Political Beliefs

I just read an article that expresses how I believe.  It isn’t about a party it is about a belief system.  It is about helping those who are unable to help themselves.  It is about empowering as many people as possible.  It is about good education.  It is about everyone – EVERYONE – having equal rights.

I don’t understand how people can look at the bullshit put out by the current Republicans in Wisconsin and think oh hey – this is good for all of Wisconsin.  It baffles me how people think turning down money from the federal government that will create jobs, bring in tourism, and take us forward is bad for Wisconsin. 

How can people think that taking nearly a billion dollars from education is going to improve the educational system?  How is collective bargaining going to balance the budget?  How is removing senior care going to help our society?  How is defunding Planned Parenthood going to improve our standard of living? 

None of these things are going to work or be good for Wisconsin.  We will become one of the WORST states to live in instead of one of the best.  We currently have good schools here.  Do they need help?  YES… where are the innovative ideas?  Well they are sitting on the sidelines because the conservatives don’t like change – unless they propose them. 

How does providing free birth control cause abortions?  Oh yeah – it doesn’t.  It does in fact prevent unwanted pregnancies, which in turn puts a stop to abortions.  This, however, is not really the goal of taking away Planned Parenthood.  It is a matter of trying to keep women in their place by keeping them pregnant and poor. 

In a great number of cases, men – or should I say sperm donors – do not stick around for the rearing of the the child.  They in fact are missing.  Instead of blaming single mothers for everything wrong in our society, perhaps we should be looking at the men in our society.  Why do we accept dead beat dads?  Why do we allow the fathers to walk away from their children?  Please don’t give me that bullshit about men are meant to spread their seed and it being a genetic imperative.  We are allegedly evolved, intelligent humans.  There are things that are supposed to set us apart from the animals like our intelligence. 

Here is a tip to the Pro-Lifers – you want women to stop having abortions.  This is your goal.  Then make it so there is NO stigma to giving a child up for adoption.  Then make it so a woman is not penalized in her work and her PAY because she has to take time to have these babies.  Make sure there is free, safe, and good birth control out there.  Educate EVERYONE about how to prevent pregnancy without expecting them to not have sex.  Really that doesn’t work.  Make the fathers step up and be responsible for their offspring.  Ultimately give the woman back the control of her own body.  In most cases women will choose what is best for them. 

What sparked this rant?  Well here is the link to the article that started it all.  I’m a liberal.  From the looks of former liberals it seems I’m in good company…


There is so much going on in politics I cannot believe it.  Oh a lot of the hoopla seems to have quieted but really there is a lot we need to be watching.

Supreme Court Recount is going on.  There has been extra drama from that arena with votes left unattended and unaccounted for, extra bags or mismarked bags.  It makes me wonder if there is some mischief going on to ensure the outcome.  You can go to the GAB’s site and see how the recount is coming.  There is a county by county breakdown with some interesting info on the home page or if you go into the recount page you can see the HUGE spreadsheet that is used to track the numbers for the recount.  http://gab.wi.gov/

Recalls – go out and look at all the signatures.  There has been some hinky things there.  Apparently on the democratic recalls, dead people signed.  Go check out the signatures and see if you catch anything odd.  There’s a section and you have to click on each individual group…  http://gab.wi.gov/

On a national level I just want to say – WHAT THE FUCK????  I’m outraged that Paul Ryan is my representative.  I’ve written to him numerous times on multiple topics and get these idiotic responses.  It is very repetitive and impersonal.  The bill they just passed is HORRENDOUS.  It isn’t up to the government to decide what a woman does with her body but they are once more trying to penalize and prevent women from having a choice. 

