Non-Birthday Day Off

I’ve got three days off work before my day job goes crazy with advising.  It’s my non birthday year, today is my “birthday”.  At least somewhere between today and tomorrow my birthday lands.  My to do list is enough to keep me busy for a month (or longer).  But I’m tackling things one at a time.

This morning I slept later than normal – that was on my to do list.  I’m going to attempt to do the same tomorrow.  I got dressed – very reluctantly.  I’m going out later, so I guess clothes are necessary.  I finished two crochet projects.  Now all I need is some pictures and I can publish the patterns.  I worked on budget and bills.  I paid most of them but my check isn’t in my account until tomorrow – so I’ll pay the rest tomorrow.  I brought current my reports for my writing – sales, commission to TJ, adding in the new crochet pattern, and other things.

My goal was to be back in the recliner by 12:00 – it is now past that time.  However, I did play backgammon and some card games on my computer.  Maybe that gives me a little leeway.  I was supposed to get the two areas cleared that are still cluttered in my office.  As of right now, all I’ve managed to do is get the filing done.  I hate filing.  However the folders are made, the files are cleaned out.  I had two years of taxes which needed to come out – not sure how that happened I’m usually really diligent about taking the old out when I put the new in but it did happen.  I had all seven years in one file and separated them into individual files.

Ava – my middle daughter’s youngest cat – lay on the stand for most of the morning.  She liked me – or at least that is the interpretation I’m putting on it.  Really I was in her sun room and annoying her with my work.  I’m waffling between hitting the recliner and doing crocheting or moving forward with the office.  My legs will be the determining factor.  My fear is I’ll end up moving from one pile to the next and that is simply not acceptable.

I have my birthday journal entry to write.  It is my birthday and it is right here and it would be good to write it now and not put it off for three months (or when I get to it.  I started this in 2007 and wrote it in every year since (except I missed it in 2013 & 2015).  Last year my entry was short and crabby.  Maybe this year can be better.  My goal with this is to summarize how I feel about the previous year.

At the very least I’ve gotten some thing accomplished today.  I’ve got two more days off and then the weekend so hopefully I’ll mark off a lot on my to do list.

Everything is good and right in my world

For those who are worried, stop.  Yesterday I managed to remember to eat, sleep and even shower.  On top of which I finished Wayfarer Aegis.  I may work on the cover for it today.  It went off to my test readers.  The first one got back to me last night and she loved the changes I made.  It pleases me that the added scenes helped to polish the story.

I worked on Wayfarer six last night.  I don’t have a name for it yet.  They generally come to me as I’m writing so for now it is six.  When I ran out of energy for writing I slept and woke up this morning with at least one scene in my head.  I have a lot to do in this one so I think it is going to be a dense story.

I remembered to call Ken to wish him a Happy Birthday!  He’s 54 today and better than he was at 20 when we married.  I admit to no bias in that statement.

I’ve had breakfast, took my meds, and brushed my hair.  I’m managing to remember to do the basics.  Of course I haven’t started writing yet.  All bets are off once I start writing.  Classical music is on and I’m at the computer.

I’m up and working.  In my head there is a list of what I want to get done today which I’m trying to tackle before the scenes in my head take over forcing me to write.  My list includes blogging, facebook marketing, email, invoice for editing job I did and then WRITING.  I’ve already done the sales review for the month.  I just have to check tomorrow to see if there were sales today.

Yes I’m pretty sure I’m obsessed with writing.  I’m pretty sure if I stopped writing my head would explode because there would be too many words and stories in it.

Virginia and Stephanie are with Ken and they are doing the birthday and superbowl thing this weekend.  Vicki is at a conference getting tons of books.  I’m writing.  Everything is good and right in my world.

Weekend in Review

We spent part of the weekend with Vicki as it was her birthday.  It was good to go see her but I wish I could have had more time with her.

