We spent part of the weekend with Vicki as it was her birthday. It was good to go see her but I wish I could have had more time with her.
Now we are home safe and sound. On the drive down I wrote three scenes for the next Wayfarers book in my head. While Vicki and Ken were out shopping I got them on the computer. On the way back, I wrote a couple more scenes in my head and a couple of scenes for a different story I’m working on.
Driving would be better if I could stop and write stuff down but Ken gets annoyed when I do. Plus it makes the trip much longer. While visiting Vicki I made her a couple of things (of course). She was thoroughly spoiled in the crochet department.
Now I need to turn my attention to Gin and Stephanie as Ken is going to visit them in less than two weeks. I need to get their list of crocheted items done so he can put them in his bag.
Today will be a bit of a lazy day. I haven’t decided yet whether I’m going to crochet or write. I still have one or two scenes in my head I want to get out. I wrote last night and got the Wayfarer scenes out but was tired from the trip so crashed somewhat early (for me).
I’ve got the next JD Robb book to listen to and Cast in Peril still. I’ve also got Babylon 5 to watch. Either option could be fun. I’ll have to see what Ken wants to get up to. We’re having lunch with my sister, aunt, uncle, and mother. After that, I’ll see what mischief I can get up to.