
Well it is Thanksgiving and I know that most writers are giving out their list of things they are thankful for… Mine is the same – family, friends, job, home… It seems a bit trite to sit in my comfortable home and spew some mushy spiel about how grateful I am for my life.  I am grateful. I try to be and show my gratitude every day.  So instead I’m going to talk about the things I think need to be worked on either by myself or in general. 

I know I’m not as patient as I could be.  I want what I want and I don’t want to be bugged while I work towards getting it.  This last month I’ve been very focused on my writing – to the point where I get easily annoyed when I get interrupted.  I don’t know if it is the coming winter season (which I think we should all hibernate for) making me feel more hermit like or the fact that I’m on a roll with writing and I just want to focus on that.  Either way I need to have patience with myself and the process.  I also need to have patience with my husband and daughter who live with me and expect me to be a contributing member of the household. 

I am grateful for the men and women of the military who go to the useless and senseless battles they are told to go to.  I see our world battling over stupid things – the middle east, Korea… When will the people in our society learn that might doesn’t make right and we have to somehow learn to live on this planet together.  If you don’t like your neighbor then don’t socialize with them… Yes I’m talking about the individual but I’m also talking about countries.  North Korea wants the world to know they are a bad ass… fine woo hoo you are a bad ass… now go back to your corner and stop messing up the environment and wreaking havoc… You don’t like South Korea – fine don’t like them but leave them alone. 

The TSA stuff everyone is up in arms about… I’m somewhat on the fence about.  I don’t want to walk through an xray machine if it is going to cause damage to me and show off my private parts.  At the same time I’ve seen the pictures and there is really no way to tell who it is.  So do I really object?  I don’t know… Also the pat downs… well I sure as hell don’t think I want someone touching me the way I’ve seen some of those pat downs go… but having said that – I sure as hell don’t want to get on a plane where someone was missed who is carrying a bomb or a weapon… Which is the right way to do things?  I don’t know.. I got an email from Stephanie about having a room where you step into it and any bombs a person is carrying will be exploded … This may be slightly barbaric but it sort of makes sense to me… Would you walk into an airport with a bomb if you knew you wouldn’t attain your target and you would still lose your life?  I know the system isn’t perfect but at least they are trying to protect travelers… and if you don’t like the system – go by car, bus, or train… or stay home…

Well I have to go make stuffing now… so there are my rants and gratitude for the day… what are yours?

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