Too Tired…. maybe

Last night I was irritated with my eyes. I thought what the hell is going on. I packed up my computer and tried to decide if I could write out a chapter in one of my Rocket books. I reached to take my glasses off and realized…. I wasn’t wearing my reading glasses. This is why everything was so blurry.

So I thought I’d just do an early night but I grabbed my computer and didn’t stop writing until I’d written 10,600 words. It was a good writing day!

Today I returned to my day job after the long weekend. I wanted to do nothing more than pull out my computer to work on my story. I didn’t. I worked and made a lot of progress with a bunch of things.

Tonight I wrote. I picked up exactly where I left off and KNEW what was coming. I managed to get almost 3,600 words written tonight. I’d keep writing but I have to be up early to go into work.

I’ve gotten my characters through one life jarring moment. I have a few more in mind – we’ll see how they want it to go. I’m at a little over 19K for word count and I might be about a third of the way through the book.

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