Now we are home safe and sound.  On the drive down I wrote three scenes for the next Wayfarers book in my head.  While Vicki and Ken were out shopping I got them on the computer.  On the way back, I wrote a couple more scenes in my head and a couple of scenes for a different story I’m working on.

Driving would be better if I could stop and write stuff down but Ken gets annoyed when I do.  Plus it makes the trip much longer.  While visiting Vicki I made her a couple of things (of course).  She was thoroughly spoiled in the crochet department.

Now I need to turn my attention to Gin and Stephanie as Ken is going to visit them in less than two weeks.  I need to get their list of crocheted items done so he can put them in his bag.

Today will be a bit of a lazy day.  I haven’t decided yet whether I’m going to crochet or write.  I still have one or two scenes in my head I want to get out.  I wrote last night and got the Wayfarer scenes out but was tired from the trip so crashed somewhat early (for me).

I’ve got the next JD Robb book to listen to and Cast in Peril still.  I’ve also got Babylon 5 to watch.  Either option could be fun.  I’ll have to see what Ken wants to get up to.  We’re having lunch with my sister, aunt, uncle, and mother.  After that, I’ll see what mischief I can get up to.

Halfway through the Year

It just dawned on me that we are halfway through the year.  My first six months of 2014 have been incredibly busy with writing, family, and work. 

In January, I was disappointed I didn’t get the grant I’d tried for.  I was very disappointed to the point where I thought I’d never have the time or ability to publish my work.  The year started rough for me in other ways too.  Vicki injured her shoulder so I spent a lot of time helping her. 

Between these two things, I thought I would delay more of my writing activities.  I thought it would be the end of the year before I would have any progress at all towards publishing. 

Here we are though halfway through the year and I’ve managed to help Vicki get better and publish three books.  It astounds me that I’ve accomplished so much. 

At the same time, I’m not just sitting back and waiting for the money to roll in – because it won’t.  I’ve been very busy working on marketing material, contacting independent book stores, and doing research on marketing.  I’ve also been editing one book with a second one in the lineup.  I also have two more poetry books I’d like to get out there.  Plus I have two short story books I’d like to compile. 

My daughter also reminded me to go out and google my name to see who was using my material.  I did and contacted several people to have them remove copyrighted material from their web site.  I had a discussion with one gentleman about whether his taking my picture and material and linking to the original site of the material was an infringement of copyright.  Needless to say we did not agree. 

On the plus side I found a very nice site that talked about my article on Dutch Ovens ( in a very complimentary way.  I was surprised and pleased by his glowing review. 

I graduated college in December, turned 50 in February, and will be celebrating 33 years with my husband this month.  I have to keep reminding myself that I’m progressing in the right direction and some things just progress at a slower rate than I would like. 

Overall, I’d say the first half of my year has been pretty good.  It has had some rough patches but the high points out shine the low ones.  Wonder what kind of mischief I can get up to in the second half of the year?

Secret Past:
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Available for sale at:
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Moon Affirmations:
Available for sale at:
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Moments in Nature:
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Long Weekend

I’m taking a four day weekend.  Yesterday, I took off and even skipped my class.  I stayed home and spent the morning studying for my science exam and taking it.  I think I flopped it.  I knew the material would get progressively harder and I have a tough time with science. 
The rest of the day yesterday was spent doing nothing.  Well okay I worked on a few little things like crocheting and – nope really did nothing.  I took a shower in the afternoon and tried a new shaving cream Vicki made and we watched top chef. 
Three more days to enjoy on this long weekend, I’m trying to plot out my time.  Saturday, we are doing batch cooking.  While Vicki is making cookies this morning, I’m going to create a cut list for the batch cooking.  This will give me a starting point for all the dishes we are going to make.  Then tomorrow when we get started I’ll know what needs to be done first and can start before Vicki has to be in the kitchen.
Aside from that I have to start the next unit for science and finish writing / editing my paper for my Prose class.  If I manage to get all that done, I will work on crocheting.  I have a number of projects I want to work on.  I may have to put up the card table and look over my yarn to determine what yarn I want for which projects. 

