Fun Versus Work

I have the feeling I’m going to be struggling with balancing out the need to have down time while I also have a long long list of things to get done.

Things I want to get done include:

  • going through the garage and organizing all the things out there including bringing in the last of Vicki’s belongings 
  • going through the back porch and organizing all the things we are storing there for the sale
  • cleaning and organizing the craft room
  • finish setting up the closet type space in the family room so the coats, scarves, etc aren’t tossed on the couch
  • finish cleaning the office
  • publishing and writing tasks
  • cleaning the basement (i.e. arguing with my husband about not keeping everything)
  • getting ready for the rummage sale I want to have 
Now there is enough here to keep us busy for several weekends.  I’m aware of this but for some reason, I want to get all this stuff done so we should work on it all weekend.  Right?  Nope.  I know perfectly well I’ll be lucky to finish one of these tasks.  
It may be a three day weekend but it’s also a pay weekend which means there are all the errands which go along with getting paid.  I have stuff to go to the post office.  Grocery shopping and other errands need to be run.  We have a family wedding to attend.  Preparations have to be done for next week and all of us going to work.  
On the fun side, I’d love to go to a movie or spend a day crocheting and watching movies (or both).  I’m well aware all three of us work hard during the week and need to have some down time on the weekends to recharge our batteries.  
Realistically, I’m hoping to accomplish one or two things on my list.  With the extra day, we might be able to accomplish something in addition to the normal weekend tasks like laundry, grocery shopping, and errands.  I’m crossing my fingers and trying to not be cranky about it.  

Winter Projects

Marketing is a necessary part of writing.  I’m realizing that I need to have marketing tools in place before I normally do.  I’ve been posting to social media in an attempt to get my work noticed.  I’ve been getting published in other places to draw in people outside my social media.  I’ve been trying to get reviews (though I could work harder at this.)

Has any of it done any good?  Some has and some hasn’t.  The thing is – with marketing what works today may or may not work tomorrow.  It’s something I have to constantly think about.

I’ve got a weekend without anyone home besides Ken and I so I’m hoping to get some work done in the writing arena.  I have marketing, publishing, and writing to do.

Having said that – I’m definitely in a crochet mode.  I’m working on the projects I had going before I set them aside to do holiday stuff.  I want to get certain things done while I’m still in the mood.  I’m on the down side (or nearing the finish) of one project which means all I really want to do is work on it and have been every night.  Behind this big project, I have one more in progress and at least four more in the wings pushing at me to work on them.

I don’t know if it’s the cold weather or the pile of containers in my craft room but I feel the need to get things done – crochet wise.  I’ve got ideas in my head for projects and patterns I want to try out.  I’ve got ideas for articles on crochet.  I need to get focused and get things done.

Let it Snow?

It’s piling up!  The trees are covered with white, the ground is buried beneath a blanket of white.  It is definitely WINTER.

Driving from Iowa to Wisconsin in the snow wasn’t horrible but we were on the leading edge of the storm so more whispy than heavy snow.  Looking out at the weather it is pretty but I know it won’t be once we have to go out in it.

Today will be spent watching some television and crocheting.  I have several gifts for my daughters to finish and I’m hoping to get the ones for the Atlanta girls done today so they can get in the mail.  The heater I have in the living room will go on and I’ll snuggle in to get the gifts done.

After I finish the holiday gifts, I’ll be working to finish the two big projects I have going which aren’t overly portable but I have to finish the project for the publication and get that sent in for pictures.  Once all of those are done, I’m going back to writing.

It promises to be a quiet and calm day today.  Tomorrow will be interesting and challenging with getting to and from work and in and out of my building.  Hopefully the snow stops sooner so roads and parking lots can be cleared.


With Ken gone, I had a couple days to myself at home.  I enjoyed the time on my own.  At one point I realized nothing had been said.  I was playing a game and cursed the game out loud.  It startled me which also made me laugh.

I’ve finished the projects for my sister and now I’m turning my attention to my own projects.  I have the student worker gifts done and now am prepping to make for the faculty.  This weekend I hope to gather the items and do any shopping I need to so I can settle into getting the items made.

At the same time, I need to finish an article and get it submitted.  I also have a crochet pattern which is going to be published which I need to make up again.  Once it’s made up, I’ll send it off to the publisher for pictures.  These are the three most urgent things on my radar.

I think the gifts will take me through most of November and then I’ll be going back to writing and crocheting in more balance I think.

I’m looking forward and thinking – it isn’t that long until we are in the holiday craziness.  My middle daughter is already talking about where we are going on Black Friday – i.e. which JoAnn’s store we will go to.

My day job will get busy – crazy busy – in November.  I’m hoping with the changes we’ve made it won’t be horrible.  Registration always is stressful with a heavy influx of emails.  I’m hoping for a lighter year as we’ve been steadily making improvements.

