More Published Items

Well it has been a good week for me.  Here is the link for the second place I’ve been published. 

cc&d magazine

Click on the link.  Then click on writers which should have another screen popping open.  On that screen scroll to nearly the bottom to find my name and click on it.  You will see the two poems that have been accepted. 

Last night I worked on a fictional short story till about one in the morning.  I had intended to get up and go to the pool today but didn’t because I was still sleeping when mom called.  I finished the short story and went to bed.  While lying in bed trying to go to sleep I realized I wanted to say more in my ending.  The great thing about this is that I could say to myself I’ll do it in the morning and I am able to do it this morning. 

My plan for the day – well fix the ending of the short story.  Then I have to clear my desk a bit so I have room to work.  I have three or four short essays to finish and a couple of other shorter projects in the works that I want to get through the next step.  If I haven’t totally used up my day I’ll work on submissions.  Tonight after Ken goes to bed I’m going to work on one of my longer projects that has been nudging me.  I swear these projects are like the anxious child in the back of the classroom with their hand raise and wiggling in their seat saying pick me pick me.  Today I hope to get a lot of those anxious children completed and on its way to editors. 

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