
There is so much going on in our political world right now.  Perhaps I should say there is so much going on in our political world that I am appalled and disappointed about. 
Women’s issues:  The Supreme Court which is supposed to be impartial and fair, just ruled that women were not allowed to have a class action suit against Walmart.  It is interesting to note that the three women on the court dissented (as well as one man) and those who agreed with the ruling were all men.  How is this judgment by our peers?  I think it shows that women still are considered second class citizens.  We still aren’t allowed to make as much as a man.  Women are still undervalued and demoralized.  We are still considered property essentially. 
All the nonsense about Planned Parenthood is another HUGE concern.  What will happen to the poor women who cannot afford health care?  If birth control becomes too expensive and cancer checks are out of reach for women (poor or not) then what will happen?  I’ll tell you what will happen.  Women will go back to having babies every year.  They will wear out their bodies to the point where they die.  Women who use birth control to regulate their cycle and help control heavy bleeding or sporadic periods will find themselves suffering every day. 
Conceal and Carry:  I’m all for the right to own guns.  Everyone touts that this is a right because of the 2nd amendment.  Well the 2nd amendment says:
Amendment 2 – Right to Bear Arms. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I’m not a constitution scholar but to me this says for the protection of and to keep a free state, regular citizens are allowed to have guns.  The historical background for this amendment is because when the British were governing us they took away the citizens guns.  This meant that in a hostile country with Native Americans and wild animals the settlers didn’t have a way to defend themselves or hunt for food.
I don’t know about you but I don’t think that any of us need a gun to hunt for food in our society today.  Having said that, I do believe we have the right to own guns.  I don’t believe that everyone should be walking around with a pistol strapped to their leg or in their purse. 
The guns of today are vastly different than the guns of the 18th century.  You weren’t going to hide a flintlock pistol easily or a rifle for that matter.  Now we have weapons that can shoot faster and further than ever before.  They are smaller and more accurate than ever.  We want to have a law that acknowledges the advancements of this field and also of our societal standing.
Yes our constitution says we have the right to bear guns but does that mean we should allow our citizenry to walk around with guns in their purses and on their bodies?  I don’t think so especially if the person is not trained or hasn’t gone through some sort of process to determine they aren’t completely nuts. 
Collective Bargaining:  I know that people are tired of hearing about this.  Hell, I am sick of the stress and difficulties we’ve had this year.  I want to preface this with a statement.  I’m a union member for five years.  I believe unions do good things in our society.  I also believe that unions have flaws. 
Pre-unions (yup more history lessons) owners of businesses could arbitrarily change any work condition or pay without repercussions.  Some unscrupulous bosses took advantage of the work force and created unhealthy, unsafe, and even deadly work environments.  The industrial revolution was great for the country – got our economy booming and put people to work.  However, it also introduced what most people would agree were horrible working conditions with people working in conditions unfit for anyone and pay was so bad that even the children in the family had to go to work in order to support the family.
Unions came in and said if we all band together than the bosses will have no choice but to come to the table and negotiate fairly with all of us.  This essentially made the work place a more level playing field. 
Here we are a hundred years later, we have safe working conditions (mostly), good wages and benefits, and a regulated work week.  The unions have been successful.  Does this mean they are done?  No because we don’t learn from our past.  The unions have to be able to bargain collectively about every aspect of work otherwise we will revert to the conditions of the past.
In fact, we are already doing that with Walker’s proposal to change child labor laws.  He wants to allow teenagers (16 & 17) to work as many hours as they want.  In a time when parents are unemployed by the millions and people are struggling to make ends meet, should we allow our children to work 40, 50, 60 hours a week in addition to going to school?  Something will give. I guarantee if it is a choice between food on the table for the family and school, school will go by the wayside so that families can eat.
Walker claims that taking away collective bargaining rights will make it easier to balance the budget and accommodate the cuts he proposes.  If he were to talk to the unions and ask for reasonable accommodations, the unions in all likelihood would give those accommodations.  I as a state worker, union member, and tax paper am just as concerned about balancing the budget.  I’ve taken furlough days to help with the budget issues.  Every payday money comes out of my check in order to assist with the balancing of the budget.  Thousands of union workers have made this concession. 
Collective bargaining isn’t just for union workers though.  It is for all workers.  It is the unions that improve working conditions.  Once a union has negotiated for better working conditions or pay then it becomes a standard practice.  This then ripples out to the non-union workers.  Take away collective bargaining and you take away all the protections that workers have – union or not.
Health care costs:  I’ve heard so many complaints about the health care system.  It is broken.  Insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and for profit hospitals / doctor’s offices are running our system.  This is why the costs are through the roof.  When we look at profit rather than well-being of an individual we lose what the medical profession is supposed to be about.
We need to take a close look at this industry and figure out a way to regulate and change it so that the costs are not so high.  I don’t know the answers here but I do know that what we are doing isn’t working.  If we continue this way than we are going to end up with even more people who don’t go to the doctor when they should which in the long run ends up costing the system more.
Health is something that should not be dependent on financial status.  Health care should be available to all and at a cost that any can afford even if they only make minimum wage.
There are more issues like the environment, wars, medicare/Medicaid, social security, education but anymore and my head is going to explode… 