From now until the end of the year, I’m going to be busy both at my day job and at home working on projects.  I still have my two bigger projects I’ve been working on and I’m hoping to have those done before the end of the year as well.


It’s FALL!  I love fall!  The cooler temps, the changing weather and the harvest.  While driving over the weekend, I loved seeing the fields and farmers working hard to bring in their crops.  I know from growing up on the farm they are in a state of constant work – long hours, hard work, and worry over whether the crops will sell well.

Fall has always been about canning, freezing, and prepping food for the winter.  At this point in my life, we aren’t doing this as often.  In fact this year, we aren’t doing any canning at all.  I did get apples but we will probably eat them as apples rather than making applesauce or slicing to freeze.

This has made me wonder what I’m harvesting this year.  What have I done, created, and so on that I’m going to harvest.  There’s nothing in my life which has to be grown and harvested at a particular time.  I’ve published many things this year and still have a few to get out.

I’m in the middle of making holiday gifts.  I’ve been working on several for the past couple of weeks.  My sister asked me to work on some blankets for her – she has fleece which she wants a crocheted edging around.  I have one or two other things to finish which should be done tonight or tomorrow night.  I’ll move on to doing the crocheting for her before I work on my next group of projects.

My craft room is in chaos and in need of a good cleaning.  I’m hoping to get it organized again and move forward with all these projects.  If I get my sister’s stuff done, it gets two or three bags of things out of my craft room.  After that, I’ll be working on my own holiday gifts which will empty many things out of my closet.  Then it’s back to the skirt and afghan I’m working on.

I think for this year, this is my harvest.  Getting all these projects done before it’s too late is a good goal.  One I’m hoping will be accomplished.  On top of this harvest, I have several things which still need to be published and finished.  Now things have calmed down a little with my middle daughter, I’m hoping to spend my weekends working on projects and publishing.  However, I’m aware that the best laid plans…. generally don’t get accomplished because of life…

Surprise for Grandma

Yesterday I took my mom and friend to Gays Mills.  The purpose was to get apples but there was an underlying purpose as well.  Vicki, my middle daughter, met us there.  We had a lovely day getting apples, having lunch, and chatting.

The fall colors this year are a bit muted.  Some trees are vibrant but mostly there are the muted greens and golds.  It was a lovely drive.  I hope everyone had a good time.

I came home with apples, cider, cookies, and salad dressing.  I got to spend time with a friend, my mom and my daughter.  It was a good day!

Today we’ve had a bit of excitement with our power going out for about an hour.  It went out and we heard a loud bang outside.  No idea what happened but we were without power.

I sat and crocheted after I notified the utility our power was out.  I saw on their web site that almost fifty people were without power so probably a transformer blew.  Now the power is back on and I’m at the computer for a little while.

Once I’m done with the computer, I’m going to work on holiday gifts.  I have a number of them done, a lot more to do, and some to do for someone else.  Next step for me, go to my craft room and gather up bags of the projects.

An Opportunity … but Not This Year

Locally there is a vendor sale which I’ve been invited to participate in – one of the organizers has seen my crocheting and thinks I should sell my stuff.  I agree but I have nothing made up.

I’ve been struggling since I had to use a manual wheelchair because my arms bothered me when I crocheted.  They are starting to feel better but now I have several project to get done before the beginning of December.  My sister has several for me to work on and I have the gifts I give to get done.

I knew about this a year ago so I can’t complain about not having enough time.  However, I’ve been working on writing, editing, publishing, and crocheting for my own purposes.  I have a list on my phone of things I could make for the sale.  I have yarn stockpiled in my craft room.

Somehow I never got around to making the things.  There was always a project for someone to work on or writing or family stuff.  However, I’ve had one article published in a crochet magazine and will have another by the end of the year (hopefully) as well as a crochet pattern (hopefully).  So it would be nice to play with the yarn I have and create what I want.  It would be fun to play with the yarn and crocheting to see how I like the different techniques.

I’d love to see how my stuff sells but this year – I’m too crazy with things to do right now to consider having enough time to do it.  I’ll keep the list on my phone.  I will make an effort to make ahead for next year but you never know where my time will go and what I’ll get involved with.

Quiet and Calm Today?

Wedding present done!  Wedding was beautiful and fun.  Now today, I’m going to be a bum.  I have to go back to work tomorrow.  I’m feeling a bit worn out so today is a day of rest.

Tomorrow I have to call to find out more information on hitches.  Then I have to get quotes on receiver adapters in all likelihood.  I also have to check to see if the company I’m getting my scooter through has heard anything from the insurance company.

It will be an interesting week.  I’m getting through to the first week in August when I have a week off.  I’ve declared that a week for writing.  I’ve got a list of things I want to get done so I’m hoping for few interruptions and lots of accomplishments.

On top of the successes I’ve had in getting things accepted and published, I’ve also been getting rejections.  These are always difficult – part of me says, why don’t you like my stuff but I try to remember how publication works and let it go.  It’s when I get a lot in one day or week that it overwhelms a bit.

