
There is so much going on in our political world right now.  Perhaps I should say there is so much going on in our political world that I am appalled and disappointed about. 
Women’s issues:  The Supreme Court which is supposed to be impartial and fair, just ruled that women were not allowed to have a class action suit against Walmart.  It is interesting to note that the three women on the court dissented (as well as one man) and those who agreed with the ruling were all men.  How is this judgment by our peers?  I think it shows that women still are considered second class citizens.  We still aren’t allowed to make as much as a man.  Women are still undervalued and demoralized.  We are still considered property essentially. 
All the nonsense about Planned Parenthood is another HUGE concern.  What will happen to the poor women who cannot afford health care?  If birth control becomes too expensive and cancer checks are out of reach for women (poor or not) then what will happen?  I’ll tell you what will happen.  Women will go back to having babies every year.  They will wear out their bodies to the point where they die.  Women who use birth control to regulate their cycle and help control heavy bleeding or sporadic periods will find themselves suffering every day. 
Conceal and Carry:  I’m all for the right to own guns.  Everyone touts that this is a right because of the 2nd amendment.  Well the 2nd amendment says:
Amendment 2 – Right to Bear Arms. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I’m not a constitution scholar but to me this says for the protection of and to keep a free state, regular citizens are allowed to have guns.  The historical background for this amendment is because when the British were governing us they took away the citizens guns.  This meant that in a hostile country with Native Americans and wild animals the settlers didn’t have a way to defend themselves or hunt for food.
I don’t know about you but I don’t think that any of us need a gun to hunt for food in our society today.  Having said that, I do believe we have the right to own guns.  I don’t believe that everyone should be walking around with a pistol strapped to their leg or in their purse. 
The guns of today are vastly different than the guns of the 18th century.  You weren’t going to hide a flintlock pistol easily or a rifle for that matter.  Now we have weapons that can shoot faster and further than ever before.  They are smaller and more accurate than ever.  We want to have a law that acknowledges the advancements of this field and also of our societal standing.
Yes our constitution says we have the right to bear guns but does that mean we should allow our citizenry to walk around with guns in their purses and on their bodies?  I don’t think so especially if the person is not trained or hasn’t gone through some sort of process to determine they aren’t completely nuts. 
Collective Bargaining:  I know that people are tired of hearing about this.  Hell, I am sick of the stress and difficulties we’ve had this year.  I want to preface this with a statement.  I’m a union member for five years.  I believe unions do good things in our society.  I also believe that unions have flaws. 
Pre-unions (yup more history lessons) owners of businesses could arbitrarily change any work condition or pay without repercussions.  Some unscrupulous bosses took advantage of the work force and created unhealthy, unsafe, and even deadly work environments.  The industrial revolution was great for the country – got our economy booming and put people to work.  However, it also introduced what most people would agree were horrible working conditions with people working in conditions unfit for anyone and pay was so bad that even the children in the family had to go to work in order to support the family.
Unions came in and said if we all band together than the bosses will have no choice but to come to the table and negotiate fairly with all of us.  This essentially made the work place a more level playing field. 
Here we are a hundred years later, we have safe working conditions (mostly), good wages and benefits, and a regulated work week.  The unions have been successful.  Does this mean they are done?  No because we don’t learn from our past.  The unions have to be able to bargain collectively about every aspect of work otherwise we will revert to the conditions of the past.
In fact, we are already doing that with Walker’s proposal to change child labor laws.  He wants to allow teenagers (16 & 17) to work as many hours as they want.  In a time when parents are unemployed by the millions and people are struggling to make ends meet, should we allow our children to work 40, 50, 60 hours a week in addition to going to school?  Something will give. I guarantee if it is a choice between food on the table for the family and school, school will go by the wayside so that families can eat.
Walker claims that taking away collective bargaining rights will make it easier to balance the budget and accommodate the cuts he proposes.  If he were to talk to the unions and ask for reasonable accommodations, the unions in all likelihood would give those accommodations.  I as a state worker, union member, and tax paper am just as concerned about balancing the budget.  I’ve taken furlough days to help with the budget issues.  Every payday money comes out of my check in order to assist with the balancing of the budget.  Thousands of union workers have made this concession. 
Collective bargaining isn’t just for union workers though.  It is for all workers.  It is the unions that improve working conditions.  Once a union has negotiated for better working conditions or pay then it becomes a standard practice.  This then ripples out to the non-union workers.  Take away collective bargaining and you take away all the protections that workers have – union or not.
Health care costs:  I’ve heard so many complaints about the health care system.  It is broken.  Insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and for profit hospitals / doctor’s offices are running our system.  This is why the costs are through the roof.  When we look at profit rather than well-being of an individual we lose what the medical profession is supposed to be about.
We need to take a close look at this industry and figure out a way to regulate and change it so that the costs are not so high.  I don’t know the answers here but I do know that what we are doing isn’t working.  If we continue this way than we are going to end up with even more people who don’t go to the doctor when they should which in the long run ends up costing the system more.
Health is something that should not be dependent on financial status.  Health care should be available to all and at a cost that any can afford even if they only make minimum wage.
There are more issues like the environment, wars, medicare/Medicaid, social security, education but anymore and my head is going to explode… 


