Plan Shot To Hell

If you’ve read anything in my blog, you know I’m a list maker.  I make to do lists all the time and work off them to keep myself on track.  All week I’ve had a list I’m working off.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one who schedules every second.  But I wrote up a general list of things I wanted to get done while I was on vacation.

Today is payday so I had a plan for my day.  Yes an actual plan starting with getting up early and getting things done.  That didn’t happen.  It actually got off track yesterday when I got a migraine.  I couldn’t sleep because of the migraine, so I ended up being up till 2 am.  Not a problem – I’m on vacation.

This morning, I talked to one of my daughters early (6:30 – 7:00 ish).  While I was talking to her I could feel the migraine coming back.  I did what any reasonable person would do, I went back to sleep.  However, this blew my timeframe out of the water.  I wanted bills done early so I could work on publishing.

Here I am at noon and I’ve still not showered (good thing no one is here) or done any of my other morning routines.  I do have bills paid, have dealt with all my personal emails, and have handled a call for assistance from my mom.

While my plan for the day is shot to hell, I’m still going to get stuff done.  Showering is high on my priority, then I’ll see what other mischief I get up to.  I have lots of publishing stuff to do but I may try to tackle it tomorrow.  I’ll see how my mood goes once I’ve showered.  I’ve got other things on my to do list to tackle like couponing, sorting through some clothes, and organizing some stuff.

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