For all the wonderful people who wished my happy birthday – you made my day yesterday – thank you.  It is very affirming to have such an outpouring of well wishes.  I’ve turned 49 and I know a lot of women would be freaking out about it.  I just feel like I keep getting better.  This year I’ll finish my second bachelor’s degree and will hopefully move forward with my writing and a few of my other goals.  I don’t feel like I’m getting older, but that I’m getting better and better.


I woke up to several text and Facebook messages, voicemail, and a cat all wishing me a happy birthday (well okay maybe not the cat).  I walked onto my floor and was blocked from my office because people were in there making mischief.  One of my faculty dropped off a present of my favorite drink, my sister – in cahoots with my daughter – decorated my office with balloons and stuff on my wall and computer screens. 
Through my day I’ve gotten emails from all sorts of people – some I’ve not heard from in a while – wishing me happy birthday and checking in.  People stopped in to my office and wished me the same. 
Once I got home, I answered a ton of emails, worked on homework, and finished crocheting Vicki’s wrap.  Vicki made me a wonderful meal.  Virginia and Stephanie shipped my gift to me so I got a connection with them today too.  Stephanie made me some beautiful place mats that will coordinate well with the new curtains in the kitchen.  I can’t wait to see them on the table.  Virginia made me a hand-made card which I opened and attempted to avoid the glitter.  I loved it.  It is not in my journal as that is where I keep my keepsakes like that. 
On one hand it is a bit odd that all these people are wishing me happy birthday.  I’m not used to so much attention.  On the other hand it is wonderful to hear from them and know that they care enough to send a message.

I didn’t do anything astounding today – just the normal.  I went to work, class, and came home.  Yet I had a great day with all the well wishes.  It is nice to know that people care and are willing to show it.  I’m grateful for all the fun I had today and all the love that was shown today.

Birthday soon…

Most years I don’t have a problem with turning another year older.  It is just another day.  This year though I’ve had a few reminders that I am old – or at least that is how some people see me.
I was talking to a girl in class today and realized that all of my daughters are likely older than most of the students in the class.  This girl asked me how old my daughters were.  When I answered a girl across the room jaw dropped.  I don’t know if she thought people old enough to have adult children actually came back to school or if she thought I didn’t look old enough to have kids that age.  I’m going with the latter because it makes me feel better. 
In class we are reading all these stories and I am noticing a definite difference in attitude towards writing and characters in the younger people in the class.  I definitely have a different set of reference points.  Their idea of funny is the Simpsons and South Park.  My idea of funny is Lucille Ball, Bill Cosby, and Bob Hope.  Okay and you could probably throw in the Stooges, Abbott and Costello, and the Marx brothers but to be fair – they are getting a bit to slap stick for my tastes.
Sometimes I feel like I have a neon sign over my head saying OLD PERSON.  I’m normally okay with that because I’ve earned my status – I’ve lived my life, my way for the most part. 
Every year I write in my birthday journal around my birthday.  Some years I struggle with what to write about.  This year I won’t.  I have a pretty clear idea of how I want to talk about attitudes towards age.  It should be interesting… at least to me…

Wednesday is my birthday.  I’ll be 12 or 48 depending on how you look at it.  It will mark the 12th time I’ve had an actual birthday and me being on this earth 48 years.  I’m feeling pretty ambivalent about it.  I’m not depressed because I’m older (not my style at all).  I’m also not excited about it.  It is just another day – mostly…

Birthday…or non-birthday…??

Well I’m home today.  I took the day off to be away from work on my birthday – non-birthday really as I don’t have one this year.  My birthday is Feb 29 and I won’t have an actual birthdate until next year.  I’m 47 today and proud of it. 