Last night Ken and Alicia stood on the bridge with about 75 – 100 other people protesting the governor’s budget and the actions taken by the government.  Mom and I drove by several times, honking to show our support.  Mom took pictures (of course) and then I took her home. 

Ken and I went to the information meeting.  I was really hoping that a republican or two would show up so we could have an intelligent debate.  However, they didn’t.  It was a room full of like minded people.  I was afraid that it would become a pep rally.  It did not.  I heard intelligent questions put to a former representative and a union leader. 

There were people from all sorts of jobs – teachers, farmers, secretaries, and business owners.  It was a moving and intelligent conversation about the affects of what this budget will mean to so many people. 

I’ve always considered Whitewater to be conservative and Republican.  The good ole boys club is definitely in affect there.  Last night I was proud to say I grew up there.  People came out for honest and open discussion.  It is too bad the Republicans didn’t show up, I think it would be good for them to actually hear what these people have to say. 

One other comment – there were things said about a rep – I don’t know if they are true so I’m not going to repeat them.  However, here is my opinion on an elected officials job.  If you run for office, you better be prepared to speak to and meet with all the people in your district whether they voted for you or not.  Your job as an elected official is to represent the people in your district.  Your job is to hear their opinions and desires when it comes to a bill or topic before the legislative review.  Your job is to LISTEN to these and determine what the majority of those people want.  Then your job is to vote based on the majority of those people.  All of this is whether you agree with what these people want or not.  They are the ones who you are standing for.  It isn’t your opinion that counts – it is THEIR opinions that count.

If you can’t do that, then you should not be in office.  If you can’t listen to everyone and determine what the majority of people want, then you have no right to sit in Madison or Washington as a representative.  Our government is meant to be a government of the people by the people.  It is a founding idealism and if you as an individual can’t follow that – then don’t run for office.  I think a lot of our representatives have forgotten that.  It isn’t about who gave you money to run but about the people and what their needs are.

Another Work Week

Today we start again with work.  The unions are calling for people to go to Madison.  It will be interesting to see how many keep showing up.  This is a furlough day for most state employees (not me) so the potential is there for a large number of employees to go to the Capitol.  There is a rock concert in support of the unions at 5 pm tonight. 

I feel like we have two very stubborn two year olds fighting over a bone.  Neither is willing to concede anything.  Yet the ones who suffer are those affected by it.  If we allow this bill to pass this Governor will have unprecedented power and the unions will be gone. 

I’m still supporting the Democrats.  I hope they stay out of the state until the Governor realizes that he has to negotiate.  Come to the table and have a discussion. 

I watched a news conference he had on line and was appalled by the stuff he was saying.  It sounded very much to me that he wanted to look at everyone’s base pay (once he rams this bill down our throats) and negotiate those down.  I’m already taking a pay cut – how much more does he want? 

He said that he wouldn’t impose furloughs but once the unions are busted he will have no one to stop him.  He said he wouldn’t lay off large numbers of people but again once the unions are gone what is to stop him?  I don’t trust him.  I think if this bill passes I could very well lose my job or end up taking a significant pay cut.

I don’t know how this will play out in the long run but hopefully we won’t have to give up our collective bargaining so we can keep some of our protection.

Go Democrats!!!

I’m not a political person – yes I know I’ve posted so much this week on the issues going on but under normal circumstances I’m just not.  I don’t vote by party lines.  I don’t discuss my votes.  I vote – every election.  I despair that our politician will ever get what is needed for our country.

Today though, I was PROUD of our state Democrat senators.  The Republicans and Governor have closed their minds and their ears to the pleas of the workers in the state.  Walker said he had 8,000 emails supporting what he is doing.  How many did he have wanting it to stop?  How many people have protested – somewhere around 50,000. 

I watched the national programs tonight – they were amusing.  They also got to the heart of the matter.  I think this is the first time I’ve heard the other side of the story.  It has been the Republicans BLASTING away at the “evil” state workers and unions. 

