
On one of the more warm days, I drove down Alicia’s road and smelled the ultimate in indicators for spring – Lilacs.  I don’t know what it is but until I get a whiff of the spring air heavily laden with lilacs I don’t feel like it is spring.  I love this flower and plant.  I have three in my yard and one is blossoming.  They are young and growing nicely – no thanks to me. 

Our spring has been a bit funky here in Wisconsin.  We’ve had hot like late summer hot and now we are cool with threats of snow / frost.  I think we are going to have an unusual year for weather.  However, spring has now sprung for me with the scent of lilacs lingering even in the cool spring air. 

I’ve been so busy this semester I’ve not had a lot of time to stop and smell the roses (or lilacs) and now that the semester is winding down I’m starting to look forward to my summer.  This summer I have a pile of books to read.  I want to get back to submitting a lot of my writing.  I also want to work on two manuscripts and see if I can get two others actually published.  My summer is filling up even before it has started.

The two girls in Georgia will probably be coming home this summer.  I am trying to figure out when to take off for their visit.  Of course we don’t have solid dates yet but I’m still looking forward to it.  I want to get Stephanie’s afghan done for her and if at the three quilts I’ve had in the works for a while.  After that for sewing I have a pile of material for Vicki.  She has a bunch of material she wants me to make into work clothes for her.  Along these lines I have the next afghan lined up (and waiting in the living room) as well as yarn for a number of gifts.  I also still have three fleece blankets to get done. 

The question becomes how much of this will get done during this summer?  Hopefully all of it but you never know.  I’m looking forward to taking my vacation time and enjoying my down time.  I’m aware it sounds like I won’t be getting down time but it is for me.

Saw My Breath

Rushing from the house, I stepped outside, took several hurried steps and stopped just a little short.  It is only mid-September but one exhale showed a short puff of white.  Fall has descended on us.  The nip in the air dipped below freezing last night.  It is a bit early but still it feels good. 

I LOVE fall.  It is my favorite season.  The humidity usually dies away as the hint of winter nips at the wind.  The fall flowers are persistently blooming.  The trees start to shut down and show their brilliance. 

Even the smells of fall are amazing.  There seems to be a hint of wood smoke lingering even if we aren’t the ones having a fire.  There is pumpkin with nutmeg and other fragrant spices.  There is apple cider hot or cold to sip at with cinnamon. 

Fall and harvest obviously go hand in hand.  The crops are starting to dry for harvesting.  The colors change and fade but don’t lose their appeal.  The smell of drying corn as you drive the back roads makes you want corn on the cob.  The bounty of the earth, the grains and fruits are plucked and stored. 

September is just the beginning of this here in Wisconsin.  The corn is still green, hasn’t gone that golden tan yet.  There is a hint of a red gold as the sunset hits the tassels.  Tomatoes plump and full of the summer sunshine are ready to be gathered from the vines.  Will they be a fresh reminder of summer in the depth of winter as salsa or sauce?  No matter the sweet fruit will be tasty when winter chills you to the bone.

Fall is the best time of the year…

Early Case of Spring Fever

The snow has piled up.  The drift between my house and the neighbors to the north is at least 4 – 5 feet tall.  I’m not talking about a drift plowed there by the snow plows.  No I’m talking about snow that was either fallen or blown there (by wind or snow blowers).  That is too high.  I’m so ready for spring to be here and to have some green grass and leaves back. 
I am looking forward to my rhododendron bush blooming again.  I also am excited to see how my bush fence is going to come in.  I am hoping to have more lilacs this year.  The endlessness of the white snow and cold winter has finally worn me out. 
I backed up to leave my driveway and realized the drift between the two houses was so high I couldn’t see over it to tell what was coming in the road.  That is too much winter. 
I’m one of the few people who sits back to enjoy the snow on the trees, the contrast between the white snow and evergreen trees.  However, enough already, I want some warmth.  I want the snow to stop falling – I don’t care that it is big fluffy pretty flakes.  It is still cold and will just add to that damn drift. 
I look out my window both at work and at home and think – more white stuff.. can’t we have some relief from this?  Outside my window at work there is a lovely giant evergreen which is picturesque.  It is one of the darker pines dusted with a lovely layer of white on the branches.  It looks amazing. 
I want to walk up to the tree and shake its trunk hard enough that all the snow falls off.  Not that I could even if I were to walk across campus to do it.  The tree is too large.  It represents winter to me.  I am tired of winter – obviously.
I know I’ll get over this but for these moments – I just want to think of a summer breeze and the birds singing.  I want to feel the sun on my face and be WARM.  I want the breeze to cool me off not put me in a deep freeze. 
I know I have another couple months to go before we see anything near to summer like weather.. until then I’m going to huddle impatiently under my quilt with the bright colors up so I feel like spring will come eventually.