It’s Here!

Yesterday my scooter arrived!!!  I took the day off to make sure I was there to sign for it.  It came midday and the guy didn’t make me sign for it.

I’m so happy to have this.  Now I have to figure out how I’m getting it in and out of my car so I don’t end up with sore body parts, dirty clothes, or damaged car.

It folds differently from my previous scooter so I can’t slide it in like I did the old one.  I’m going to look for options at some point this weekend.

This means I can go places and not feel like a complete burden.  I’ll be able to get around and it will be better than before because my old scooter was sporadic at best towards the end.  I have independence and confidence in being able to get around and do things.  I don’t have to feel as anxious about going to new places or being left out of things because I’m concerned I won’t be able to get around.  My new scooter means I am able to get around any store – maybe even multiple stores!

The struggle with the insurance and the process to get the new scooter was difficult.  I’m glad it’s over and I can put it all behind me.

I’m actually looking forward to doing errands this weekend.  I have two stores I need to go to and I should be able to get around and do the stores without a problem.  I should be able to take care of the things I need without there being any issue.  I’m almost excited to shop – and I don’t like shopping.

Week of Turmoil…

It has been an interesting week for me.  I was hoping to get lots of writing and home things done.  I got some writing and some home things done but unfortunately there was also a lot of turmoil….

First I was dealing with our mortgage company who didn’t want to pay out from our escrow account.  I’d contacted them last week and was told everything would be fine and they’d take care of it.  Never trust banks.  I called this week only to be told no it wouldn’t be paid.  I went round and round with customer service people and then asked for a supervisor.  Our taxes are paid – at least a check has been issued to pay them.

My brakes have been making noise so I took my car in to have them looked at.  Now in June I spent 750 on my car to have the back brakes completely redone and the front brakes worked on.  Six months later my front brakes now need a complete overhaul.  I spoke with the manager there too – apparently it is my week for it.  I negotiated with him to give us a $90 discount.  When I got there the cost of the repairs was still over what I’d been told.  I objected and they tried to say they’d given me an estimated cost.  I said if it was going to be more you should have called me.  I would have said no to this additional $45 cost.  Because I complained I got a 10% discount on the entire bill so it was then lower than expected.  Still by the time we were done it was a lovely $550. 

There have been a few family issues this week as well.  In an effort to respect the privacy of those involved, I will just say that there have been some hurtful things going on and I feel as if I’ve born the brunt of these things.  My relationship with my family is often tumultuous.  There are many strong personalities in my family and we don’t always get along.  I’m not blaming anyone.  It just added to an already stressful week.

My writing this week has been sporadic but I’m still making progress.  In my head I have at least two more chapters I want to get down.  Probably there is more or more likely once I get these two chapters out of the way then more will pop in there. 

For now to relieve some of my stress I’m listening to classical music, writing, and withdrawing from everything else.  I’m definitely taking my last three days off for me.