Every time I hear Paul Ryan’s name on the news, I think what the hell has the idiot done now.  It is embarrassing.  I’ll be doing everything in my power to get him voted out next.  His budget bill was a slap at everyone but the rich.  The Republican party used to stand for something but now I think they’ve all been bought.  They don’t stand for anything except greed – in my opinion…

Fix Wisconsin (and maybe the US too) part 1

So much strife and dissent has occurred in the last three months.  It is exhausting to try to keep up with all the things that are going on.  Frankly I’m tired of the spoiled little boys and girls who are making the decisions in our government.  It is all about one party or the other and not what it should really be about. 
What should it really be about you might ask?  Here is my take on that. 
Our elected officials are not sent to Madison (or Washington) to get rich or to push their agenda (or the agenda of one entity – party, company, industry, person).  They are sent there to represent the people in their district. 
I know many districts are diverse with a number of opinions and beliefs.  Here’s the thing – the only way to find out what your constituents want is to LISTEN to them.  It is to have an open door police to take their phone calls, emails, and in person appointments to determine what they actually want you to do. 
If they aren’t doing this then they are not in touch with what the people in their district want, think, feel, or believe.  Even if they won an election that doesn’t mean the constituents agree with the legislator’s beliefs.  Therefore you have to do the above to stay in touch with in order to vote according to how the constituents want. 
Here is what I see we need to do (this is my opinion not anyone else’s and not based on some political agenda – no funds were taken from any special interests other than my own to form these opinions…)
·         Every employee needs to look for money saving ideas and present them in a professional way to offer options to the chiefs.  The people in the trenches see where there is waste.  They see where the programs work and where they don’t work.  These are the people who should be able to say – oh we can save money here…
·         Every employee needs to look to conserve everything from the energy bill (turn off those lights that aren’t needed) to the supplies they are using.  The savings may be small but pennies add up.
·         Every employee needs to be willing and flexible to the changes that will come down the chain of command.  Try something – if it doesn’t work fine but don’t just dismiss it because it is a change from what you are used to. 
·         Every employee needs to be doing their job to the fullest and best of their ability.  Get the work done – then go find more work.  If you are done with your work offer to help someone who isn’t done yet. 
·         Every department in the state (and the federal level too) needs to look at the ideas presented by the employees and determine whether they can be implemented.  If they can GREAT!!!  If they can’t – tell us why.  If an employee knows the why of it they can look at the situation differently and come up with a better solution.
·         Every department needs to look at their budget and determine where the fat is.  There is almost always excess.  Yes it is a difficult thing to say – if we don’t do this it will adversely affect our customers.  However, how many people will it affect?  Is it a small enough number that it could be dropped without too much difficulty?  Are there alternatives out there for the services and can we direct the customers to these services. 
·         Every department needs to look at the top level of administrators and determine how many there are and if there are too many.  These are the people who are paid the most and if we have to reduce the number of employees this would be the best place to start.  Now I’m not saying get rid of key people – that is just stupid.  I’m saying look for the “too many chiefs” syndrome and trim there.
·         Every unit in the department needs to look at the workflow to see how they can make it more efficient.  This will allow their people to do more with less.  We are doing it anyways we might as well make it easier.
·         The unions need to encourage their members to do all of these things.  They need to look for better ways to negotiate in order to complete the contracts quicker and with less strife.
·         The unions need to survey their members to see what is important to them – do they want a higher wage?  Do they want better benefits?  What is most and least important to the members?
·         Once these things have been done then the leaders need to meet – not just with department heads but with the employees of the state, the unions, the public – to discuss how much has been saved.  If we have made the budget balance – woo hoo – everyone do a happy dance.  If not – start the process over again.

Various information

I know that some of you are probably tired of the political stuff.  I know I’m stressed and tired of it.  It is hard for me to understand why someone or a group of someones would so completely ignore what is right and what a huge number of people want for their own state… but that is neither here nor there…

I’ve said all along I don’t trust Walker’s numbers.  I don’t trust that he is telling the truth.  Here is a link to an article I found to be very interesting.

On the topic of fiscal responsibility – perhaps EVERYONE should look at this graph – now it is for the national level but it speaks to which party is the more fiscally responsible…
I work at a state university.  The tension at work is palpable.  The anger, frustration, and disappointment hang in the air like cobwebs in a deserted house.  Worry is etched on every one’s face and determination to stand up to this situation is in the stance of nearly all the employees.
I hope that the Republicans and Walker see sense and stop tearing down Wisconsin.  If not I hope they are prepared to lose their jobs.  There is a rally tomorrow in Madison.  If you can, please go – voice your opinion – whatever it is. 
I drove around the capitol square today.  People crowded the sidewalks and near the building.  I saw a lot of people – no thugs, no violence, no disorderly conduct.  I saw people gathering to voice their opinions.  It made me proud.  Now if only there was someone there to listen.