The overly dramatic presentation of the information was a bit much (maybe because I’m from the Midwest) but maybe that will start people thinking.  Paul Ryan is an idiot.  He accused the protesters of being violent.  I say come to Madison and see for yourself.  The Madison police had only good things to say about the protesters.  Apparently Ryan thinks the teachers are a bunch of violent radical people.  Well they are radical – they want to keep their rights.

If Walker and his cronies have their way, Wisconsin will become a state of haves and have nots.  It isn’t the state workers who have.  It will be the corporations, big business, and the politicians who have.  The workers – everyone else will be a have not.  State worker (those that don’t already have second jobs) will be looking for a second job. 

I hope the Democrats drive their point home and stick together.  They are doing what’s right and I intend to support them.


Check out these articles…

Building Wisconsin’s Economy?

Here are a few numbers for people to consider.  Since before Walker took office here are some things he has sent away for us.
·         800 Million in High Speed Rail funds
·         23 Million in Broadband funs – WI libraries fought for this and it was supposed to go to schools, libraries, police, fire and hospitals in rural areas for the last three
·         70 – 75 million in transit funds will be lost if the collective bargaining goes away because the Federal Dept of Labor requires this be in place to receive federal monies.
Approximately 900 million will be lost by this man in six weeks of being in office.  For those who cry out for recall – recall of public officials cannot begin until they have been in office for 1 year.  Impeachment is reliant on the legislators to impeach him.  Do you see that happening with a Republican legislature? 
How much can Wisconsin afford to lose?  These funds were going to go towards making a better Wisconsin and now we are out nearly a billion dollars. 
Governor Walker – How do you intend to replace these funds?  I can guarantee that state workers will stop existing if you take more from them.  Private sector employees should pay attention because what happens in the public sector will happen in the private sector.  You think you are paying a lot now for your benefits – wait till this goes through.  You will pay even more and you won’t have a chance of getting a union anywhere.
I’d like to believe that our representatives would listen to the outcry of the workers of this state but they are sheep all following party lines. 
I’ve read some of the comments about state workers on the Journal Sentinel and other sites.  Here are a few things I’m sure the general public won’t want to hear.  State workers tend your old, your poor, your battered, your roads, your schools, and your safety from crime and fires. 
Some of the workers are lazy.  They do only what they have to in order to keep their jobs.  These workers are few and far between.  Most workers for the state give of their time and energy for a paycheck that is smaller than what they could get in the private sector.  Yes their benefits are better than the private sector.  No state worker has said they aren’t willing to pay more for any of the benefits.  However, taking away collective bargaining rights is not going to balance the budget. 
What that does is allow Walker to make arbitrary changes.  He can then fire people for no reason other than he wants to save money.  He can add furlough days and state workers have no choice or protection.  He can make all sorts of changes.
Here is the thing – the state of Wisconsin is not a business.  It is a complex government body that needs careful consideration in how it should be run and where cuts can be made.  Walker does not care about children, women, workers, poor, middle class.  He cares for the rich and businesses. 

Rights in Jeopardy

I’ve been reading the articles and announcements. I’m not one to just believe some of the propaganda put out by one side of an issue.  I will go looking for information until I can get information from the original source.
I watched Walker say he was surprised that the protests were peaceful.  He’s called out the National Guard to make sure the protests this week are peaceful.  I don’t believe that is the real reason.  I think he did it to try to intimidate the people coming to the protests. 
Some serious concerns I have is he is talking about health risk assessments.  Does this mean if you are a smoker, have a disease, or are obese he will deny insurance coverage?  This would be an extreme invasion of privacy. 
While the money issues concern me, I’m aware that we will have to pay more during these economic issues.  The favoritism he is showing towards his contributors is more of an issue.  The companies from the Green Bay area who want to build in an area for the endangered Cranes backed him and now he is trying to overrule the DNR.  These cranes are rare and this is their nesting area.  If we allow companies to build there these cranes may die out.  The unions he is exempting from the busting he is trying to do are the ones that supported him during the election. 
Is this really the kind of politician we want in?  Someone who allows people to buy his influence?  Shouldn’t he be looking out for the good of Wisconsin – all of Wisconsin – not just those who paid for him to do it? 
The man has cost the state $800 million in federal funding for the high speed rail project.  He has lost jobs of at least 900 for the train company who will be moving as soon as their contract is up.  The jobs he is supposedly creating are minimum wage jobs that are part time and offer NO benefits.  Apparently we are going to become a serfdom with him as the lord of the manner.  Minimum wage jobs will not pay the bills.  If you work 40 hours a week at $7.25 your gross pay would be $290.  In a month that is $1160.  If your mortgage is a $1000 then you can’t live on one job.  Most of these jobs are part time so you wouldn’t actually get 40 hours per week.  Then you are stuck working two or three jobs.  We will be working ourselves to death just trying to live in poverty because the annual wage would be a bit over $15,000 which is well below poverty level. 
Whatever he does in the public sector, will stream outward into the private sector.  If we lose our rights to negotiate, get raises, strike, whatever, then the private sector will as well. 
I agree the government needs to curtail spending and reduce the amount of money going out.  However, banishing unions is not going to help.  Neither is giving the rich tax breaks.  Since we are already one of the states that have a high tax rate it would be best to look at options like raising the sales tax or cutting spending across the board.  This may mean that some of the pet projects needs to go.  Sacrifices will need to be made.  I don’t think our programs for children and poor should be the first to go.  Let’s look for the pork and cut that. 
We also need to have an open discussion.  The people of the state and the people most affected by cuts should have a say in the cuts being made.  Public hearings, open discussion, communication are all key factors in facing these difficult economic times. 
Bullying and ramming through changes which aren’t going to make a difference will not help the state but hurt it.  Walker needs to wake up and realize he is a public employee and his job is to serve the public not be a dictator.
I watched an hour last night of the finance committee hearings.  No one spoke for the bill, one person even said that since 1:15 (I was watching at 8:15 still) had spoken for the bill.  Each speaker was given only 2 minutes to speak.  Yet I feel that this bill will get rammed through and the entire state of Wisconsin will pay for it.