It is nearly 10 am and I’m not dressed.  I’m not sure I’m getting dressed, it seems like a stay in the jammies day but I’ll have to see how I feel.  My plan for the day is to work on writing things.  I worked for a while yesterday on organizing things.  Today I may continue that trend.  There are two more steps I want to go through before I feel like my writing is organized the way I want it.

I also have several projects I want to work on.  They are screaming at me for attention.  I may just put in earplugs and work on the one manuscript that has consumed me for months.  I’m taking a day to do what I want.  I slept late – sort of.  I was up late and I got six hours – not much more is needed typically. 

Normally around my birthday I write in my annual journal.  This journal is one where I set aside my daily grumblings and commentary and look at life.  In the past I’ve written about my childhood memories or the events of the past year.  It varies.  I’m also not always great about writing exactly on my birthday but I grab the journal and set it out so it reminds me to do it.  This year I’m not sure what I’ll write on.  Nothing profound comes to mind.  My year has been fairly uneventful.  Although Ken and I are coming up on our 30th wedding anniversary.  Maybe I’ll do a review of our marriage… have to think on that…

This journal is a summary of life for me.  It isn’t the daily grind journal I carry with me. It allows me to look at the big picture.  Before I start a new entry, I go back to read what I’ve written in the past which I don’t normally do in my daily journal.  It is very much a reflective journal for me.  It helps me see patterns in my life and think about what those patterns mean. 

In all I hope I have a quiet and calm day off.  I hope the chaos of the political scene stays at bay and I can allow myself these moments to enjoy and recharge my batteries…

To sleep or not…

Last night I finished a chapter about ten and thought okay I’m done writing but I’m not tired enough to go to sleep.  I grabbed the book I was reading and curled up in my recliner.  Three hours later I finish the book and decide okay it would be best to go to bed. 

I lay there in bed waiting for sleep to overcome me.  I’ve been awake a long time afterall and I should be able to drop off right?  I mean I had a full day yesterday.  I wrote for a while, did Vicki’s taxes, talked to Gin and Stephanie, watched tv, hung out with Ken, finished reading a book.  I should be tired right? 

Nope.  I lay in bed with my eyes closed.  I shifted positions trying to find a comfortable position and about the time I would start to drift off then the next scene in my manuscript started to play.  The good thing about this is that I’ll be able to write it fairly easily because it is in my head what will happen and how. 

I wanted to be up early so I could spend the whole day with Ken.  It’s his birthday and I wanted to be up early so we could sit and talk or watch a movie or whatever.  Nope – I finally fell asleep about 4 am and slept late. 

I appreciate the inspiration I’m getting to write this epic manuscript but at some point I would really like to sleep normally.  As a writer I may have to give up that desire because I have the feeling my muse is going to be as inconvenient as my guides…

Long Weekend

I’m halfway through my weekend today.  Yesterday I ran errands with my daughter.  It was a normal pay week Saturday with grocery shopping and other errands. 

Visited the Doc on Thursday and have another bottle of pain killers.  I’ll see how well they work.  I’m not holding my breath though.  I’ve not taken any yet because we’ve been so busy. 

Yesterday afternoon a friend came over and we crafted and chatted.  It was such a wonderful afternoon.  We relaxed and talked.  Yes some crafting got done.  We laughed and had silly conversation and also delved into some more serious stuff to.  It is always a pleasure to have those conversations with people who are willing to listen and discuss with an open mind.  It makes you think to hear others beliefs – at least it does for me – and to express your own because you have to put into words some esoteric concepts.

Today I’m starting the tax season by helping Vicki with her taxes.  After we are done with her taxes then I’ll be working on writing things.  I have a chapter laid out in my head – now I just have to get it down on paper (per se it will really be in the computer but…).  I’m hoping to finish that today. 

Tomorrow is Ken’s birthday so I’m looking to do things with him.  He will be 50.  I’ve been teasing him about getting old but really he is just getting better and better.  I’m glad I took the day and we will have time together. 

Overall it will be a busy weekend but at the same time it has all the best components – family, friends, relaxation, fun, and even getting work done.