Money and Politics

It seems like lately all I’m doing is worrying about money and politics.  Politics are definitely driving the concern about the money situation.  Gas is nearly 3.50 a gallon.  This definitely affects my budget.  It is one of the biggest sections of my budget.  I know that as the gas leaps up in price the less likely I am to go anywhere.   Certainly with the unrest in the middle east this is not going to go away anytime soon.

The unrest at home isn’t helping either.  Work – because I work for the state – is difficult because everyone has really low morale.  It is like there is a blanket of despair covering the employees.  I know I’m not the only one worrying about money and where we are headed with this budget repair bill and the budget proposed by Walker. 

It very much concerns me that he wants to trash our educational system.  Now don’t get me wrong – I’ve said for years it needs revamping.  From a parents perspective I don’t see it fulfilling the needs of our children.  However just pulling out nearly a billion dollars isn’t going to make it better – it will in fact make it worse. 

Wisconsin I believe is second in the nation for its educational system.  Yes it needs work – but don’t most things.  Generally if you get teachers together – they are pretty smart and willing to look at ways to improve things.  Ask what can be done.  Ask what are some ways to cut costs without hurting the children. 

Unfortunately I don’t believe Walker knows how to do that.  I think he has his agenda and to hell with anyone who doesn’t agree with him.  Sadly that only works for dictatorships – last time I looked Wisconsin isn’t a dictatorship – wait – maybe it is now…

Building Wisconsin’s Economy?

Here are a few numbers for people to consider.  Since before Walker took office here are some things he has sent away for us.
·         800 Million in High Speed Rail funds
·         23 Million in Broadband funs – WI libraries fought for this and it was supposed to go to schools, libraries, police, fire and hospitals in rural areas for the last three
·         70 – 75 million in transit funds will be lost if the collective bargaining goes away because the Federal Dept of Labor requires this be in place to receive federal monies.
Approximately 900 million will be lost by this man in six weeks of being in office.  For those who cry out for recall – recall of public officials cannot begin until they have been in office for 1 year.  Impeachment is reliant on the legislators to impeach him.  Do you see that happening with a Republican legislature? 
How much can Wisconsin afford to lose?  These funds were going to go towards making a better Wisconsin and now we are out nearly a billion dollars. 
Governor Walker – How do you intend to replace these funds?  I can guarantee that state workers will stop existing if you take more from them.  Private sector employees should pay attention because what happens in the public sector will happen in the private sector.  You think you are paying a lot now for your benefits – wait till this goes through.  You will pay even more and you won’t have a chance of getting a union anywhere.
I’d like to believe that our representatives would listen to the outcry of the workers of this state but they are sheep all following party lines. 
I’ve read some of the comments about state workers on the Journal Sentinel and other sites.  Here are a few things I’m sure the general public won’t want to hear.  State workers tend your old, your poor, your battered, your roads, your schools, and your safety from crime and fires. 
Some of the workers are lazy.  They do only what they have to in order to keep their jobs.  These workers are few and far between.  Most workers for the state give of their time and energy for a paycheck that is smaller than what they could get in the private sector.  Yes their benefits are better than the private sector.  No state worker has said they aren’t willing to pay more for any of the benefits.  However, taking away collective bargaining rights is not going to balance the budget. 
What that does is allow Walker to make arbitrary changes.  He can then fire people for no reason other than he wants to save money.  He can add furlough days and state workers have no choice or protection.  He can make all sorts of changes.
Here is the thing – the state of Wisconsin is not a business.  It is a complex government body that needs careful consideration in how it should be run and where cuts can be made.  Walker does not care about children, women, workers, poor, middle class.  He cares for the rich and businesses. 

