Weekend plans

Another week comes to a close for me and I’m looking forward to the weekend.  Hopefully my artist will make it to my house on Saturday.  We have art to go over for a meditation book we are working on.  I also want to get more of the edits done on the manuscript I’m working on.  I’ve a third of the edits in the computer and am hoping to finish updating the manuscript.  If I manage to finish that off then I need to reprint it and edit it one more time.
A wonderful friend of mine created a database to track people, places, and details in different manuscripts.  I need to get that on my computer and set up so I can start using it.  It would be good to convert the paper lists I have to electronic.  While I’m at it I better do a back up of my computer and all this new stuff.
If I get a chance I should work on the baby blanket for my friend’s new grandson.  I should get that finished before he outgrows the baby size afghan.  I can work on that while I catch up on my DVR watching. 
These activities are of course on top of all the normal ones like grocery shopping, drug store run, butcher shop and so on.  I’ll never get this all done in one weekend but it will be fun to try…

Raises and benefits

Three weeks into my job and I’ve realized I’m not taking pain killers at all.  I’m not sitting in my office counting the minutes until I can take more pain killers.  I’m not coming home in so much pain I don’t want to get out of my car. 
I didn’t get a raise with my new job.  It was a lateral transfer just to a different location and job duties essentially.  This lack of pain – that is my pay raise.  I feel more creative, energetic, and happier.  Heck I have a cold and I feel better than I did when I was in so much more pain.
I’ve been going to the pool more regularly.  I haven’t quite made it four days a week yet.  This is mostly because I refuse to go when I’ve got a cold so that is my choice.  I can say that when I end my day away from home in a hot tub, I go home in a much better frame of mind.  If I’ve been coping with some pain during the day the soak in the hot tub makes it all melt away.
In addition to my love of the hot tub, I am also working out for about 15 minutes with exercises and walking in the pool.  This feels great.  I feel like I have more ability to move and do things.  I feel good about myself for doing it.  Amazingly I miss it when I don’t go. 
With this renewed energy I’m finding that I am able to do things again that I had given up.  It gives me hope that maybe if I keep working on it I might have more flexibility and ability to get around better.  Like everything else in life – it is a matter of determination. 

Shocker for me…

I was catching up on DVR programs the other night.  One of them, as I’ve said before, is The View.  I was watching hot topics of one of this week’s shows where they were discussing the governor’s race in Oklahoma (I think).  Apparently one of the candidates said she would make a better governor because she has six kids and a husband and her opponent has never been married or had kids.  They were bickering about it and Elizabeth (who I never agree with) came out with a statement that surprised me.  Did I mention I never agree with her?  Well she said this should not be used in the race because if they use motherhood etc as an argument for being a good candidate for governor (or anything else for that matter) then they can also use it as an argument for being a bad candidate for governor (or anything else). 
I completely agree.  If you are applying for a job and they ask – are you married?  Do you have children?  – that is discrimination.  Marital and parental status has little bearing on how well someone is going to do in a job.  Plus why are women being held to this standard (which Joy brought up).  No one asks a man – well what type of husband / father are you? 
Sherry made a point which annoyed me.  She said that parents are more compassionate.  The example she used was that people who become annoyed with noisy children in an airport / airplane are typically not parents.  I have to disagree with her completely.  I’m a parent and noisy kids annoy the heck out of me.  Now I understand that there are times when you have to discipline your kid and also when they are fussy.  But I’ve seen parents do the dumbest things when it comes to their kids.  They either cave in and give them what they want when they shouldn’t or they ignore the bad behavior and wonder why everyone else is annoyed with their kid.  They are annoyed because you aren’t doing your job. 
Kids cry and fuss.  That goes without saying.  How a parent handles it determines whether I’m annoyed or not.  If the parent is ignoring the behavior and the kid is misbehaving then it annoys me.  If the parent is making every attempt to distract and maintain discipline with a child then I’m not annoyed because you can see they are attempting to parent. 
There was one other issue which annoyed me.  Apparently some woman put up an ad in a church for a roommate.  She advertised for a Christian roommate.  Well this is discrimination.  All the women on the view said she should not have gotten in trouble for it.  I think she should because she was discriminating.
First she put it up in a church so most likely she is going to get someone from that targeted group.  Second all she had to do was say while interviewing that I’m a Christian and this is an integral part of my life.  Then she could have asked if that would bother or interfere with the relationship of roommates.  She really only had to put in there that she wanted a like minded roommate and then she wouldn’t have been in trouble at all.
If we let even individuals discriminate then we are allowing it everywhere because it isn’t groups that discriminate willy nilly.  It is individuals within the group who set the policies.  So if this woman were on a committee for a homeless shelter would she be willing to allow Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists, etc in to the shelter?  Or would she require that everyone within the shelter be Christian? 
One more and then I promise I’m done ranting about The View.  They had a discussion about an article on the Marie Claire website concerning fat people.  I didn’t read the article or go to the website – I just know what was discussed on the View.  Apparently this author had issues with fat people in general but specifically about fat people on TV.  She objected to the Mike and Molly show (I think that is the name of it) which features two overweight individuals.  I’ve not seen this show either.  The author was very disparaging and critical.  It is obvious she has body issues of her own from the quotes I heard.  Fat people are the one acceptable discrimination left in our society.  It is okay to tell fat jokes, to look down on overweight people, to disparage and denigrate them.  This is also discrimination.  Apparently the writer got blasted because she did write an apology.  The question is did she write the apology because she rethought her point of view or because she was getting so much flack about her opinions.  One other question I have is where the hell was the editor that they allowed this to go on the website with such discriminatory wording and opinions?  Why didn’t the editor take a step back and say – hey wait a minute.  Maybe because at Marie Claire (being a fashion magazine which probably perpetuates the need for women to be size 0) doesn’t think about how those women of any size would feel about such an offensive piece. 

