New Car!

Crazy weekend – there’s no other way to describe it than I had a crazy weekend.  Ken and I celebrated our 34th anniversary on Saturday.  We went out to lunch / brunch and had a nice meal at the Milwaukee Grill.  They have great breakfasts.

It was nice to sit together and chat.  We spent an hour over our meal, talking in general and just being together.  We both feel like the time has flown by.

We left the restaurant and Ken said, do you want to drive through the Nissan lot next door.  Well we looked at the Kia, Nissan, and Subaru dealer next door.  We were planning to go to the movies but had about forty five minutes to kill.

This is how we shop for cars.  We drive in the lot, drive up and down the rows.  I say I like (since it was for me) and Ken gets out to look at the vehicles.  We talk price, miles, and so on.  We stopped to look at one car and a salesman came to us.  We chatted, he wanted us to come in.  We said we were just looking.

We wandered around looking at different cars.  A second salesman came to talk to us.  We told him the same thing.  We wandered some more and Ken was out looking at a vehicle and a third salesman came to us.  We drove around to the front of a building to look at a Sol.  Ken went into the showroom.  I was going to stay in the car but decided to hobble in.  My legs are generally pretty tired when we shop for cars.

I sat in the Sol, it was nice but I had the same issue as the van – I had to crawl up into it.  I was not in love with it but Ken liked it.  He told me to come sit in the Forte.  I thought it was too small but gave it a try.  The steering wheel telescopes and adjust up and down.  I was able to get into the car without any problems.  I closed the door and the stuff on the door didn’t hit my knee.  I was surprised by the room in the vehicle.  Ken and I don’t hit shoulders when we both sit in there.

We tried my scooter.  It isn’t ideal but I think manageable.  The guy asked if we wanted to do a test drive.  Now we were supposed to be going to a movie.  Ken told him it was our anniversary and had plans.  So we said we’d come back after the movie.  We got to the theater with about five minutes to get into the movie.  This is never enough time for me.  I just hate trying to find a seat in the dark and find a place out of the way for my scooter.

We sat in the parking lot talking about the vehicles we tried.  One of the vehicles we wanted to try was a Honda Fit.  We drove to the Honda dealership and was looking at them and test drove one.  It was okay.  Getting my scooter in would have been easier than the car we bought but the space inside was not as comfortable or as roomy.  We went back to the Kia dealership.

The salesman – Doug – looked at us funny.  He said we didn’t have time to go to the movie.  We’ll probably go next weekend.  We went out for a test drive.  After five hours (I think) we drove away with a 2015 Kia Forte that when we test drove only had 12 miles on it.

I don’t buy cars this way.  I research.  I check with my insurance.  I get preapproval from my bank.  I do all this prep work.  This time I didn’t do any of that.  We drove home Saturday with a new car.  There’s extra space in the garage so once it is cleaned, Ken and I should both be able to park in the garage.

I worked on budget and the new car (and this is a shock) will actually save us money.  I called for insurance and our insurance is going down.  I’m just blown away.

Ken and I figured out a way to prevent my scooter from dinging up the tail end.  He took a dowel and attached a heavyweight fabric to it.  I put the fabric over the bumper and slide the scooter out.  No dings to the car.

Here’s the best part though.  I drove it to work this morning and it wasn’t painful to get in and out of.  It was awkward to get my scooter out but given time I’ll be able to do that more easily.  It was raining this morning so it was a little rough to get everything the way I needed it.  My routine is obviously going to be a little different but the less pain, the better.

My phone can go through my car, so when I’m driving I can make calls with a touch of a button on the steering wheel.  I’ve been playing with this a lot (sorry girls) and really like it.  Next is to get my MP3 player out where I have a ton of audio books and try it out.

Ultimately, I was feeling like I wouldn’t find a car that fit me and I would be comfortable in.  I even told my middle daughter I’d probably end up with another mini-van even though that wasn’t what I wanted.  Now I have a new car.  It is going to save me money every month on payments and gas.  I fit in it and can drive it comfortably.  I’m happy with the purchase.  Thank you Doug at Kia.

Anniversary and Other Things This Weekend

Friday was Ken and my thirty third anniversary.  We don’t have a great track record when it comes to anniversaries.  Generally a lot of them have been bad – from our first where we fought to our eleventh where I broke my ankle and spent a lot of time in the hospital. 
Fortunately this one was much better than normal.  Ken had the day off and worked around the house.  I worked for part of the day.  The day started with a nice conversation.  I know that sounds little but it was pleasant to have that connection in the morning and the time to just say good morning and get ready for the day. 
We hung out together in the afternoon and then went out to supper.  We were going to try a new place.  This always makes me anxious because I don’t know how easy it will be for me to get into the place and so on.  However, I was determined not to let that stop up.  We thought we knew how to get there but when we went out the way I thought we should, we couldn’t find the place.  We turned around and came back to go to Olive Garden instead where we had a pleasant meal.
Yesterday we did all the errands – grocery store, pharmacy, post office, Hobby Lobby.  I have nine rows of Vicki’s afghan left and ran out of her yarn so I had to get more yarn.  I’m hoping to finish her afghan today or this week.  It depends.  Nine rows doesn’t sound like a lot but this is a round afghan so the rows get bigger each time.  I worked on it yesterday and only managed to get four rows done. 
Today is father’s day.  The girls took care of Ken’s gifts.  I find myself missing my father and wishing I could call him.  I know he is with me every day but there are times that I want him physically here not just spiritually. 
In our shopping yesterday we bought things that we need to process today.  We have to make fruit salad, turkey burgers, cut up onions, and repackage some chicken.  I’m hoping that won’t eat up too much of the day so I can work on Vicki’s afghan.  I’d like to be done with it. 
It has been a busy weekend which was not unexpected.  I was hoping to get some writing projects in but it doesn’t look like I will.  I’m still working on one more edit for my fantasy novel and the second of my poetry books.  