Super bowl… I can’t believe this title…

Anyone who knows me knows I don’t like football – with a passion I don’t like it.  I’d be happy if all of the stadiums were sucked into a void somewhere and we never had to deal with another game ever.  So this is not going to be a happy go packers post – if you are looking for that just quit reading…

I’m sick to death of the whole super bowl thing.  I do not want to hear one more word about the damn thing – I know this won’t happen but really does this have to be the focus for two weeks?  Why can’t they play the super bowl the day after the final play off game?   I know why – big bucks.  Okay and maybe logistics.

Our lovely governor is going to the super bowl.  Ken heard that it is going to cost $10,000 for him to go and that was on the taxpayers dime.  I looked on line to see what was up and found that he bought the tickets for him and his family – one article said he was charging it to his campaign.  I question that use of funds. 

In all the articles he made a point of saying that the tax payers only had to pay for the security detail he was required to take.  Well I say with the money crunch, he should be staying home and watching it at the governor’s mansion.  Or he should be reimbursing the state for the cost of that security detail. 

I do want to say that I’m proud to be a Wisconsinite.  I think our fans are well behaved and good natured (for the most part).  I think they show what good sportsmanship is and love the game.  We have good people in our state – yes we have some damn awful ones too but overall… good people. 

Aside from that I have only one thing to say about the super bowl – Is it done yet?


Today is errand day for me.  I’ve got an appointment and I’m running errands after that appointment.  Then when all the hassle of those errands are done I’m going to write.  I have this week off and I’m hoping to get a lot of writing done. 

Christmas was bearable.  Thankfully no extra drama.  It was wonderful to see my brother at a family function.  It was also nice to have a fairly quiet day with the family. I had some lovely conversations with two of my nieces and some others.  Those sparkling moments made the day but I am glad it is over.  The anxiety of the day has faded.

I look outside my window this morning and I have a white overcast day with white snow on the ground and except for the stark gray/brown of the trees, deep green of the evergreens, and the houses I think it would all be white out there.  The bare trees stand out against the white like sentinels demanding we pay homage.  Father Winter is definitely in his prime. 

We are past Mid Winter now though so the days grow ever so slightly longer each day.  We have just a minute or two more of daylight every day to encourage us to keep looking forward.  This is Wisconsin though so who knows how long winter will last….


The girls are back in Georgia with their 50+ degrees for temperature and much milder weather.  Wisconsin got hit last night with a snow storm which includes snow, rain, and crappy roads.  I look out my window and see cruddy weather.  Yet I’m not discouraged by it.  It is just weather and if we wait a bit, it will change. 
The gray, gloomy day makes me want to curl up in front of the fireplace with my laptop and complete quiet.  I’d love to be working on my story and ignoring the world.  This time of year though the world seems to think we should all gather and celebrate.  The weather seems to be saying hibernate but society demands we gather.
Today is the shortest day of the year.  It is meant to be a time of letting go.  Winter allows the world (at least in the northern regions) to rest from the growing season.  It also allows us to rest.  In our ever moving and constantly busy lives we rarely take time for ourselves.  This is the time of year to do it.  The weather certainly seems to be encouraging us to snuggle in for the duration.
Darkness, physical darkness, dominates this day.  When most people look at darkness they attach a negative label to it.  Darkness to them represents evil.   To me though, darkness represents time to reflect on what is within me.  It is a quiet peaceful time meant to hear that inner voice.  To let those deeper questions surface so they can be examined and maybe an answer found. 
For some people this is the time when they catch up on sleep, snuggle in to do nothing, go skiing or snowboarding.  For me it is a time of reflection on where I am now, where I want to be next year, what I’ve accomplished, what I want to accomplish. 
The older I get the more I appreciate these quiet times, the time to let go of the expectations of others so I can focus on my own expectations.  It may sound selfish but now instead of putting my family’s needs and desires first, I am looking at my own.  It is my turn to be first in my own life and work towards my dreams. 
It’s funny how dreams are.  I know that there are people out there who want to do big things. I don’t necessarily.  I want to tell good stories.  I want my daughters to be happy.  I want to lead a quiet fulfilled life.  Not big dreams but definitely worthwhile…
Happy Solstice…