Crazy I tell you…

I must be crazy.  I worked on 50 pages last night, reading and editing.  I got through it all and went to bed at a reasonable hour (for me anyways).  I lay in bed and thought – that whole scene needs reworking.  Over and over in my mind it rumbled and  I knew it had to be redone.  For 15 minutes I lay there thinking about how it should be rearranged – the pieces were mostly good but they were in the wrong order. 

Could my brain shut down and let me sleep after I made the decision? Oh heck no.  I got up at 11:30 last night to redo part of the scene – did I mention this is 50 pages I’d worked on for 3 hours? 
I worked for 45 minutes rewriting and rearranging.  I got several pages redone and moved around.  To be perfectly honest, if I didn’t have a day job I wouldn’t have quit working last night but I had to get up this morning. 
It is times like this where I wish I could be doing this full time.  If I made enough money to cover my current income and our insurance needs then I would quit working my day job.  I’d write full time and hopefully sell lots of books and articles. 
Sadly I am not making enough writing so I will continue to go with little sleep and a bit of frustration.  The thing is I love the challenge.  I knew this story needed an overhaul and as I’m doing it – I am LOVING it.  It’s a challenge to let go of the ideas I had before and allow new ones to take their place.  It’s fun to see how the story will wrap around itself differently with this tweak or that change. 
The words tumble and almost trip over themselves to get on my paper.  It is amazingly enjoyable for me to struggle through this work.  Hopefully when I’m done there is a story that others will want to read and enjoy.

Weekend of work…

After a weekend of editing, rewriting, and reviewing, I’ve managed to get about 100 pages edited.  I’m not surprised because I made some pretty big changes to the beginning of the novel.  Now it’s going quicker but I know there are several sections coming up that I’ll be making more big changes to.  Hopefully one more weekend of editing (or maybe several long nights) and I’ll have it done.  Then I have to get the edits into the computer and investigate more on publishing it on Kindle. 

I’ve not read this novel in over five or six years.  I’ve tried to market and sell it but it has been no go.  In re-reading it, I think it is a good story.  It moves along at a good pace.  It keeps the reader involved – at least I think so. 

The changes I’ve made this weekend were definitely needed.  They make the story more believable and realistic.  Revisiting it like this has helped me be objective and see the changes needed to update the story and improve the entire manuscript.  It isn’t a matter of putting commas in the right place or fixing the typographical errors but of refining the story.  It is work – a lot of it – but I’m glad I’m doing it.

It is hard to be objective about my own work.  I read it and I see the flaws.  I’m also my own toughest critic.  But in reading this again, I find a good story.  I’m pleased with my work and how it’s turned out.  This was my first full length novel and I think I did a good job.  Now I have to see if others agree…


For about ten years now I’ve had a romance novel that I submit to different publishers.  I’ve never sold it unfortunately.  I had somewhat given up on selling it. 

Recently I decided that I needed to revisit this manuscript.  I am going to edit and revise it.  It’s been a long while since I’ve read it so it will be interesting to see how this goes.  It is nearly 300 typed double spaced pages long and over 100,000 words. 

What motivated this sudden interest in this manuscript again?  Well my youngest daughter, Stephanie emailed me a link to the publishing guidelines for Kindle. (http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=amb_link_352814142_14?ie=UTF8&docId=1000234621&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=left-1&pf_rd_r=039VVXERM92NS9FNV14H&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1276313662&pf_rd_i=133141011) The small bit that I’ve read seems like a good idea so I am going to edit this book and see if I can get it published there.  I might also try to put together a couple of poetry books to see how they do as well.  It can’t hurt and maybe there will be a demand for my work.  If that happens then it might help to move my other manuscripts forward with either traditional publishers or more on Kindle or even other self publishing opportunities.