Halfway through the Year

It just dawned on me that we are halfway through the year.  My first six months of 2014 have been incredibly busy with writing, family, and work. 

In January, I was disappointed I didn’t get the grant I’d tried for.  I was very disappointed to the point where I thought I’d never have the time or ability to publish my work.  The year started rough for me in other ways too.  Vicki injured her shoulder so I spent a lot of time helping her. 

Between these two things, I thought I would delay more of my writing activities.  I thought it would be the end of the year before I would have any progress at all towards publishing. 

Here we are though halfway through the year and I’ve managed to help Vicki get better and publish three books.  It astounds me that I’ve accomplished so much. 

At the same time, I’m not just sitting back and waiting for the money to roll in – because it won’t.  I’ve been very busy working on marketing material, contacting independent book stores, and doing research on marketing.  I’ve also been editing one book with a second one in the lineup.  I also have two more poetry books I’d like to get out there.  Plus I have two short story books I’d like to compile. 

My daughter also reminded me to go out and google my name to see who was using my material.  I did and contacted several people to have them remove copyrighted material from their web site.  I had a discussion with one gentleman about whether his taking my picture and material and linking to the original site of the material was an infringement of copyright.  Needless to say we did not agree. 

On the plus side I found a very nice site that talked about my article on Dutch Ovens ( in a very complimentary way.  I was surprised and pleased by his glowing review. 

I graduated college in December, turned 50 in February, and will be celebrating 33 years with my husband this month.  I have to keep reminding myself that I’m progressing in the right direction and some things just progress at a slower rate than I would like. 

Overall, I’d say the first half of my year has been pretty good.  It has had some rough patches but the high points out shine the low ones.  Wonder what kind of mischief I can get up to in the second half of the year?

Secret Past:
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Moon Affirmations:
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Moments in Nature:
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Thirty two years ago today I was a young and naive seventeen year old preparing for a journey I really had no clue what it would be like.  Unlike most girls, I didn’t dream of a certain wedding or even getting married.  Then Ken came into my life. 

Our first year of marriage was difficult as we both had to grow up, learn to be partners and parents, and cope with the pressures put on young married couples.  It was a rough year but we survived.  We lost my grandmother and other loved ones.  We worked through unemployment, money issues, and almost all issues that couples handle throughout their marriage. 

The myth for marriage is that your wedding will be a perfect day that is the beginning of a perfect life together.  That is bullshit.  It is the beginning – but it isn’t a magic ring that once you put the wedding ring on your finger life becomes perfect.  It is that you have chosen a partner to walk through this imperfect life.  With all of life’s good and bad times, this is the person you are choosing to trust with your most intimate secrets, your heart, and your true self. 

As is normal, the person you are closest to is the person who can be the best for you and the worst.  I know I drive Ken nuts with my foibles just as some of his drive me nuts.  There are few that can make me angrier or happier than him.  I’m sure if you asked he would say the same. 

Marriage is a joining of lives.  Ken and I joined our lives on this day 32 years ago.  It has been a journey of discovery both self and as a couple.  We have learned to be parents, adults, children, and every other aspect of partners along this journey.  For this journey, I can think of no one else I would have wanted to spend this time with.  Ken is my husband, my love, and my soulmate. 


Our family cannot hang on to gifts till the day of the celebration for anything.  There is just no way for them to have patience enough to be able to wait to give a gift.  So Friday when Ken came in and was all secretive and stealthy, I knew something was up. 
Then he comes to the living room and asks Vicki “Should I give it to her now?”  Of course that is a ridiculous question because he was already planning to give it to me.  Our anniversary isn’t until June but he can’t wait that long to give it to me.
He produces a little pink box.  My first reaction was – Pink – really – you had to wrap it in my least favorite color?  Pink wrapping paper and pink bow… I gave him grief over that.  He didn’t wrap it, the store did.  It was beautifully wrapped..
I open it up and it is a jeweler’s box from my favorite jewelry store.  Now I can’t wear a lot of jewelry so I’m excited and a bit apprehensive too.  If it is a necklace I’ll be able to admire it and not wear it.  I open the white box and there is of course another box inside of it.  I open the inner box and there is the most beautiful pearl ring.  It is stunning and amazing.  I love it!!!!
I didn’t know that pearl was the item you were supposed to give for the 30th anniversary.  Ken did know this.  How I haven’t a clue but he got me the PERFECT gift.  I asked Vicki if she told him and she said no.  He gets lots of bonus points for getting the perfect gift.  He is one amazing guy…