I’ve got two Goodreads giveaways going on right now.  One ends tomorrow and the other ends at the end of the month.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Collection of Four Scarves by Eileen Troemel

Collection of Four Scarves

by Eileen Troemel

Released March 09 2015
Giveaway ends in 1 day (July 18, 2016)
3 copies available, 380 people requesting

Enter Giveaway

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Defenders of the People by Eileen Troemel

Defenders of the People

by Eileen Troemel

Released September 17 2014
Giveaway ends in 15 days (July 31, 2016)
3 copies available, 86 people requesting

Enter Giveaway

On Smashwords, some of my books are on sale!  You should go check it out.  If you go to my page, you can look at my books to see which ones are on sale.   It says on the right underneath where you add to the cart.  Some of my stuff is free and some is on sale.

I’m going to have a mellow day.  I’m sticking with jammies today and not thinking too much so it can be a mellow day.  I’ve been watching Madam Secretary which is pretty good.  I’m partway through the second season.

At the same time, I’ve got two stories in my head which need to come out so maybe some writing time.  It depends on my mood as I move forward with my day.  At this point, little effort sounds good but I can only do that for so long before my brain rebels.

Checked Off

Last night as I’m trying to go to sleep, all I can think about is the scenes which are coming up in my new novel.  In my head, I’ve mapped out the rest of the book.  It will be interesting to see if I follow what I mapped out or if my characters will derail me.

Today I’m hoping to work on the list of things I need to get done.  Ken did the grocery shopping and I did the rebates etc once I got up.  In coupons we saved over $12 and in rebates we saved over $5.

Once the coupons were done, I made fruit salad while Ken got lunch in the oven.  Vicki got me a new purse so I swapped out purses today.  Normally Vicki swaps my purses for me but I did it this time.  She’ll probably steal my purse next time and reorganize it.  But this was on my list.

I was able to get half the scarf done last night.  I’m hoping to finish it today when Ken and I watch Criminal Minds.  Then it’s a matter of taking pictures and sending them to the editor.  Then I cross my fingers and hope they want to include it in their issue.

This still leaves me a few smaller tasks.  As I was waking up this morning, I was thinking about the wedding gift I need to make.  I think I’ve figured out what, how many of each and possible design for each item.  I’m looking forward to creating these and hope I can get the materials prepped for the project today yet but time is my enemy.

From my list, I’ve managed to finish 13 items but still have 5 items on the list.  It’s already 11 in the morning so I don’t know if I’ll get them all done today.  However, I’ll keep working on them this week.  I’m trying to balance out writing with all of its deadlines with crafting which also has deadlines.

No Shortage of Tasks

The last two weeks have been rough for me with pain.  The weather is causing my arthritis to grumble (or scream).  Yet I don’t have time to wallow (well maybe a little).

May 2 I started a new novel.  I couldn’t get the words on the page fast enough.  By May 11, I’d finished the novel.  I love it when the inspiration hits hard and fast like this.  At the same time, I went back to add in a few more scenes for Wayfarer 11.  It’s on my need to be edited list.

I have a wedding shower to go to next Saturday and am working on the gift for that.  I have it about a third of the way done.  I’ll be spending some time this weekend watching movies and crocheting.  In addition to the shower gift, I finished off a gift for a friend.  I made her a bunch of dish towels, hand towels, and dish cloths.  Those went in the mail to her this week.

The day is gray and grumpy looking this morning but I have been at my computer since before 8 am working on different tasks.  I’ve paid bills, updated my spreadsheets, did a tiny bit of marketing, submitted three articles to paying publications.  I posted an preview for one of my books on Goodreads.  I need to figure out which scenes from each of my books and post them.

As is normal, my list is never ending for tasks I need to get done.  Shortly, I’ll be going to run errands.  Fortunately I only have a couple today.  I also need to clip coupons, check the apps for rebates, and write up the grocery list.  All so Ken will be able to do the grocery shopping tomorrow.

Last night I watched Age of Adeline which was quite good.  I also watched The Gambler which was depressing and annoying.  I got several inches done on the shower gift.  I’m hoping to finish this project this weekend.  I have several others I want to get done in a short period of time.  This means I’m letting my writing rest for a few days.

Having said that, I’ve gone back and added a prologue (possibly a new first chapter) to one story I’ve been working on.  I thought I had lost about 5000 words in the third Defenders novel.  I was cleaning my flashdrive and looked at a file I hadn’t looked at before.  It had the several scenes I thought I’d lost.  I was quite excited about this.  It saves me a lot of work in redoing.  Having found those scenes, I was able to write about another 1500 words in the story.

I’m hoping to finish both of these projects this summer.  With luck, I’ll have four books to publish over the next six months.  I also have several crochet patterns I’m going to work on publishing as well.  There is definitely no shortage of things for me to do.