The day is rainy. I’ve been cleaning my desk and doing all sorts of different things for writing and the house.  I have at least made organized piles.  I will at some point need to go through those piles and deal with the items in them – some sooner rather than later. 

This is all part of my prep for getting ready to write.  It may sound strange but it helps me organize my thoughts and gives me a chance to clear out the clutter quite literally as well as a bit figuratively.

Today I’m hoping to get through a complete edit of this manuscript but I’m sure that the others in the household will have impact on my progress.  Ken and Vicki are both under the weather.  Now if I could just get the two of them to sleep and leave me alone I’m sure I could get more done….

Since I’ve been up for nearly two hours now, I should stop putzing around and dig in….

Second week on the job…

I’m halfway through the second week on the new job.  It has been exhausting and exhilarating all at once.  I’ve been tired for the last two weeks but I’m also learning a lot. 

The difference in the atmospheres and environment is very interesting.  The DOT was sort of casual for dress and in some ways for the working environment.  There was a lot of stress but we also knew how to blow off some of that stress too.

The university is definitely dressier and a bit more formal.  I think the people are a lot more understanding.  I’ve worked with a lot of men over the years – a lot of engineers.  Now I’m working with mostly women.  I think I like it.  They kind of do their thing and I do mine.  There isn’t a lot of interference and there is a lot of respect for my knowledge and ability.

I got a great compliment from my boss today.  She said she couldn’t understand why she was getting so much done.  She had cleared so much off her desk and had been very productive.  Then she came to my office and saw that I’d also been very productive.  Piles that had been cluttering up the office had been cleaned up, dealt with, and put away.  I still have a few little piles but mostly I’ve gotten the piles on the surfaces cleared up. 

I have not conquered this job.  I’ve removed some of the backlog of work and learned one or two aspects of the job.  There a lot more layers to learn and adjust to.  I’m looking forward to the challenge of them. 

Another bonus… I’ve started going to the pool nightly.  I started last night and went again tonight.  It is heaven to end my day sitting in the hot tub.  I de-stress a lot and the aches in my bones go away.  I come home in a better mood because I’m not in pain or on drugs.

I’m still exhausted.  I’m still waking up at 4:30 (wish that would stop already).  I am thrilled that I went eight workdays without filling my gas tank.  I used to put two tanks of gas in my car a week.  I’ve gone a week and a half on one tank.  That is an exciting savings.

This is a good move…

Who can’t google… really?

Obviously politics is a hot topic and on every one’s  mind.  I’m not going to get into a debate on who is the better candidate or whatever.. I think we all know that the decision when we go to the polls is generally  a matter of who will do the least damage (though there are a few good candidates).

Christine O’Donnell from Delaware I think is a tea party candidate and has been sticking her foot in her mouth.  Like Palin she makes women look bad.  The latest hoopla is concerning the first amendment. 

I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know the amendments or their exact wording.  I’m also not a candidate for a public office.  But I do know google.  I know that if I go to google I can find a reputable source that will give me some information on almost any topic. 

I don’t know what O’Donnell said as I didn’t hear it but what I heard was that she was questioning whether the constitution actually says separation of church and state.  She apparently sees nothing wrong with mixing the two. 

If you are like me you want to go to the source and see what the constitution actually says.  So here it is from a fairly reputable source:”

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Now what people need to realize is that this was an amendment tapped on to the constitution in 1791 (that is from that site too).  Since 1791 we have had laws and other legal documents that have refined, updated, and clarified these amendments (and the constitution).  If my math is right that is 219 years of modification.  But one thing I think O’Donnell needs to do is read the original content.  It says clearly that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.  That is the opening phrase. 

She seems to want Christianity to be the state religion.  Well not everyone in the US is Christian.  So what does she propose?  For a month we all be Christian.  Then the next month we can all be Buddhists or Pagan or Muslim. Or if we are all going to be Christian, then which Christian?  Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran? 

The point of this amendment is so that people will be able to choose what they want to believe and the government can’t dictate those beliefs and ideas.  This is my opinion and I’m not a constitutional scholar or anything.  Historically I believe (if I remember my history lessons right) that one of the biggest reasons that people came to this country was to escape the religious oppression that they were enduring in England and Europe.  We fought a war to be free from those beliefs.  It was in my history book.  There was a pretty big section on it – it was called the Revolutionary War.  Do we really want to go back a point where people can be persecuted, prosecuted, and demoralized for their ideas and beliefs?  People need to study history in order to understand the mistakes made and and learn from them.

Is it November 3rd yet?  I can’t wait for the idiocy to be done.  Of course then we have to see what sort of idiocy the American public opted to do… it is one insane cycle….

