be enough to lead up to the final scenes.  I just need to write the two and see where it puts me and how well it lines up for the final grouping.

As it is Sunday, Ken will be watching football most of the day so I should get plenty of writing time.  I’ll see how motivated I feel to work on all the above tasks once I’ve had a chance to wake up.