Politics – again

I belong to a union.  I’m required to pay union dues for my job so if I’m going to pay for the union I figure it is best to have a say in the union.  I’m reading all the news articles and listening to the blurbs that our governor elect has been spewing out. 
This man seems to consider his employees the enemy.  How are we the enemy?  Union members go to work daily and provide needed, in some cases critical services to the public.  State employees put up with a lot of criticism on all levels.  Yet without us, how would the driver’s and car licenses get out to the public?  How would criminals be guarded?  How would funds go out to the unemployed?  These are just a few of the services that are performed by the state workers. 
I read today that there are 39,000 union workers employed by the state of Wisconsin.  Can Scott Walker really afford to piss off  39,000 workers?  The unions have worked with management with the short falls in budget.  But here is the thing – the legislators got a 5% raise when we had this short fall.  What did they do about it?  Did they give it back?  This is as bad as the stimulus money being given to banks who then paid huge bonuses with it. 
If my income is X, I can’t spend more than that.  It is time that our legislators realize that.  Raising taxes should not be an option.  Wisconsin is already in the second highest level of taxes paid as a percentage of income.  (http://www.newgeography.com/content/00754-local-and-state-tax-burden-maps)  Unemployment is down slightly from a high of 9.7% to about 7% but that doesn’t mean people have gotten back on their feet yet.  (http://www.google.com/publicdata?ds=usunemployment&met=unemployment_rate&idim=state:ST550000&dl=en&hl=en&q=wisconsin+unemployment+rate)  It means that some people are back to work.  The question becomes are they in a level of position that pays them enough to cover their bills or are they under employed?  Plus I just saw where the unemployment rate was back up to 8.3% (http://dwd.wisconsin.gov/dwd/newsreleases/2010/unemployment/100121_state_unemployment_rate_dec.pdf) for December.  This increase has been since the election.  I guess that says what sort of confidence businesses have in the new leadership.
Our government needs to live in the now.  Gas prices are at $3 a gallon.  There is very little affordable public transportation outside the major cities.  Prices are up, unemployment is up.  It is time for the politicians to come out of their ivory towers and see how the real people they represent live and struggle daily.
Unemployment has been further affected by Scott Walker and his tantrum over the high speed rail.  He threw such a fit that we will no longer be getting the funds for this project.  A project which would have brought in 800 million dollars into our economy is now going elsewhere.  There were contracts already awarded and ground already broken on a couple of them.  Scott Walker just pissed that away.  An international company that makes trains will be leaving as soon as their contract here is up.  This means the people who are employed by them will be joining the unemployment ranks.  The contractors who were going to hire people to build the rail, won’t be hiring them and may even suffer severe economic failure because the contracts are no more.
Scott Walker may think he knows what is best for Wisconsin but has he bothered to ask the Wisconsinites what they want?  Sadly this man is supposed to represent and lead us for the next four years and I am fearful that he will put my family and my finances at risk.  He needs to apologize to Obama and suck it up to attempt to get that money back into our state for the rail.  He needs to listen to the people who he is supposed to be representing .  He represents everyone not just the people who agree with his rhetoric.