A Good Book or Three…

I spent a very lazy day yesterday reading and lounging in front of the fireplace.  It was a spectacular day which I enjoyed no end.  It was very energizing.  The books I read were Dragon in the Driveway (young adult book), Libraries of Ancient Times, and Lady Knight.  The libraries one is a non-fiction and I read a chapter or so in it.  The other two were fiction and exceedingly enjoyable.  I laughed and cried with the books.

The other day at work I listened as a woman explained she could not read books because of her learning disability.  This is such sadness.  I think of all the books I have and read.  I would be lost without my books. 

I was reading Lady Knight last night and forced myself to put the book down because it was 11:30 and I had to work today.  I only had another 120 pages but I wanted to thoroughly enjoy the ending of this book.  I finished it off tonight and did just that.

Reading takes me away from everything.  If done right it can make me laugh, cry, and ache for the characters to win through to their goal.  It doesn’t really matter the genre if it is well written it can move me.  For those who don’t get to read or won’t read – I feel sad that they don’t know the pleasure I know in reading.

Tonight I’ve finished Lady Knight and there are two more lovely fictional books to read but I’ll be good and go to bed.  I’ve got my book on ancient libraries to read during lunch tomorrow.  I’m almost done with that book.  Then I have the Gerda Lerner book on the Creation of Patriarchy.  The non-fiction books make me think.  They don’t necessarily transport me to a different time and place (well that depends) but they make me think about the topics covered.  I think this is why it takes me so long to read them – I need time to digest all that I take in.

I realized today as I was packing up at work and thinking about reading tonight that I was actually still reading three books – the two non-fiction and the one fiction.  Now I’m down to two and thinking I need more.  I must be sick or something….


It greatly disturbs me that we, as a society, seem to be leaning towards a more homogeneous society.  If we aren’t all worshiping the same god or behaving the same way then those who don’t are the enemy.  This country in particular was founded on the differences we have.  We wanted to be able to believe differently.  People fled the sameness in Europe and Britain to come here for religious freedom.  It didn’t matter what the beliefs were, here people were free to believe as they chose to. 

Now, however, that isn’t the case.  We (again as a society) seem to expect everyone to think alike and behave alike.  Women behave a particular way – they must like shopping and fashion.  Men must behave a particular way too – they  must like sports and so on. 

The sad thing about this homogeny is that it removes any chances for stellar people to stand out.  Where would we be if Henry Ford had become a Buggy builder instead of innovating the car?  Or where would we be if Thomas Edison hadn’t created the light bulb? 

These people thought outside the box and believed they were capable of creating something better.  The religious and spiritual beliefs are the same.  If you look at the core beliefs of most religions you will find similar concepts.  Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, and Pagans all essentially have the same core beliefs.  Yet this seems to be a point of contention in our world.  We go back to the idea that all must believe the way I do (and you fill in the religion) or you are evil.  When will we outgrow this hateful and hurtful idea?

Most people know my mom is Methodist and my husband is Lutheran.  I took my daughters to the Methodist church so they would have an understanding of what organized religion was.  All the while I sat in church I hated it.  These are not my beliefs. 

Some who know me, know that I have chosen a different path.  Most who know me haven’t a clue what my beliefs are.  I’ve guarded them.  I have told myself that it is because I don’t want to embarrass or cause problems for my husband or my daughters.  I’ve skirted the issue many times in order to have some sense of normalness in life. 

These are the lies I’ve told myself.  In reality, I didn’t want to face being different.  I’ve been different all my life and it is tiresome to always go against the flow.  If I’m going to tout tolerance for different beliefs then I need to be brave enough to stand up and say – I have different beliefs.  I am not a Christian like my mother or husband.  I am an eclectic witch who is seeking. 

Take a deep breath everyone – yes I used the witch word and it isn’t a euphemism for bitch.  Before anyone jumps to conclusions here are my general beliefs.  I believe in a divine being.  I don’t believe it is male or female.  I believe that it appears to people in those forms because we understand them but in reality the divine force is everything from the animals, plants, people, and even the earth itself.  It is everything and everywhere. 

I believe your actions and choices determine the type of life you have.  I believe in karma but again I think it is much more complicated than the simple you did bad so something bad will happen to you or you did good so something good will happen to you.  Life is a bunch of checks and balances.  Our choices determine what checks and balances happen to us.

Let me also state that while I may have these alternative beliefs from most people in society, I still go to work and pay my bills.  I don’t sacrifice animals or children.  I don’t worship a devil (don’t believe in one).  I’m not having sex with goats or other farm animals.  These are all misconceptions about the Pagan beliefs.

I came to my beliefs later in life.  My sister Teri introduced me to some of the ideas and I’ve taught myself the rest in discovering who I am.  I am grateful Ken and the girls accepted my growth in this area. 

When I say we need to have tolerance for different beliefs and lifestyles I am not asking you to accept some strange far out beliefs.  I’m asking you to accept and understand me.