Political Beliefs

I just read an article that expresses how I believe.  It isn’t about a party it is about a belief system.  It is about helping those who are unable to help themselves.  It is about empowering as many people as possible.  It is about good education.  It is about everyone – EVERYONE – having equal rights.

I don’t understand how people can look at the bullshit put out by the current Republicans in Wisconsin and think oh hey – this is good for all of Wisconsin.  It baffles me how people think turning down money from the federal government that will create jobs, bring in tourism, and take us forward is bad for Wisconsin. 

How can people think that taking nearly a billion dollars from education is going to improve the educational system?  How is collective bargaining going to balance the budget?  How is removing senior care going to help our society?  How is defunding Planned Parenthood going to improve our standard of living? 

None of these things are going to work or be good for Wisconsin.  We will become one of the WORST states to live in instead of one of the best.  We currently have good schools here.  Do they need help?  YES… where are the innovative ideas?  Well they are sitting on the sidelines because the conservatives don’t like change – unless they propose them. 

How does providing free birth control cause abortions?  Oh yeah – it doesn’t.  It does in fact prevent unwanted pregnancies, which in turn puts a stop to abortions.  This, however, is not really the goal of taking away Planned Parenthood.  It is a matter of trying to keep women in their place by keeping them pregnant and poor. 

In a great number of cases, men – or should I say sperm donors – do not stick around for the rearing of the the child.  They in fact are missing.  Instead of blaming single mothers for everything wrong in our society, perhaps we should be looking at the men in our society.  Why do we accept dead beat dads?  Why do we allow the fathers to walk away from their children?  Please don’t give me that bullshit about men are meant to spread their seed and it being a genetic imperative.  We are allegedly evolved, intelligent humans.  There are things that are supposed to set us apart from the animals like our intelligence. 

Here is a tip to the Pro-Lifers – you want women to stop having abortions.  This is your goal.  Then make it so there is NO stigma to giving a child up for adoption.  Then make it so a woman is not penalized in her work and her PAY because she has to take time to have these babies.  Make sure there is free, safe, and good birth control out there.  Educate EVERYONE about how to prevent pregnancy without expecting them to not have sex.  Really that doesn’t work.  Make the fathers step up and be responsible for their offspring.  Ultimately give the woman back the control of her own body.  In most cases women will choose what is best for them. 

What sparked this rant?  Well here is the link to the article that started it all.  I’m a liberal.  From the looks of former liberals it seems I’m in good company…

Tax Equity

Death and taxes.  Those are the things we are told are a certainty in life.  At some point we are all going to die – it is inevitable.  Taxes, however, seem to be a bit more questionable depending on who you are. 

