
I know it is December.  I know that I live in Wisconsin and not Hawaii. But when the starting temp for the day is minus five I consider that damn fucking cold.  Brilliant me, I was tired Monday night and just wanted to get home.  I debated about getting gas.  We were at a nearly balmy temp of five degrees so I thought maybe if I’m lucky it will be warmer in the morning and I’ll get gas then.  I didn’t believe myself but I was tired…
Tuesday morning, after getting not a second of sleep all night, I realize I can’t squeak out one more day from the gas in my gas tank.  Well okay I probably could have but what if I got stuck in traffic or a snow bank…
I’m all bundled up but still that sneaky wind finds little cracks and crevices to sneak into and chill me to the bone.  I pumped my gas and swiped down my windshield with a dry piece of paper towel in order to see.  My washer fluid isn’t working because it is DAMN FUCKING COLD.  Plus if I sprayed my windshield washer it would have formed a film of ice even though my car was edging towards warmish…
I don’t mean to complain.  I know we have to endure winter but couldn’t we stay in the damn cold range?  I mean I know it may not seem like a big difference but feeling like each breath is going to make your lungs shatter apart because of the cold is sort of a big step.  In the damn cold range it is the time to consider maybe just zipping up the jacket or adding a scarf.  The DAMN FUCKING COLD level means you are walking around with a comforter duct taped around you to block out the frigid fingers of the winter wind.  Of course you have to have eye holes and maybe a heated tube to be able to breathe but still…
The wicked wind plays tricks on you too because while we might have temperatures in the minus five range the wind chill (trust me it isn’t just a chill) drops the temp to minus twenty.  This of course edges the temp range from damn fucking cold to way too damn fucking cold.
I don’t know about the other walking comforters but I’m ready for the DAMN FUCKING COLD weather to be done and move into a more reasonable range… heck I’d even take fucking cold or damn cold instead… 

Winter Storms

Old man winter breathes his cold breath and covers our land with snow.  With ferocity, the snow blows across many states and pushes humanity into hiding.  With the fierceness of the storm, I’m happy to sit in my office and watch the tree sway and dance with the north wind.  In moments of quiet the snow looks almost beautiful but then the wind picks up again and whips it around like a wild fire.  Though it hasn’t happened yet, the temperatures are supposed to drop below zero today.  My fireplace will help keep the frigid cold at bay. 

Somewhere on our street, a mere mortal attempts to slay the winter dragon with a snow blower to clear the deposits of old man winter.  The north wind laughs at his foolishness for he will just blow more snow to replace that shifted away. 

On days like this I’m grateful I don’t need to go out.  I can sit in my cozy office with the furnace blowing hot air on my legs.  I can wander to the fireplace and enjoy the flickering, fiery flames dancing in defiance of the north wind. 

Hopefully once this all blows out, no one will be seriously hurt and winter will calm to the less ferocious state it normally employs.