I know that with my small pay I pay about 25 – 28% of taxes – I’m looking at my paycheck overall.  I claim zero on my W4s because I don’t want to have to pay in for taxes.  I’d rather get something back.  Depending on the tax laws we skirt the breaking even line for tax refunds.  We do things like contribute to an IRA and paying on my student loans to get a break.  However, now the girls are no longer our dependents we have to hold our breaths every tax season. 

I don’t think we are any different than most people.  Tax time is stressful for all.  Here’s the thing though.  I don’t want my taxes to go to multi-billion dollar corporations or people who are so wealthy they can afford to pay their own way in life.  I want my taxes to go to things like Social Security, Medicare, Planned Parenthood (even the small 3% that goes for abortions), NPR, PBS.  These are the things I think are worthwhile.

I also don’t want anyone to pay more than their fair share.  On the flip side of that coin, I don’t think people should get out of paying their fair share.  I remember back in the 80s I watched a movie about a couple that was divorcing.  The husband had money, the wife had been a stay at home mom.  She went out and found a job.  Like most women who had been stay at home moms it didn’t pay all that much.  The husband kept trying to tell the courts that he didn’t have that much money.  As soon as the divorce was settled he suddenly had a jump in lifestyle.  Thereby cheating his wife out of part of their assets etc.  This is how I feel the rich and the corporations are treating us.  (See there was a point embedded in that round about story)

They are saying oh 250 thousand isn’t that much and it isn’t really “rich” especially if you have kids.  I wonder if they have any clue how that sounds to someone who makes less than 50 or 30 thousand?  The question becomes are you paying your taxes on your income.  Why should someone who makes more money get a loop hole that allows them to get out of paying the same taxes that I pay?  Why should corporations who benefit from doing business in the US and make BILLIONS of dollars on the consumers here, not pay taxes here?

Equity.  It is an interesting concept that apparently most of the Republicans don’t get.  Here is a link to a site that shows the deficit by president since WWII http://cedarcomm.com/~stevelm1/USDebt.png  If you think the republicans are doing us any favors I think you need to take a serious look at things. 

Carter had the deficit going up at a slight rate.  Reagan, however, had it jumping up by leaps and bounds – jumping from around 1 Trillion to about 3 Trillion by the time he was done.  Bush the first had it jumping up to just over 4 Trillion in the short time he was in there.  Clinton’s budget jumped to just under 6 Trillion but the spending was starting to level out.  In the last couple years he was in, the deficit wasn’t increasing at such a high rate of things.  Bush II though now he gave the rich and business a LOT of tax breaks.  The deficit went from just under 6 Trillion to around 11 Trillion in eight years. 

What the hell!!!!  Obviously whatever Bush II was doing wasn’t good for the country.  It was like giving your teenager a credit card and saying have at it.  Federal income went down because he gave the corporations and the wealthy tax breaks that allowed them to not pay their fair share.  If income goes down then obviously debt goes up. 

I don’t want the upper class to pay more than their fair share.  I want them to pay their fair share.  I think that the middle class needs to open their eyes, read some history and think about what is important in life.  Do we really want our seniors to not have Social Security or health care?  Do we really want women to not have access to cancer screenings?  Do we want organizations like PBS and NPR to shut their doors or cut their services because a section of our population is whining that they can’t afford to pay their taxes? 

I say – try living on what I make.  Instead of having your 250,000 try living on 30,000.  Put away the fancy cars, private schools, and all the luxury items – if they lived on NEED items only like the majority of the people, they would have a lot more money available to them. 

I’ve heard the argument “why are we penalizing those who have worked hard to make more money”.  I’ve worked hard to make more money too.  I just haven’t broken that 6 figure mark yet.  I’m betting most middle and low income people will say the same thing.  Again I say to the people making more and taking advantage of the loopholes, the free ride needs to stop and you need to pay your fair share.